Message to Lynelle Hoch


So the question was, “why are people leaving”. People always leave but the real question is why are so many people leaving? Some reasons were given that were pretty weak like our cars and metrics but those are just symptoms of the real issues.
I personally don’t think it is cars, metrics and pay although the once mighty BMS is now on the bottom as far as these go. I think reps are leaving because they think they are not appreciated. I personally talked to a former RBD that told me reps were not dedicated to their jobs, a comment I took great offense to. I took offense to it because I know what I do, the sacrifices I make and have been around long enough to know many others that don’t think twice about taking the extra step to get a sale or arranging their vacation around a hard to get appointment. That RBM had no idea and at the time no oncology experience and at that point my sacrifices changed. I started to work to the standards that RBD believes.
To further substantiate that point over the years our pay has gone from near the top to near the bottom. Our benefits have been made “more competitive” which when you have come from the top means we are cutting your benefits to what other companies are offering.
I picked up a new computer at a meeting less than a year ago. During the first weeks with it a NP in an office gasped and asked how old the computer was. I didn’t bother to tell her a couple days but it made me pay attention and discovered the computers are not anywhere close to new. Another cut? Another show of cheap? Another show of we don’t care about you?
When Tony Hopper was around he would nearly flaunt the success of BMS and compare it to fortune 100 companies and take full credit for it and rarely recognized the efforts of the sales people that sold the products. Further evidence of no appreciation was the rather large pay increases upper management gave themselves during a time when the sales team was getting nothing (except cuts) or very little (1-2%). Didn’t Lamberto recently get a 27 million dollar pay increase on top of the more than doubling of his income when he took the job a couple years ago? How do you think that made reps feel?
The metrics just simply frustrate any intelligent and informed person. Questions about the number of CRC, CML, H&N or melanoma patients a physician treats are ridiculous. How in the world would we know that information? For that matter how in the world or why in the world would a doctor know the answer to those questions? So we give bogus answers and watch management run a multibillion dollar company based on those answers. Reps watch management spend crazy amounts of time, money and energy tracking calls and making call plans but can’t seem to do anything to track our efforts (Sales) accurately. Then tell us that we can’t ask for invoices to prove sales because they are proprietary, but no less proprietary than what insurance companies a practice works with or how many patients a doctor sees. This is another example of what tells us that management doesn’t care about us.
Another question was asked once or maybe it was a statement, “Oncology reps have a sense of entitlement”. Lynelle, you made this statement! Not really a statement the screams we care. Let me ask you a question, what is it that you think we think we are entitled to that isn’t reasonable? Honesty from management? Experienced Oncology managers? More product clinical trials? Competitive pay? Respecting our experience? To be listened to? I’m curious what your point was.
I am trying to be helpful and honest as I answer this question and only hiding behind CP because of an atmosphere at BMS that doesn’t encourage it. I work for a manager who can’t or refuses to talk about anything that doesn’t start with a statement relating to how “great” everything is. The mere suggestion of something else sends my manager into a defensive posture that is frustrating to me and screams “I don’t care what you think”. It also tells me that my manager is afraid of something or somebody and it tells me that they don’t care about me, my opinions or my feelings.
If you really want to know “why” I would suggest a conference call with some reps that have been around a while and who are known to be willing to speak up. I can think of several off the top of my head that are not SLS. Let’s face it we are inducted into SLS in part because we tow the line and don’t make waves.
Now, the CP tramps might read this and start spewing venom, I hope not. I really do want to help and bring the BMS I used to bleed for back from the depths.


attempting to continue the attempt at possitive feedback, I agree with everything said. The gathering of reps that are willing to speak out would be a good idea. Certainly not a group recomenneded by district level managers. They would cherry pick and the problems would continue.

Bleed on this? Finally something shows up on CP that appears to be an attempt to communicate without the sarcasm and vitriol and you screw it up.

