Merck will reap what it sows...Ever heard of Karmic retrobution?

"Trying to max out one's pension is not greed unless you are doing it at the expense of others."
You mean like our 5 executives who earned $36 million between them while laying off thousands of merck employees? Does that qualify as being ok. You deserve a good slap down punk

Ain't gonna happen. Look around. Christie and Walker represent what the American public wants. Even Boehner is in on it today: Like he cares about the average person.

Coporate profits and stock market are soaring. Yet, no one is really screaming at them to share the wealth. Hell, even when there was the chance-by denying the tax cuts for the richest 5% of Americans-the Republicans went with the hostage mentality. No tax cuts for anyone without tax cuts for the rich.

Remember, give the money to the rich they will take care of you-trickle down economics.

But, hey-keep talking tough.

Boehner, Walker, Christie and the rest of the Republicans have the answer.

"Trying to max out one's pension is not greed unless you are doing it at the expense of others."
You mean like our 5 executives who earned $36 million between them while laying off thousands of merck employees? Does that qualify as being ok. You deserve a good slap down punk

I am not that high in the pecking order. I am a lowly tenured rep with the desire to add a few more dollars to my final pension. I hope you don't equate me with the top management. I am speaking about myself. Your anger towards the executives who are destroying Merck and laying people off should not be directed at me, an employee with a few more years to go.

my comments are not directed at you, but at the greed executives while others are getting their jobs eliminated. If you listen to old squeeky balls here, "greed is good." you know fruitcake, now I see why you like guys like the ceo and board members who do make their millions while contributing nothing to the bottom line. you're one of them. just keep repeating things over and over agian-the more you repeat yourself, the easier it is for you to believe it! what a dope

nothing to contemplate.

I only bothers someone if you buy into the whole religion crap. Oh, my-I don't. So, I didn't tithe my 10% to the child molesters or to the king with no clothes.

Wake up. There is only today.

Your pea-sized brain thinks it knows everything. This isn't about religion, per se. It's about being human and having a soul...which you are lacking.

i wouldnt worry about it. nobody claiming to be close to a millionaire is going to be here when this punk is posting. he doesnt work-he is just a make believe guy who has no scrupples, he's gutless, and only cares about number one. "greed is good"

When you come from that background, you will never convince his weak, very young and arrogant mind otherwise. He's a waste of time. let him live in his make believe world. he will get his surprise when he is a little older. In the meantime, we need to root guys like this out-encourage them to go make their "millions" somewhere else. Yeah, name one pharma rep who is actually a millionaire. Oh wait, there are none. The end

i wouldnt worry about it. nobody claiming to be close to a millionaire is going to be here when this punk is posting. he doesnt work-he is just a make believe guy who has no scrupples, he's gutless, and only cares about number one. "greed is good"

When you come from that background, you will never convince his weak, very young and arrogant mind otherwise. He's a waste of time. let him live in his make believe world. he will get his surprise when he is a little older. In the meantime, we need to root guys like this out-encourage them to go make their "millions" somewhere else. Yeah, name one pharma rep who is actually a millionaire. Oh wait, there are none. The end

Well the point behind the aggressive posting is probably to wind you all up - and it did. Fun was had by all and everyone wasted some time and got nowhere. Entertainment value only. I have enjoyed this string.

i wouldnt worry about it. nobody claiming to be close to a millionaire is going to be here when this punk is posting. he doesnt work-he is just a make believe guy who has no scrupples, he's gutless, and only cares about number one. "greed is good"

When you come from that background, you will never convince his weak, very young and arrogant mind otherwise. He's a waste of time. let him live in his make believe world. he will get his surprise when he is a little older. In the meantime, we need to root guys like this out-encourage them to go make their "millions" somewhere else. Yeah, name one pharma rep who is actually a millionaire. Oh wait, there are none. The end

Wrong-o! But, you believe what you want if it makes you feel better.
I'm raking in the bucks from my investments. Wall Street has had a banner year. Throw in my $100K salary here-I'm on easy street. I'll coast along here watching you guys bust your humps to 'think' you'll get ahead.

