Merck to pay out 1 Billion dollars

Say what you will but Merck is supplying a paycheck to its employees, the people suing them and the government in this horrible economy.

Yes, and they're doing it on the backs of their customers, who are paying way, way too much for this company's second-rate, unproven and misleadingly-promoted medicine. You're not bright enough to know that you should be ashamed to work for this company.

Merck is a joke of a company. If you want out of Merck or schmerck for all the SGP legacies check out and post your resume.

This is a scam. They are a recruiting firm that asks for your money upfront. Any recruiter that will ask for money is a scam. They should get their money from the company that hires you. They prey on people who do not have a job and are desperate or feel desperate. They give a lot of false promises just to get your money.

Thank you oh so righteous for your sermon. Not everyone in the salesforce is unethical for selling tablets and vaccines that can save lives. If you are so concerned with the ethics of this company go ahead and sue or go whine to the Merck execs who ultimately make the decisions. You are a naive idiot if you think the salesforce is going to quit their jobs because of questionable decisions made by a few at the top.

I launched and sold Vioxx as many of us did, and I don't know anyone who promoted off label or talked about RA before we got the indication. If a few people did it, all of us pay. For those of us who stuck to the indications, and who marketed this product appropriately, we all lose because of the actions of a few (at what ever level they may be or may have been - probably present tense ---no further comment there ) And although I have to believe that we put money aside for this - I wouldn't have a hard time believing that we are now scrambling to find funding. this whole thing sucks because here we are again in the media and not for the right reasons. we just can't seem to get out of our own way. For those of us who want to see merck do well, yeah I am one of them, its just very sad because this affects alot of good people.

I launched and sold Vioxx as many of us did, and I don't know anyone who promoted off label or talked about RA before we got the indication. If a few people did it, all of us pay. For those of us who stuck to the indications, and who marketed this product appropriately, we all lose because of the actions of a few (at what ever level they may be or may have been - probably present tense ---no further comment there ) And although I have to believe that we put money aside for this - I wouldn't have a hard time believing that we are now scrambling to find funding. this whole thing sucks because here we are again in the media and not for the right reasons. we just can't seem to get out of our own way. For those of us who want to see merck do well, yeah I am one of them, its just very sad because this affects alot of good people.

This what happens when profits come before patients or short term gains become more important than long term strategic goals. Greed got to some of the decision makers yet they will get away with it and the rest of us pay for their sins. Business as usual in corporate America, the best place money can buy.

Thank you oh so righteous for your sermon. Not everyone in the salesforce is unethical for selling tablets and vaccines that can save lives. If you are so concerned with the ethics of this company go ahead and sue or go whine to the Merck execs who ultimately make the decisions. You are a naive idiot if you think the salesforce is going to quit their jobs because of questionable decisions made by a few at the top.

Yeah, tough to hear "sermons" about evil and sin and such, even though it's representing the truth, isn't it? That's your big problem in pharma, a lack of truth or an inability to deal with the truth, or needing to shade the truth. Good grief, I had to leave pharma sales after 2 years of witnessing the truth get routinely sacrificed and I could no longer stomach the lies I was being complicit with in the course of doing my job as rep, just because that goes with being a rep at Merck. Not for me, thanks. So go right ahead and call me the idiot, but I couldn't be happier to have left and entered another sales field outside of pharma. And I'll call you a liar because everyone in the salesforce has to lie to some degree to keep their job and that may be the norm, but it doesn't make it right and that is also UNETHICAL on any level. I understand your need to deny this fact in order to keep doing your job in the saleforce. Also, I could care less whether Merck set aside this money years ago. What makes me want to vomit is this willingness to cough up nearly a billion dollars over no admission of wrongdoing. Why that just shouts ethics with a capital E, doesn't it? Be well, whatever the hell that really means in the wonderful world of pharma.

Yeah, tough to hear "sermons" about evil and sin and such, even though it's representing the truth, isn't it? That's your big problem in pharma, a lack of truth or an inability to deal with the truth, or needing to shade the truth. Good grief, I had to leave pharma sales after 2 years of witnessing the truth get routinely sacrificed and I could no longer stomach the lies I was being complicit with in the course of doing my job as rep, just because that goes with being a rep at Merck. Not for me, thanks. So go right ahead and call me the idiot, but I couldn't be happier to have left and entered another sales field outside of pharma. And I'll call you a liar because everyone in the salesforce has to lie to some degree to keep their job and that may be the norm, but it doesn't make it right and that is also UNETHICAL on any level. I understand your need to deny this fact in order to keep doing your job in the saleforce. Also, I could care less whether Merck set aside this money years ago. What makes me want to vomit is this willingness to cough up nearly a billion dollars over no admission of wrongdoing. Why that just shouts ethics with a capital E, doesn't it? Be well, whatever the hell that really means in the wonderful world of pharma.

