Disagree! This is the perfect forum for past, present, and future employees to get a first hand view of the REAL Astellas and its number of sexual predators.
Start naming names then!
Disagree! This is the perfect forum for past, present, and future employees to get a first hand view of the REAL Astellas and its number of sexual predators.
Start naming names then!
Lolz Lolz. everyone is so uptight!nothing to worry about.
Unless you’ve sexually harassed your colleague. Or bullied. Or said unsavory things about. Or “joked” about. Or sent questionable emails or texts or pictures. Or you’ve acted in some kinda way like someone who’s not employed at a reputable company as a health care professional. As long as there are no witnesses. Or any others who can substantiate the claim. Or otherwise attest to the alleged behavior or your reputation.
Don’t worry be happy, u good
Overly generalized response, not necessarily all true. Absolutes make it invalid. Workng in a harrassment free environment is required by law. IT IS THE LAW. This poster is doing nothing but damage control. Never be discouraged if you have a valid claim.
I think that was the point. If you haven’t been an a-hole then you don’t need to be worry
anyone read the HR Novel? Anyone think it is going to change anything?
So....does this mean the end to meeting hook ups???
You are a creep. And you are having a laugh about an HR nightmare. Get over your perverted self, will ya?
Call me a pervert, but I always enjoyed a vacation away from my husband a couple times a year!
This happens more often than not. Nice attractive women who are neglected at home come to meetings and can easily satisfy their needs in a discreet manner. I can promise you as many women are looking for hook-ups as are men.
Hookups and illicit pairings have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of this thread. Take your proud protestations of lack of marital commitment elsewhere. This is about harrassment in the workplace. Not consensual cheating.
Hookups and illicit pairings have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of this thread. Take your proud protestations of lack of marital commitment elsewhere. This is about harrassment in the workplace. Not consensual cheating.
In other words, your saying workplace harassment applies to men being guilty and not women. Well, I have a surprise for you, it works both ways. Get in the real world!
Wow. Methinks thou doust protest too much! Does that post say man or male anywhere in it? Harrassment is universal, for sure. But how many women are in leadership positions here????? Not many, my defensive male friend.
I don't see any man or male posting to #metoo on Cafepharma, Facebook, Twiter, or any other social media. So, that tells me the target is men or males!
Hmmm, who has had the advantage in upper mgmt in any company, including yours, since Adam & Eve? Males. Who can harrass people? Management aka bosses. Males are in management far more than females. So yes, more males are targeted. Own it.
For those who harrass, you better change your evil ways, if it isn't already too late.