Merck contract resigned til 2015 Merry Christmas!!!

Well anyone who's ever owned an iPad or iPhone knows that location services can be turned off

Do you think we are really going to be able to turn off the GPS? you can't even change the time on your computer, I am sure they will disable the ability to turn it off. That aside...I hope everyone carefully read the safety first email that came thru about our cars. They asked us to sign it and we do not have company cars, did anyone else not find that strange? They also said they could access records about us at anytime and there was something about our whereabouts. This was sent as a permission to track you. If you think it wasnt, why would they need in writing where you are "storing" your vehicle? They are doing it to see where you leave from and what time everyday and if you are going to your storage unit everyday in accordance with company policy. They do not pay us for more than mileage. They do not have the right to access our records. Think about it. The IPad is going to be a nightmare depending on who your manager is. Good Luck.

well you are obviously not on this contract or you would know

lmao. Then you just confirmed what I was thinking all along - that you are either talking about a different contract (not the EPBU contract), you are pretending that there is a new product that the EPBU is currently being trained on just to try and stir things up around here, or that you just dont know what the F you are talking about. harharharharhar. F@cking clown...harharharhar

The IPad has tracking software built in. Look up the company AirWatch. A friend of mine who works for a imaging service company just had the app installed on the IPhone. It literally tracks in real time on an internet map your location to within a few feet. AirWatch is a huge company with over 8,000 clients. They can track and log every move you make. The thing about is you will never know it's even there if that's what they want.

The iPad has a tracking/GPS. Your mgr. can call you and ask you where you are while they are looking at their iPad and seeing where you really are. It's a live minute to minute GPS tracking. It's an app, hence the itunes apps that we will be installing soon. Say goodbye to Pharma as you know it.

If I kept track of my field hours plus storage Time, emails, help desk , I would have more than 24 hours. I m not concerned if I am not out in the field 8 hrs. I put my time in.

I don't want someone watching my every move.

Why not? The moment you go to work, you are on company time and the company has a right to monitor, i mean, supervise people as it sees fit. Truckers have GPS units on their trucks beaming real time location back to headquarters, cops have their supervisors roaming their patrols checking on them (not to mention a host of other tracking and monitoring technologies on them at any time they are on duty), teachers have in-classroom video and audio monitoring their classrooms so Mr. Prinicipal can watch and listen.