
It makes me very proud. Tell me does it feel to be the first member of your family to graduate from the 6th grade and be the 3rd generation to walk upright?

Tell me Cledius how it feels to make your 67k total and have to fill out those gubmit forms to feed your ilegitmate children? That's what I thought...

Tell me Cledius how it feels to make your 67k total and have to fill out those gubmit forms to feed your ilegitmate children? That's what I thought...

Well, not nearly as difficult as trying to answer the captcha to enter here.

And, it wasn't 67k. For your information, it was 76k...not 67k....idiot. I have only 1 illegitimate child......spelled with 2 LL's you iliterate. This child has cretinism. We tried to euthanize the poor thing, but survived and now goes around life thinking he's friends with a former putt-putt champion, former cloak-n-dagger spy and makes alot of money. Been searching for this person for years. I know I'd recognize immediately from a unique cleft lip and stutter. What part of the country did you say you drag your knuckles?

Well, not nearly as difficult as trying to answer the captcha to enter here.

And, it wasn't 67k. For your information, it was 76k...not 67k....idiot. I have only 1 illegitimate child......spelled with 2 LL's you iliterate. This child has cretinism. We tried to euthanize the poor thing, but survived and now goes around life thinking he's friends with a former putt-putt champion, former cloak-n-dagger spy and makes alot of money. Been searching for this person for years. I know I'd recognize immediately from a unique cleft lip and stutter. What part of the country did you say you drag your knuckles?

I'm sorry you're sitting in your safe space in NY living in your mothers basement. My base is still higher so enjoy your weekend drinking miller highlife. Fucking loser.

Nah bruh. In the Midwest making double your comp. fucking hurts doesn't it you basement dweller!

LOL.........The triple bet was I could get you to come back 2 more times, guess your age range and you're a chick repellent.. You double answered in there somewhere and I was told that that doesn't count. So.........I need you to come back just one more time and I win the bet. C'mon "bruh". For me........1 more time and I win. Let's go buddy. You're not doing anything else.........c'mon.

LOL.........The triple bet was I could get you to come back 2 more times, guess your age range and you're a chick repellent.. You double answered in there somewhere and I was told that that doesn't count. So.........I need you to come back just one more time and I win the bet. C'mon "bruh". For me........1 more time and I win. Let's go buddy. You're not doing anything else.........c'mon.

Well bruh I have a triple bet that your an antifa, trans, possibly double homo that lives in your mothers basement

No I did him a favor. Hopefully he won some money because if he's working at MDL he can't pay his bills.

i have to chime in here. reading your posts with your online bf you seem to focus on 2 and moms basement. this tells everyone who reads the posts that you have a lack of money and you do live in your moms basement or home. if you don't work here why the hell you keep coming back? i thought you had better things to do with your time like play with your imaginary friends.