With guys like this around, its no wonder why merck has ended up like it has. weird dude, just flat out weird-and unscrupulous
"Trying to max out one's pension is not greed unless you are doing it at the expense of others."
You mean like our 5 executives who earned $36 million between them while laying off thousands of merck employees? Does that qualify as being ok. You deserve a good slap down punk
"Trying to max out one's pension is not greed unless you are doing it at the expense of others."
You mean like our 5 executives who earned $36 million between them while laying off thousands of merck employees? Does that qualify as being ok. You deserve a good slap down punk
nothing to contemplate.
I only bothers someone if you buy into the whole religion crap. Oh, my-I don't. So, I didn't tithe my 10% to the child molesters or to the king with no clothes.
Wake up. There is only today.
i wouldnt worry about it. nobody claiming to be close to a millionaire is going to be here when this punk is posting. he doesnt work-he is just a make believe guy who has no scrupples, he's gutless, and only cares about number one. "greed is good"
When you come from that background, you will never convince his weak, very young and arrogant mind otherwise. He's a waste of time. let him live in his make believe world. he will get his surprise when he is a little older. In the meantime, we need to root guys like this out-encourage them to go make their "millions" somewhere else. Yeah, name one pharma rep who is actually a millionaire. Oh wait, there are none. The end
i wouldnt worry about it. nobody claiming to be close to a millionaire is going to be here when this punk is posting. he doesnt work-he is just a make believe guy who has no scrupples, he's gutless, and only cares about number one. "greed is good"
When you come from that background, you will never convince his weak, very young and arrogant mind otherwise. He's a waste of time. let him live in his make believe world. he will get his surprise when he is a little older. In the meantime, we need to root guys like this out-encourage them to go make their "millions" somewhere else. Yeah, name one pharma rep who is actually a millionaire. Oh wait, there are none. The end
Wrong-o! But, you believe what you want if it makes you feel better.
I'm raking in the bucks from my investments. Wall Street has had a banner year. Throw in my $100K salary here-I'm on easy street. I'll coast along here watching you guys bust your humps to 'think' you'll get ahead.
Scruples! Look what it got the teachers in Wisconsin. Average salary of $48K and the public wants to cut it along with their benefits. Scruples-where is the American public's scruples. Wait, I know. Look at Wall Street. Another banner year for them. Bonus avg=$150K but, wait-will American tax them? Hell, no-.
Hey-good luck with your scruples. It is fun watching Christie, Boehner and Walker jerk you around.
With guys like this around, its no wonder why merck has ended up like it has. weird dude, just flat out weird-and unscrupulous
Nope. Sorry. Free market=competition. If you are 'better' as you say you are-prove it. Out sell your competitor. Out perform your peers. In the end, you will have the job you want. So, you have to work longer hours-so does the CEO. They deserve the bonuses they get and high salary because they make the tough choices. Including those that result in letting go of the whiners.
How far? Just like the teachers. They took lower pay for better benefits. Now we can't afford it. Tough. Fire them if they don't like it. Same thing here.
To save costs for the company we need to trim costs. The single biggest cost to any company is the employee.
Trim the overpaid worker-that is free market capitalism.
I have news for you. Outperforming your competitors and peers gets you a higher salary. Those unlucky bastards with those high salaries are in the crosshairs for departure. I've seen it happen more in the last two years than in the previous 20 here at Merck. Only those close to retirement are safe.
I'm disgusted with my new Merck. It has fallen from the premier pharma organization to a cesspool of dishonesty and deceit. Management's ethics are virtually gone.
This is not about the free market. There are outstanding reps that devoted 10 to 15 to 20 highly successful years here, only to be pushed out the door to trim the payroll. It's beneath the old Merck, but part and parcel to the new Merck.
To all who can, leave this sinking ship before you've invested too much time to leave, like I have.
I am a recent Merck retiree. The pension is decent, along with the 401K, all rolled over to a IRA. All the years of putting as much as possible into the 401K and matched by Merck have helped. My income stream from dividends and interests is enough to live off comfortably but not luxuriously. But I never go around and tell people how I am "raking" in the money. No debts. No mortgage. No car payment. It makes no sense except to make others who are struggling feel even worse. It makes current Merck employees who, for personal reasons (kids in college, unexpected huge medical bills, etc.) feel trapped in this toxic environment. Actually 99% of my wealthy friends (retired docs and Merck reps) do not go around and tell people how they are raking it in either.
Merck is suffering from very poor leadership at the field level management and regional level management.