Meeting with HR advice please


My manager called me to say next Wednesday I have a meeting with him, his manager and the HR Manager. That caught me by surprise so I asked what meeting was about. My manager said its to go over my expenses, and discuss call activity. My question is, do you think I will
Be fired or will it be a serious talk with HR there just to record everything?

You will be given a chance to explain discrepancies in your call activity, explain calls made on Drs that they already know are falsified, and will pick apart an expense report or two. Then the manager and Hr person step out of room and tell legal, who is on standby knowing you are being interviewed, to get the final approval to separate you. Then they ask for your corporate card and car keys, and call you a cab to take you home. Might as well put your laptop and printer, power cords etc in car so you don't have anyone coming to your home to get company property. Sorry for you but that's the truth. This meeting you are invited to is the culmination of multiple meetings between your dm, ad, hr, and legal. And your chances of walking away still employed are zero. Don't despair it can happen to any of us at any time! Good luck

My manager called me to say next Wednesday I have a meeting with him, his manager and the HR Manager. That caught me by surprise so I asked what meeting was about. My manager said its to go over my expenses, and discuss call activity. My question is, do you think I will
Be fired or will it be a serious talk with HR there just to record everything?

Watch out! HR is on the lookout to make it a leaner salesforce so as to not have to payout severance pay! What type of facility are you meeting at? A hotel?

Tough break. But the pessimists here are probably accurate. You should erase/harvest your laptop content before the meeting.

If you use Outlook, export the content as a .pst file to a thumb drive:

File -> Import and Export... -> Export to a file -> Personal Folder File (.pst)

Your contacts and notes will come handy in your next job search.

Don't worry about deleting personal emails, they have them on the server anyway.

If you can, run a utility program like Glary Utilities (free) from a thumb drive if necessary and use the Privacy & Security Module to zotz out everything about you internet use as well as to completely wipe erased files.

Admit nothing because it won't change their minds. Don't sign anything in front of them. Tell them you want to discuss with a lawyer first. (even if it's a bluff.) They may be fishing for chicken-shit reasons to terminate you without severance and unemployment benefits to save money downsizing. So the lawyer consult after the fact may be worth it to clarify your rights/options.

Depending what the law is your state, you could turn on your smart phone voice recorder before you enter the meeting and have it running in your pocket. (turn the ringer off.)

Good Luck...

Nothing beats a VERY strong magnet. Absent that, go with a hammer.

Tough break. But the pessimists here are probably accurate. You should erase/harvest your laptop content before the meeting.

If you use Outlook, export the content as a .pst file to a thumb drive:

File -> Import and Export... -> Export to a file -> Personal Folder File (.pst)

Your contacts and notes will come handy in your next job search.

Don't worry about deleting personal emails, they have them on the server anyway.

If you can, run a utility program like Glary Utilities (free) from a thumb drive if necessary and use the Privacy & Security Module to zotz out everything about you internet use as well as to completely wipe erased files.

Admit nothing because it won't change their minds. Don't sign anything in front of them. Tell them you want to discuss with a lawyer first. (even if it's a bluff.) They may be fishing for chicken-shit reasons to terminate you without severance and unemployment benefits to save money downsizing. So the lawyer consult after the fact may be worth it to clarify your rights/options.

Depending what the law is your state, you could turn on your smart phone voice recorder before you enter the meeting and have it running in your pocket. (turn the ringer off.)

Good Luck...

Watch out! HR is on the lookout to make it a leaner salesforce so as to not have to payout severance pay! What type of facility are you meeting at? A hotel?

Meeting in an office. One of the ones you lease by the hour or half a day. What is weird is that HR Director will be on phone. And both my manager and his boss will be present at meeting to "discuss". Does anyone here think I might get off with just a warning? Or does everyone here think pretty much I am gone?

Meeting in an office. One of the ones you lease by the hour or half a day. What is weird is that HR Director will be on phone. And both my manager and his boss will be present at meeting to "discuss". Does anyone here think I might get off with just a warning? Or does everyone here think pretty much I am gone?

There is no doubt that you are gone.

Sorry, it is 100%. You are gone. Follow the advice given to you about deleting your computer. Lilly HR is a vicious monster....worse than anything you are reading about in the news right now.

My manager called me to say next Wednesday I have a meeting with him, his manager and the HR Manager. That caught me by surprise so I asked what meeting was about. My manager said its to go over my expenses, and discuss call activity. My question is, do you think I will
Be fired or will it be a serious talk with HR there just to record everything?

Don't listen to these idiots. I had this same meeting with my superiors last week. To ensure my rights were protected I carried in a hidden video camera. Here's the video. As you can see it was normal Lilly management as their best.