And that new closed loop marketing focus with integration of IVA's and Call Reporting will certainly lead to more turnover. We are being "roboticized" for the benefit of obtaining marketing information. Updating my resume right now! Metric-mania is here!

And that new closed loop marketing focus with integration of IVA's and Call Reporting will certainly lead to more turnover. We are being "roboticized" for the benefit of obtaining marketing information. Updating my resume right now! Metric-mania is here!

Welcome to the cluster fuck, we did closed loop marketing in primary care. Closed loop marketing is totally useless in this type of sales. The model is faulty in pharma sales.

I truly respect my DBM and right now that is the only reason I haven't left. This leadership team started on the wrong foot with Lynelle leaving the POA during her first week on the job to attend JoPa's memorial. Since then she has done nothing to show she is qualified to lead this team or how she plans to return BMS Oncology to the top of the industry. All we see is leadership through fear and lots of rumors of reorg and home office bashing of the sales team. Show us something to change our minds already.

I would like to add a few points to original post, which I support wholeheartedly.

Lynelle, we consistently hear privately how you badmouth the Oncology sales force at headquarters and yet you want to know why people want to leave. It's disgraceful.

But it's not just you. The Sales Force overall at BMS has lost the respect it deserves. There was a time when RBD were RBH's at the E4 level. In general, they were strong sales performers who rose through the sales ranks. That was the first hit, RBH's were reduced to RBD's at the D8 level. Then the next hit. Key RBD and DBM positions got filled by marketing folks with no sales experience in order to get management experience. And it happened over and over. And in effect that took those positions away from sales for their own promotions and experience. We've seen people go from marketing positions in global to choice RBD roles. It's a slap in the face. Then on top of all of that there are the metrics keeping track of other metrics and new systems that are grossly outdated the moment they launch. For those folks who are new within the last 5 or 6 years, it was not always like this.

It's become a sad place to work where there is virtually no opportunity for career growth and where there is a total lack of respect.

You hit the nail on the head!!! This is exactly it and it goes on in all divisions. I don't know anyone who is happy working at BMS. So many home office personnel are incompetent and are not qualified for the position they occupy. If they were, we would be given clear direction with achieveable goals. BMS operates in crisis mode and is always reactive when their strategies fail.

BMS lacks leaders . . . although those in management refer to themselves as "leadership", they are not. So here we are in the Field, expecting senior/executive management to lead us and yet we are headed on the same path that always leads to no where, because they don't know where they are going.

BMS is all about corporate greed, they don't value their employees because they know that when one person leaves there are at least 20 people waiting to get in.

You hit the nail on the head!!! This is exactly it and it goes on in all divisions. I don't know anyone who is happy working at BMS. So many home office personnel are incompetent and are not qualified for the position they occupy. If they were, we would be given clear direction with achieveable goals. BMS operates in crisis mode and is always reactive when their strategies fail.

BMS lacks leaders . . . although those in management refer to themselves as "leadership", they are not. So here we are in the Field, expecting senior/executive management to lead us and yet we are headed on the same path that always leads to no where, because they don't know where they are going.

BMS is all about corporate greed, they don't value their employees because they know that when one person leaves there are at least 20 people waiting to get in.

Precisely. The open truth is that BMS had very few, if any, true leaders. The executives at BMS are MANAGERS not leaders. There is a huge difference.

20 people waiting? No, I think Lynelle said she had 200 resumes. Why would she tell us that unless she was try to create fear and intimidation.

I understand metrics but we have gone overboard. Give us a fair goal, track it properly, give us the tools and some guidance then get out of the way. If our numbers fall then a conversation would be appropriate.

I'm not sure Lynelle has been around long enough to screw anything up, that was done quite well by her predecessor. It looks like she is trying to clean a mess up that can't be cleaned up in 10 months. Many people in Plainsboro haven't had enough time in their job to become competent which is part of the problem. One of my customers have mentioned this to me many times as he has vented his frustration about always working with somebody new in marketing.

