Merck contract resigned til 2015 Merry Christmas!!!

If y'all read the email, nowhere does it say til 2015. All it said it was signed to go through Dec. 31 2014. If y'all have your heads put on the right way, y'all understand that January 2015 isn't included in the signing. Another thing is that the email said it was another two-year contract. Well, again, if y'all have your heads on the right way, IT IS NOT two years. It is really ONE YEAR. If y'all remember, 2013 was already accounted for the previous signing and this new one should NOT include 2013. So in summary, A) The agreement signed recently guarantees the contract between Publicis and Merck until Dec. 31st 2014. B) The agreement signed recently is only a ONE YEAR extension and NOT TWO YEARS as Mr. General Manager erroneously put it. The devil is in the details folks...just sayin...

It is a good thing to have a peace of mind that it was extended. But they are micro managing us. I feel like we work full time but only get paid part time with no benefits, no vacation, beat my car up, no sick days. I just vented. Sorry if I upset anyone. I am grateful but they are not keeping with the 24 core message.our dm will see a bigger turnover if they keep this up. My Merck cp makes double or more than me, gets a car and full benefits. I think this person and I work about the same hours.

It is a good thing to have a peace of mind that it was extended. But they are micro managing us. I feel like we work full time but only get paid part time with no benefits, no vacation, beat my car up, no sick days. I just vented. Sorry if I upset anyone. I am grateful but they are not keeping with the 24 core message.our dm will see a bigger turnover if they keep this up. My Merck cp makes double or more than me, gets a car and full benefits. I think this person and I work about the same hours.

My thoughts too. The fact that PSS is getting away with this is terrible. We practically have the same amount of work that full time reps have. Of course, one can always argue back that we dont have to account for two more days worth of calls and admin, but I guess it's a small thing compared to the things a full time to gets: full benefits, a bigger paycheck, a car, gas money, etc.

Our district is dropping like flies. Most are saying with a few more hours, you can make double the pay, car and most important benefits.our dm never wants to be bothered, she could care less about us and treats us like we are stupid if we ask her a question.
In the beginning this was part time but the last year I put in 5 days a week in some form of work.
What is this routing all about. If my kids are sick, I may need to switch my schedule that morning and work a different city to be closer to home. This isn't as flexible as it used to be.
I think they told us the truth when they said we ex pet full time results with a part time isn't part time anymore. I would hope they will recognize this and offer at least paid vacation or medical benefits.
I did some checking and other contracts have openings.
I loved this job in the beginning but I feel like they are taking advantage of us because I guess it isn't easy to find a job at the moment.
Please listen someone.. We took this job to be part time because mostof us wanjut part time..I was never looking at full time but now am considering it because of all the work this part time job is.

What a bunch of prissy bitches you are going to ruin it for all of us you are full of shit if you say you are working over time I can start At 9- most days and have 6 signatures by noon and 3 after do my Admin in between and take last sig or call at 330 then drive home really??? Over 40 for the year tAke off Any day you need really? Go work full time then And never be flexible just get out I love this contract by the way my drive is over an hour home and back
You really need to grow up look outside pharma this job is so good

What a bunch of prissy bitches you are going to ruin it for all of us you are full of shit if you say you are working over time I can start At 9- most days and have 6 signatures by noon and 3 after do my Admin in between and take last sig or call at 330 then drive home really??? Over 40 for the year tAke off Any day you need really? Go work full time then And never be flexible just get out I love this contract by the way my drive is over an hour home and back
You really need to grow up look outside pharma this job is so good

You must be one extremely dumb shit! Just look at the way you butchered that paragraph! I bet your dumb ass never graduated high school. Stupid shit!

seriously dumb shit maybe the person was texting the post no wonder you think you work so hard you care if your cafe pharma posts are grammatically correct!!! You obviously make every thing harder than it is!!!

Contract is not until 2015, its signed until Dec. 2014. Mgt. seems to be looking at calls, time in field, etc... not the same since this new guy took over. He's all about micro-management unlike Jan.

I don't understand all this takabout watching times with signatures. Somedays I work in th field longer than other. Somedaysi am doing alotof admin, emails, storage facility, and on and on. Shell we log in every minute we are working. I think thisis getting a little micro managed. It all comesoutin the wash and they should understand this. This is flex time and we are professional adults. Somedays it feels like we are Ning treated like a kid being watched and questioned. I just don't like that part of this contract and it wasn't that way in the beginning. I work my 24 hours and then some. Maybe I will keepalog if they are getting like this.

I agree with some of the others. This job is getting to be too much. We need to be always looking over our shoulder as they are questioning time stamps, signature ratio, numbers, etc. They are treating us like children. At first, this job was great. It really was 24 to the core. I usually put in far more than 24 hours when you count all of the admin, time collaborating with counterparts, time spend at storage facility, running reports, going through detail aids to see which is no longer approved, throwing away material no longer approved, waiting for samples to arrive, studying for certifications, and the list goes on and on. Full time with twice the salary, car, and benefits is looking better and better. Hope they get there act together soon or they will see a lot of good reps leave.