I talked with one of medtronic’s manager, whom I know from our mutual employment with another company two jobs back. He seemed to be aware of some details about how they will market the Nuro. For whatever it is worth, here is what he told me
Medtronic will initially target mid to large size accounts, with the intent to drive more patients to the interstim. He impressed me with the homework he had done because he mentioned the names of several customers, and they happen to be big ptns users in my territory. Apparently they seem to be aware of who the big ptns users are, but then there are not too many secrets in this industry. They will initially not bother with customers who are not currently users of ptns
They will give away for free the NURO device, and if the customer has an urgent pc device(s) they will trade it with the Nuro device(s) for free
If the customer has any urgentpc lead sets in inventory, they will trade those lead sets for an equivalent number of NURO treatments for free, provided the customer also trades in all urgentpc devices he has. I guess this is to make sure that the customer does not go back to urgentpc
This will give them instant entry with the customer by avoiding the customer’s concern of what to do with all the investment they made in urgentpc
This manager did not say much about how they will price their treatments, but he did say that it will be very aggressively priced. And on top of that they will offer quantity discounts. That makes sense given that they are targeting large users. It is unclear what that means in terms of pricing, but I suspect it could very well be below our $65 lead set
He did not mention anything about when they will start marketing the NURO, expect to say that it will be fairly soon
Anybody else hear anything about how MDTs marketing plans for the nuro are shaping up? It would be interesting to compare notes