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Just heard that we will have a "FAST START" meeting the FIRST WEEK WE GET BACK!!! Are they really, really this stupid??? Hell, we won't even know if we have a f#@king job with this damn company until the end of January!!!!!! They start the first week of the LAYOFF YEAR by taking us out of the field (yet again!) to have a meeting that's 90% ROLE PLAYING!! God Almighty, can they seriously be this out of touch with reality???!!!???

Our DM is damn near psychotic as it is, and since the equally psychotic RSD will be there, she is going to go apeshit trying to impress this idiot!! Other reps have said their meeting would only be a half-day and would include no role playing, just territory strategy, budget etc., but this will be the exception! At least there are a few DM's out there with a little common sense, but they will surely be displaced!

Folks, if you survive the layoff, you can bet your sweet ass that AZ will reach new levels of business insanity. Here we go again! The same old inept "leaders" that are anything but, making the same old bad decisions over and over again.

In 2012, field time will be more critical than ever for AZ, yet they ignore this and instead of having a 2 hour teleconference, they pull us out for an ENTIRE DAY!! I tell you, they will take incompetence to a level unseen in business! And they wonder why we have no faith or respect for them.

Just heard that we will have a "FAST START" meeting the FIRST WEEK WE GET BACK!!! Are they really, really this stupid??? Hell, we won't even know if we have a f#@king job with this damn company until the end of January!!!!!! They start the first week of the LAYOFF YEAR by taking us out of the field (yet again!) to have a meeting that's 90% ROLE PLAYING!! God Almighty, can they seriously be this out of touch with reality???!!!???

Our DM is damn near psychotic as it is, and since the equally psychotic RSD will be there, she is going to go apeshit trying to impress this idiot!! Other reps have said their meeting would only be a half-day and would include no role playing, just territory strategy, budget etc., but this will be the exception! At least there are a few DM's out there with a little common sense, but they will surely be displaced!

Folks, if you survive the layoff, you can bet your sweet ass that AZ will reach new levels of business insanity. Here we go again! The same old inept "leaders" that are anything but, making the same old bad decisions over and over again.

In 2012, field time will be more critical than ever for AZ, yet they ignore this and instead of having a 2 hour teleconference, they pull us out for an ENTIRE DAY!! I tell you, they will take incompetence to a level unseen in business! And they wonder why we have no faith or respect for them.


Just heard that we will have a "FAST START" meeting the FIRST WEEK WE GET BACK!!! Are they really, really this stupid??? Hell, we won't even know if we have a f#@king job with this damn company until the end of January!!!!!! They start the first week of the LAYOFF YEAR by taking us out of the field (yet again!) to have a meeting that's 90% ROLE PLAYING!! God Almighty, can they seriously be this out of touch with reality???!!!???

Our DM is damn near psychotic as it is, and since the equally psychotic RSD will be there, she is going to go apeshit trying to impress this idiot!! Other reps have said their meeting would only be a half-day and would include no role playing, just territory strategy, budget etc., but this will be the exception! At least there are a few DM's out there with a little common sense, but they will surely be displaced!

Folks, if you survive the layoff, you can bet your sweet ass that AZ will reach new levels of business insanity. Here we go again! The same old inept "leaders" that are anything but, making the same old bad decisions over and over again.

In 2012, field time will be more critical than ever for AZ, yet they ignore this and instead of having a 2 hour teleconference, they pull us out for an ENTIRE DAY!! I tell you, they will take incompetence to a level unseen in business! And they wonder why we have no faith or respect for them.

Why in the hell did you expect anything different from the same group of fools that has driven this company into the ground? THIS IS ALL THEY KNOW! They are incapable of leading this org., and have been for years!!

its the consultants advising them to get back to biz asap, as they know a post mortem time period will allow for apathy to creep in.

Apathy to creep in !!!! Hell, that happened years ago and will be much, much worse in 2012 and beyond. There's not a single person out there that doesn't realize that there is no future here, or in pharma, unless you are a CSO. We have no pipeline and no leadership. And now these morons have what will become a damn role play meeting the first week we get back, BEFORE you know if you even have a job or not! Seriously, have they reached a new level of stupid???