Scruples! Look what it got the teachers in Wisconsin. Average salary of $48K and the public wants to cut it along with their benefits. Scruples-where is the American public's scruples. Wait, I know. Look at Wall Street. Another banner year for them. Bonus avg=$150K but, wait-will American tax them? Hell, no-.

Hey-good luck with your scruples. It is fun watching Christie, Boehner and Walker jerk you around.

Wrong-o! But, you believe what you want if it makes you feel better.
I'm raking in the bucks from my investments. Wall Street has had a banner year. Throw in my $100K salary here-I'm on easy street. I'll coast along here watching you guys bust your humps to 'think' you'll get ahead.

Scruples! Look what it got the teachers in Wisconsin. Average salary of $48K and the public wants to cut it along with their benefits. Scruples-where is the American public's scruples. Wait, I know. Look at Wall Street. Another banner year for them. Bonus avg=$150K but, wait-will American tax them? Hell, no-.

Hey-good luck with your scruples. It is fun watching Christie, Boehner and Walker jerk you around.

I am a recent Merck retiree. The pension is decent, along with the 401K, all rolled over to a IRA. All the years of putting as much as possible into the 401K and matched by Merck have helped. My income stream from dividends and interests is enough to live off comfortably but not luxuriously. But I never go around and tell people how I am "raking" in the money. No debts. No mortgage. No car payment. It makes no sense except to make others who are struggling feel even worse. It makes current Merck employees who, for personal reasons (kids in college, unexpected huge medical bills, etc.) feel trapped in this toxic environment. Actually 99% of my wealthy friends (retired docs and Merck reps) do not go around and tell people how they are raking it in either.

With guys like this around, its no wonder why merck has ended up like it has. weird dude, just flat out weird-and unscrupulous

Scruples? Don't take it so personally. It is just business. If you owned the company or had to make the decisions-you would do the same. Imagine. There you are-the 'big kauna.' Yet, you answer to either a) shareholders or b) yourself. You see the money coming in is not enough to offset your costs. What do you do? You cut your costs while trying to raise the income. That means 'making people' work harder and with less. Sometimes that less is 'less people.' Tough choice but it is just that-a choice to keep the money coming in.

Look at this state of NJ. The good people of the state elected Christie to cut the programs. The people don't want to pay the taxes. There's only 1 way to cut them-get rid of the social programs and the costs of education/State services. Nothing personal. Just business.

BTW: Scruples-how about today's headlines:

More planned cuts to the workforce.

But, hell-business needs the tax cuts. So, do the rich. They will supply you with the jobs-well, maybe they will. Maybe they won't.

Doesn't matter-it isn't about you, scruples or karma. It is just business.

And-it is what the American public really wants; Capitalism-gov't off the backs of business and the rich.

Nope. Sorry. Free market=competition. If you are 'better' as you say you are-prove it. Out sell your competitor. Out perform your peers. In the end, you will have the job you want. So, you have to work longer hours-so does the CEO. They deserve the bonuses they get and high salary because they make the tough choices. Including those that result in letting go of the whiners.

How far? Just like the teachers. They took lower pay for better benefits. Now we can't afford it. Tough. Fire them if they don't like it. Same thing here.

To save costs for the company we need to trim costs. The single biggest cost to any company is the employee.

Trim the overpaid worker-that is free market capitalism.

I have news for you. Outperforming your competitors and peers gets you a higher salary. Those unlucky bastards with those high salaries are in the crosshairs for departure. I've seen it happen more in the last two years than in the previous 20 here at Merck. Only those close to retirement are safe.

I'm disgusted with my new Merck. It has fallen from the premier pharma organization to a cesspool of dishonesty and deceit. Management's ethics are virtually gone.

This is not about the free market. There are outstanding reps that devoted 10 to 15 to 20 highly successful years here, only to be pushed out the door to trim the payroll. It's beneath the old Merck, but part and parcel to the new Merck.

To all who can, leave this sinking ship before you've invested too much time to leave, like I have.

I have news for you. Outperforming your competitors and peers gets you a higher salary. Those unlucky bastards with those high salaries are in the crosshairs for departure. I've seen it happen more in the last two years than in the previous 20 here at Merck. Only those close to retirement are safe.

I'm disgusted with my new Merck. It has fallen from the premier pharma organization to a cesspool of dishonesty and deceit. Management's ethics are virtually gone.