Lynelle, you have stated as a goal to bring BMS back to the top but have not said how. I was with BMSO when pre-OIG when the rules were different. Making important relationships was easier and the best reps were the one that read the most, had the doctors respect and could share and discuss many uses for our therapies. However, the rules are different right now so how are you going to do it. To do it we have to be different to be better. What are we going to do that is that much better than other companies that will bring us to the top? Everybody has patient support, everybody has MIRFs, everybody has MLSs, everybody name it. BMS has been behind the curve on most of these things. What's your plan? Your two predecessors were experts at saying thig multiple times and not delivering, please don't make it a hat trick.

And that new closed loop marketing focus with integration of IVA's and Call Reporting will certainly lead to more turnover. We are being "roboticized" for the benefit of obtaining marketing information. Updating my resume right now! Metric-mania is here!

Totally with you. Management claims that you have nothing to fear if you're doing your job properly, but they get to dictate how you do it without regard to particular circumstances. It's all about achieving their stupid metrics not about achieving sales goals.

Totally with you. Management claims that you have nothing to fear if you're doing your job properly, but they get to dictate how you do it without regard to particular circumstances. It's all about achieving their stupid metrics not about achieving sales goals.

I think the most frustrating thing is that they are unwilling to pay what it takes to get more accurate data. At the same time they want to give a performance connection based on what they know is very inaccurate numbers.

My manager's head starts spinning even when asked "why". I don't know if it is because she doesn't know, incapable of answering, hasn't asked herself or just doesn't care. If we ask why she thinks we are being negative. I just want to understand the business and be part of it not just a robot

Im not optimistic that this oncology division will ever be the effective oncology division it once was. There is far too much of an attitude on the part of management that they know what is best. I just don't see this management humbling themselves to begin to learn from experienced field employees. It is sad.

Somebody give that person some award points. Right on the money. We could go on and on with many examples showing lack of appreciation by some in the home office but that would be pointless. You hit some high points and if she is listening there is enough to react to.

So the question was, “why are people leaving”. People always leave but the real question is why are so many people leaving? Some reasons were given that were pretty weak like our cars and metrics but those are just symptoms of the real issues.
I personally don’t think it is cars, metrics and pay although the once mighty BMS is now on the bottom as far as these go. I think reps are leaving because they think they are not appreciated. I personally talked to a former RBD that told me reps were not dedicated to their jobs, a comment I took great offense to. I took offense to it because I know what I do, the sacrifices I make and have been around long enough to know many others that don’t think twice about taking the extra step to get a sale or arranging their vacation around a hard to get appointment. That RBM had no idea and at the time no oncology experience and at that point my sacrifices changed. I started to work to the standards that RBD believes.
To further substantiate that point over the years our pay has gone from near the top to near the bottom. Our benefits have been made “more competitive” which when you have come from the top means we are cutting your benefits to what other companies are offering.
I picked up a new computer at a meeting less than a year ago. During the first weeks with it a NP in an office gasped and asked how old the computer was. I didn’t bother to tell her a couple days but it made me pay attention and discovered the computers are not anywhere close to new. Another cut? Another show of cheap? Another show of we don’t care about you?
When Tony Hopper was around he would nearly flaunt the success of BMS and compare it to fortune 100 companies and take full credit for it and rarely recognized the efforts of the sales people that sold the products. Further evidence of no appreciation was the rather large pay increases upper management gave themselves during a time when the sales team was getting nothing (except cuts) or very little (1-2%). Didn’t Lamberto recently get a 27 million dollar pay increase on top of the more than doubling of his income when he took the job a couple years ago? How do you think that made reps feel?
The metrics just simply frustrate any intelligent and informed person. Questions about the number of CRC, CML, H&N or melanoma patients a physician treats are ridiculous. How in the world would we know that information? For that matter how in the world or why in the world would a doctor know the answer to those questions? So we give bogus answers and watch management run a multibillion dollar company based on those answers. Reps watch management spend crazy amounts of time, money and energy tracking calls and making call plans but can’t seem to do anything to track our efforts (Sales) accurately. Then tell us that we can’t ask for invoices to prove sales because they are proprietary, but no less proprietary than what insurance companies a practice works with or how many patients a doctor sees. This is another example of what tells us that management doesn’t care about us.
Another question was asked once or maybe it was a statement, “Oncology reps have a sense of entitlement”. Lynelle, you made this statement! Not really a statement the screams we care. Let me ask you a question, what is it that you think we think we are entitled to that isn’t reasonable? Honesty from management? Experienced Oncology managers? More product clinical trials? Competitive pay? Respecting our experience? To be listened to? I’m curious what your point was.
I am trying to be helpful and honest as I answer this question and only hiding behind CP because of an atmosphere at BMS that doesn’t encourage it. I work for a manager who can’t or refuses to talk about anything that doesn’t start with a statement relating to how “great” everything is. The mere suggestion of something else sends my manager into a defensive posture that is frustrating to me and screams “I don’t care what you think”. It also tells me that my manager is afraid of something or somebody and it tells me that they don’t care about me, my opinions or my feelings.
If you really want to know “why” I would suggest a conference call with some reps that have been around a while and who are known to be willing to speak up. I can think of several off the top of my head that are not SLS. Let’s face it we are inducted into SLS in part because we tow the line and don’t make waves.
Now, the CP tramps might read this and start spewing venom, I hope not. I really do want to help and bring the BMS I used to bleed for back from the depths.

