It's so obvious when management posts on this thread. This contract has changed drastically and that's a fact. The majority of reps on it are hardworking and honest. This nonsense of saying the posters are "trolls" and "negative" is ridiculous. Sales reps don't like to be micromanaged it's that simple. If you do, you are perfect for big pharma b/c you NEED to be told what to say, to do, where to drive, how long it should be between calls, how many docs need to sign, etc. I personally think it's offensive to ask that of a rep if they are doing a great job and their docs know them and see them on a regular basis. This is not a sales job, it's a job now for monkeys that can't think for themselves. And yes, I will pretend to be a monkey so I can get paid. But I promise you, my numbers will suffer as I make sure I'm checking every single silly box that is required. My signature rate is close to 80%, my activity is outstanding, my tests are taken, my admin is perfect, but I'm not "selling" anything.