Merck pleaded guilty and paid out 950 million. Get a life and move on. Better yet, go start your own sobbing sermon blog.

Not everybody in Merck is guilty due to Vioxx. It's easy to generalize and blame the whole company but it is obviously hard for you to understand that there are plenty of good people in this company that are just trying to do the right things and make a living. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has suffered because of Vioxx ( patients, families, providers and employees who got laid off) but again not everyone in the company is guilty.

This is why Merck had to "accelerate" its layoffs, they saw this train coming and had to do something.

Also isn't strange how Merck makes it mandatory for all employees permanent or contract to take the "ethical training courses", when they..... don't even follow their own editcts!

All those who had stock during that time may get about $50.

Merck pleaded guilty and paid out 950 million. Get a life and move on. Better yet, go start your own sobbing sermon blog.

Not everybody in Merck is guilty due to Vioxx. It's easy to generalize and blame the whole company but it is obviously hard for you to understand that there are plenty of good people in this company that are just trying to do the right things and make a living. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has suffered because of Vioxx ( patients, families, providers and employees who got laid off) but again not everyone in the company is guilty.

No sobbing here, Homer. I'm out of this fetid excuse of a company. Let's just say I feel I did do the right thing by getting the hell out of Merck's corrupt culture and found another (honest) way to make a living. Maybe you should, too. I don't mean to be rude, but you can save your thoughts and prayers for all whom have been harmed or suffered on account of something Merck has done since it's basically meaningless to those of us who found ourselves on the receiving end of a Merck wrongdoing. That's because in your company's guilty plea, they admit no liability or wrongdoing and no high-level management participation in the violation. What a company, no?! And Merck also has agreed to set up a monitoring program to insure compliance with federal laws and regulations in connection with the marketing of its drugs, the company said. Isn't that letting the fox guard the chickens? What total BULLSHIT. WHAT THE HELL DID THEY USED TO HAMMER HOME TO US IN SALES TRAINING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS about strictly adhering to saying only what was in the PI? But no, now some special monitoring program will insure all things will be better. Merck really is a mirror of our government. Total incompetence and a huge waste of money and time. Sorry, but as I see it, you "good" people at Merck carry the stench of Merck whether you want to or not. Unless of course, you happen to be in high-level management as your company stated. Isn't it nice to know Merck has your back for carrying their water? Yeah, I'm afraid you're all assholes when you continue to support this corrupt and deceitful company, appropriately being run by lawyers. Let's face it, you have to be.

Merck pleaded guilty and paid out 950 million. Get a life and move on. Better yet, go start your own sobbing sermon blog.

Not everybody in Merck is guilty due to Vioxx. It's easy to generalize and blame the whole company but it is obviously hard for you to understand that there are plenty of good people in this company that are just trying to do the right things and make a living. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has suffered because of Vioxx ( patients, families, providers and employees who got laid off) but again not everyone in the company is guilty.
Those who were hurt the most are the millions that took Vioxx safely and had great relief with no edema etc.! Many of them have suffered greatly since this great drug was mistakenly taken off the market by misguided management who had a penchant and history of 'piss poor judgement'! In this case it was all about the profits and not the 99.99% of Vioxx users who had great outcomes with the best pain, OA & RA drug ever marketed! Take the easy way out and jump on Vioxx if you never had to use it!

No sobbing here, Homer. I'm out of this fetid excuse of a company. Let's just say I feel I did do the right thing by getting the hell out of Merck's corrupt culture and found another (honest) way to make a living. Maybe you should, too. I don't mean to be rude, but you can save your thoughts and prayers for all whom have been harmed or suffered on account of something Merck has done since it's basically meaningless to those of us who found ourselves on the receiving end of a Merck wrongdoing. That's because in your company's guilty plea, they admit no liability or wrongdoing and no high-level management participation in the violation. What a company, no?! And Merck also has agreed to set up a monitoring program to insure compliance with federal laws and regulations in connection with the marketing of its drugs, the company said. Isn't that letting the fox guard the chickens? What total BULLSHIT. WHAT THE HELL DID THEY USED TO HAMMER HOME TO US IN SALES TRAINING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS about strictly adhering to saying only what was in the PI? But no, now some special monitoring program will insure all things will be better. Merck really is a mirror of our government. Total incompetence and a huge waste of money and time. Sorry, but as I see it, you "good" people at Merck carry the stench of Merck whether you want to or not. Unless of course, you happen to be in high-level management as your company stated. Isn't it nice to know Merck has your back for carrying their water? Yeah, I'm afraid you're all assholes when you continue to support this corrupt and deceitful company, appropriately being run by lawyers. Let's face it, you have to be.