Extremely well put. I have to admit that as much as our industry has changed our customers and what they expect from us has not changed that much. They want a rep who bring intelligent discussion to the table, a rep who lie them puts patients first and some one who understands that selling in pharma is a process. Our fearless leader thinks that we are a glorified TV commercial that with identical repitition of a verbatim, sales will follow. It may have perhaps worked on Abilify, in Canada or Central PA. May I say, Dorothy or Lynelle this ain't Kansas of Scotland!!

Try coming out and spending a day in the field instead of planning those Happy Valley trips!!,

Former Onc rep here. Left recently with a huge pay bump but most importantly could not stand the smug, know it all LH. I worked for guys like Denis Buckley and Derek David who wre old school enough it give credit to those who brought in the sales, the sales people and never took credit for themselves. I heard recently the she took to the stage and talked about how she ie responsible for the I Pad and the new Interact system. I was on the field team tha worked on this from over a year ago....she had nothing to do with it!! The leadership from back then had the you know what to commit to hearing from reps and managers to get this....not her!!

Sorry, don't have a dog in this fight any more but just want to keep things a bit honest. Watch out Sprycel, ponatanib is is going to move fast!!

I have resisted bitching about much of what we as sales people have to do to see our customers. I have friends in other sales jobs unrelated to anything medical or Pharma and they complain about many of the same things. Let's face it, no customer wants to see or needs to see the rep as often as the rep wants to see the customer....that's just the way it is.

That said, I am starting to feel like a robot. Not necessarily because of what we do or say. The OIG has reduced us to messaging and not selling. I feel like a robot because I have no idea why? If you ask why at BMS it's confrontational. It doesn't have to be but that is the way some managers want to take it. A bit insecure don't you think? The poor bastards that are the analytically types are doomed to frustration here

I have resisted bitching about much of what we as sales people have to do to see our customers. I have friends in other sales jobs unrelated to anything medical or Pharma and they complain about many of the same things. Let's face it, no customer wants to see or needs to see the rep as often as the rep wants to see the customer....that's just the way it is.

That said, I am starting to feel like a robot. Not necessarily because of what we do or say. The OIG has reduced us to messaging and not selling. I feel like a robot because I have no idea why? If you ask why at BMS it's confrontational. It doesn't have to be but that is the way some managers want to take it. A bit insecure don't you think? The poor bastards that are the analytically types are doomed to frustration here

The companies did it to themselves, not the OIG. Give me a break.