Thank you Dr. Phil. Your comments suggest a relative ignorance of the facts. You could be new or Management, since you state Medline 101.
Medline's rep compensation formulas were once very simple and straight-forward, as was the market environment in which they were implemented.
Over the last 10 years or so, since the founding fathers passed the reins, both the market and the comp plans have changed. The comp plans have changed to the detriment of all sales reps.
Medline was once an odd, small, highly profitable, sales rep centric company that was a joy to sell for. An easily understood, generous commission structure produced commission averages were 4% and bonus payouts were simply calculated at 1% of sales upon achieving quota. Low profit business was discouragred.
In the late 90's management shifted from a profit plus resonable growth, to growth at any price and profit formula. Much of this was the result of the company's relationship with Columbia, now HPG. At the time Reps were making high monthly commissions and, in the eyes of management, did not show the proper enthusiasm in implementing new no/low commission GPO contracts.
Since that time, and by management design, more and more taxes are being applied to an ever decreasing commission average. To the owners, share holders (including the fake share holders), and useless sales mangement (who dream of becoming the Medline version of a "Made Man", a fake share holder), rep commissions are an unfortunate but necessary expense to be kept at a minimum. All commissions belong to the company. Excess Rep commissions could be used for a higher purpose, to pay management or be used to expand the business. Excess commissions are anything more than needed to stop a rep from quitting, unless management wants the rep to quit so the territiory can be split.
Medline is truly an amazing business story that continues to provide an excellent opportunity to many people, including some sales reps. The upper management has made good business decisions. The company is now an odd, giant, extremly profitable, company whose policies toward their sales force can best be discribed as antagonistic.
The statement above is fact. As is the value of a salary, a company vehicle, and other tangible benefits. However, perception is reality. Most business people, sales reps, and people in general find Medline's draconian policies toward their sales reps to be at best strange and at worst criminal. Your perception is personal and correct to you, but most people would not consider the Ponzi scheme that is "priority one" as a real solid source of income on which to raise a family. Medline cares only for the dollar. The concern that upper management has for the job satisfaction of any employee in their sales organization stops with Sales Management. These facts are neither right or wrong. As is often said inside Medline, "it is what it is".
I hope that you continue to enjoy your job, have a productive territory, and have a reasonably honest manager. You're just what their looking for.