Seriously, why do you care so much that people are not running fast enough from Merck? As a current rep I agree with your anger with the people, mainly execs, who were not held accountable for their unethical handling of this product. However for those of us who are still left here, we are still paying the price for Vioxx, especially the reps whether we sold it or not. The salesforce, our compensation and morale are constantly being downsized. The job market is horrible right now and we would be lucky to find a job that would pay half of what we make. As money and resources are being taken away from the field more stock options and top heavy exec positions are being given to the top leadership. I think it's pretty clear for those of us still here probably need these jobs and are not finding anything in the job market right now where we can support our families. This company is hell right now for the foot soldiers and a cash cow for management. Please take your complaints to the pricks calling the shots and "optimizing" the people that actually bring in the revenue for this company. We, the salesforce, definitely made our beds hard by staying with this company and we pay for it every day with our micro management torture sessions. By the way, with SINGULAIR going off patent next year and no real products to replace it, you will get your wish of more reps leaving the company, BY FORCE. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

No sobbing here, Homer. I'm out of this fetid excuse of a company. Let's just say I feel I did do the right thing by getting the hell out of Merck's corrupt culture and found another (honest) way to make a living. Maybe you should, too. I don't mean to be rude, but you can save your thoughts and prayers for all whom have been harmed or suffered on account of something Merck has done since it's basically meaningless to those of us who found ourselves on the receiving end of a Merck wrongdoing. That's because in your company's guilty plea, they admit no liability or wrongdoing and no high-level management participation in the violation. What a company, no?! And Merck also has agreed to set up a monitoring program to insure compliance with federal laws and regulations in connection with the marketing of its drugs, the company said. Isn't that letting the fox guard the chickens? What total BULLSHIT. WHAT THE HELL DID THEY USED TO HAMMER HOME TO US IN SALES TRAINING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS about strictly adhering to saying only what was in the PI? But no, now some special monitoring program will insure all things will be better. Merck really is a mirror of our government. Total incompetence and a huge waste of money and time. Sorry, but as I see it, you "good" people at Merck carry the stench of Merck whether you want to or not. Unless of course, you happen to be in high-level management as your company stated. Isn't it nice to know Merck has your back for carrying their water? Yeah, I'm afraid you're all assholes when you continue to support this corrupt and deceitful company, appropriately being run by lawyers. Let's face it, you have to be.

YEEEOW! You're probably right. I do need to find a way out of this company before I'm unable to get rid of the "stench" you mention.

Seriously, why do you care so much that people are not running fast enough from Merck? As a current rep I agree with your anger with the people, mainly execs, who were not held accountable for their unethical handling of this product. However for those of us who are still left here, we are still paying the price for Vioxx, especially the reps whether we sold it or not. The salesforce, our compensation and morale are constantly being downsized. The job market is horrible right now and we would be lucky to find a job that would pay half of what we make. As money and resources are being taken away from the field more stock options and top heavy exec positions are being given to the top leadership. I think it's pretty clear for those of us still here probably need these jobs and are not finding anything in the job market right now where we can support our families. This company is hell right now for the foot soldiers and a cash cow for management. Please take your complaints to the pricks calling the shots and "optimizing" the people that actually bring in the revenue for this company. We, the salesforce, definitely made our beds hard by staying with this company and we pay for it every day with our micro management torture sessions. By the way, with SINGULAIR going off patent next year and no real products to replace it, you will get your wish of more reps leaving the company, BY FORCE. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Agree, the op you referenced is being way too extreme with his obvious anger in damning those of us still here at Merck who know only too well that it is a "fetid" place to work. I'm sure a majority of us aspire to leave Merck as soon as other opportunities can be found. Those opportunities unfortunately don't currently exist.

No sobbing here, Homer. I'm out of this fetid excuse of a company. Let's just say I feel I did do the right thing by getting the hell out of Merck's corrupt culture and found another (honest) way to make a living. Maybe you should, too. I don't mean to be rude, but you can save your thoughts and prayers for all whom have been harmed or suffered on account of something Merck has done since it's basically meaningless to those of us who found ourselves on the receiving end of a Merck wrongdoing. That's because in your company's guilty plea, they admit no liability or wrongdoing and no high-level management participation in the violation. What a company, no?! And Merck also has agreed to set up a monitoring program to insure compliance with federal laws and regulations in connection with the marketing of its drugs, the company said. Isn't that letting the fox guard the chickens? What total BULLSHIT. WHAT THE HELL DID THEY USED TO HAMMER HOME TO US IN SALES TRAINING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS about strictly adhering to saying only what was in the PI? But no, now some special monitoring program will insure all things will be better. Merck really is a mirror of our government. Total incompetence and a huge waste of money and time. Sorry, but as I see it, you "good" people at Merck carry the stench of Merck whether you want to or not. Unless of course, you happen to be in high-level management as your company stated. Isn't it nice to know Merck has your back for carrying their water? Yeah, I'm afraid you're all assholes when you continue to support this corrupt and deceitful company, appropriately being run by lawyers. Let's face it, you have to be.

Well stated. If you're still at Merck, your ethics have to be in question. You're selling your soul.

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