Nope. Sorry. Free market=competition. If you are 'better' as you say you are-prove it. Out sell your competitor. Out perform your peers. In the end, you will have the job you want. So, you have to work longer hours-so does the CEO. They deserve the bonuses they get and high salary because they make the tough choices. Including those that result in letting go of the whiners.
How far? Just like the teachers. They took lower pay for better benefits. Now we can't afford it. Tough. Fire them if they don't like it. Same thing here.
To save costs for the company we need to trim costs. The single biggest cost to any company is the employee.
Trim the overpaid worker-that is free market capitalism.
"Outsell your competitor"????
Have you ever had a real sales job? If you think that success in this industry is at the individual closer level, you are truly a fool. There is absolutely no correlation between effort, proficiency, and outcome in pharma. You are probably from West Virginia, where having formulary success, driven by the contracting of others, allows you to go to the track during the summer and the slopes during the winter, 10 hours a day.
I read vapid posts like yours, where arrogance is only eclipsed by ignorance, and understand why this industry is in the loo.