This is not about the free market. There are outstanding reps that devoted 10 to 15 to 20 highly successful years here, only to be pushed out the door to trim the payroll. It's beneath the old Merck, but part and parcel to the new Merck.

To all who can, leave this sinking ship before you've invested too much time to leave, like I have.

Clearly, not only have you proven my point but, you don't understand Free Market Capitalism.

First: if you can outcompete and get a higher salary-that's free market capitalism.
Second: if you now make more money and are in the crosshairs-become even better to avoid being 'taken down.' If not, oh well. But, that's Free Market Capitalism and Competitiveness.
Third: "10-20 successful years here..." now you're making the big bucks, right?! Of course you are. You are now in the crosshairs. Just like the big guys at the top. Problem is you're on the lower end of the totem pole. You didn't rise enough to get the true and high impact perks. That's tough. Free Market Capitalism.

That's what the American public is asking for! They voted for Capitalism-get the gov't off the back of industries and the common person. That's why we want the Tea Party and the Conservative Republicans to axe the unions, social safety net and kill the healthcare bill. Build the industries and they will give us jobs.

Work harder, leaner and smarter. So what that you have to work 80 hours a week?! If you don't want to-fine. Leave!

I am a recent Merck retiree. The pension is decent, along with the 401K, all rolled over to a IRA. All the years of putting as much as possible into the 401K and matched by Merck have helped. My income stream from dividends and interests is enough to live off comfortably but not luxuriously. But I never go around and tell people how I am "raking" in the money. No debts. No mortgage. No car payment. It makes no sense except to make others who are struggling feel even worse. It makes current Merck employees who, for personal reasons (kids in college, unexpected huge medical bills, etc.) feel trapped in this toxic environment. Actually 99% of my wealthy friends (retired docs and Merck reps) do not go around and tell people how they are raking it in either.

Now this is a person who is a real human being, with a soul. Unfortunately, such class is a dying breed.

Some of the biggest drugmakers do not have a good track record when it comes time for FDA inspectors to visit their plants. Overall, the FDA found violations at 54 percent of plants inspected last year, up 20 percent from a decade low in 2007, according to data obtained from the agency by Bloomberg News. And 80 drugmakers failed more than half of their inspections.

Who led the pack? Pacira Pharmaceuticals, which makes painkillers sold in hospitals, was the worst offender among publicly traded drugmakers with an 82 percent failure rate during 11 inspections. Abbott Labs failed 59 percent of 111 inspections; Pfizer flunked 57 percent of 202 inspections; Merck bombed out on 52 percent of 134 visits and Johnson & Johnson failed 48 percent of 161 inspections. By contrast Mylan passed 79 percent of 56 inspections, Bloomberg writes.

The news service reviewed almost 10,000 inspections at US plants between 2000 and September 30, 2010, although there were no details on the nature or number of violations during each inspection. The FDA makes 0.9 visits, on average, to each facility each year, compared with 0.6 visits annually when George W. Bush was in the White House. Looked at another way, the agency NOW visits each of the 2,567 plants registered in the US almost once a year, Bloomberg reports. [UPDATE: We belatedly added the word 'now.']

fda-plant-inspection-failuresTo pay for inspections, the White House proposes a fee that would generate about $16 million from 329 anticipated reinspections, an FDA spokesman tells Bloomberg, which calculates violations would cost an average of slightly more than $48,600. There are no fines now, by the way. As Bloomberg notes, Republicans are threatening to slash FDA funding as they focus more on overseas suppliers as part of an emphasis on supply chain concerns.

But not everyone is impressed. Mike Burgess, a Texas Republican and vice chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on health, believes the FDA may be overwhelming drugmakers with paperwork but not addressing safety issues. “We do need to see that things are being done wisely and that manufacturers are not being asked to comply with things that are not overall going to advance the cost of patient safety or drug safety,” he tells Bloomberg.

graphic courtesy of bloomberg

Merck is suffering from very poor leadership at the field level management and regional level management.

Oh, what the hell, Merck is suffering from very poor leadership at any and every level.

Just let people do their jobs and make management invisible. Stop all the crap that makes managers think they are working. Most are merely glorified admins.