Apathy to creep in !!!! Hell, that happened years ago and will be much, much worse in 2012 and beyond. There's not a single person out there that doesn't realize that there is no future here, or in pharma, unless you are a CSO. We have no pipeline and no leadership. And now these morons have what will become a damn role play meeting the first week we get back, BEFORE you know if you even have a job or not! Seriously, have they reached a new level of stupid???
The stupidity in leadership rolls down hill. What has happened is that there are no longer any leaders left with any common sense to counter balance the nazis. All you will have left are the zealots who compete for who can put on the most high pressure meetings and beat the shit out of their people publicly. They will go out of their way to make sure everyone knows they are a hard ass because that is what works with their leadership. Remember that the objective is not to produce value, it is to further their personal image. There was a time when you might have 3 or 4 out of 12 people in a room who might question why we are doing some of these stupid meetings this way. Those people are now gone and the bobble heads are in complete control.

It does seem for much of management that beating up on the common PSS has become a blood sport. Sanctioned, or even expected and rewarded.

Yes, and you ain't seen nothin' yet! Only AZ would schedule a role play meeting BEFORE people were laid off two weeks later!! Only AZ would EVER schedule a role play meeting, period. AZ has become a very, very cruel, unfeeling company. Very cruel indeed.

If I had known we were gonna have to attend this, I would have ended my misery and self ID'd!!!
I call bullshit. If you want to self ID you still can. Believe me they will let you regardless of their phoney deadline. But you won't because you know you cannot find this easy money for so little work anywhere else. My guess is that at best you work 3-4 hours per day and take off some Fridays and maybe even Mondays fairly routinely. So you are making good money for part time work and are scared shitless that the gravy train is coming into the station. Your extreme fear of role playing is a symptom of not working and you transfer this into making the whole idea of meetings with role playing as being stupid. It is simply practicing what you are paid to do.
My advice is start practicing now because your ability to avoid these layoffs depends on how well you perform at this meeting.

I call bullshit. If you want to self ID you still can. Believe me they will let you regardless of their phoney deadline. But you won't because you know you cannot find this easy money for so little work anywhere else. My guess is that at best you work 3-4 hours per day and take off some Fridays and maybe even Mondays fairly routinely. So you are making good money for part time work and are scared shitless that the gravy train is coming into the station. Your extreme fear of role playing is a symptom of not working and you transfer this into making the whole idea of meetings with role playing as being stupid. It is simply practicing what you are paid to do.
My advice is start practicing now because your ability to avoid these layoffs depends on how well you perform at this meeting.

"My advice is start practicing now because your ability to avoid these layoffs depends on how well you perform at this meeting." What a "shit-for-brains" idiot! Your fate will already have been determined before this useless meeting ever starts. AZ has finally raised the LUNACY BAR to the highest level in corporate history, by having a meeting with soon-to-be laid off employees!!

"My advice is start practicing now because your ability to avoid these layoffs depends on how well you perform at this meeting." What a "shit-for-brains" idiot! Your fate will already have been determined before this useless meeting ever starts. AZ has finally raised the LUNACY BAR to the highest level in corporate history, by having a meeting with soon-to-be laid off employees!!
You couldn't be more wrong. The only known layoffs will be the self ID people and they will not attend the meeting. After the holidays, they will look at the holes left by the self ID people and begin to build the new teams with the leftovers. These meetings will be one step in the process of deciding between two or three people as to who goes and who stays. But if you don't believe me then don't practice. Who the fuck else will care if you fail the test and are the one who goes?

You couldn't be more wrong. The only known layoffs will be the self ID people and they will not attend the meeting. After the holidays, they will look at the holes left by the self ID people and begin to build the new teams with the leftovers. These meetings will be one step in the process of deciding between two or three people as to who goes and who stays. But if you don't believe me then don't practice. Who the fuck else will care if you fail the test and are the one who goes?


You couldn't be more wrong. The only known layoffs will be the self ID people and they will not attend the meeting. After the holidays, they will look at the holes left by the self ID people and begin to build the new teams with the leftovers. These meetings will be one step in the process of deciding between two or three people as to who goes and who stays. But if you don't believe me then don't practice. Who the fuck else will care if you fail the test and are the one who goes?

WhAT A DSM douche. Hell We had to role play the day after 9/11 fuk bag. Ohh that was before you worked at AZ. So you must have been one of those PSS with like a whole 2 years that got promoted to DSM. It all makes so much sense now. I have to stop typing now the level of stupid is numbing. I so wish I could meet you now to fully express the level of violence upon you i am feeling.

WhAT A DSM douche. Hell We had to role play the day after 9/11 fuk bag. Ohh that was before you worked at AZ. So you must have been one of those PSS with like a whole 2 years that got promoted to DSM. It all makes so much sense now. I have to stop typing now the level of stupid is numbing. I so wish I could meet you now to fully express the level of violence upon you i am feeling.
Let me paint a picture for you and you tell me how close I am to being accurate.
You have been living off of AZ for a long time and probably one of the legacy companies prior to the merger. You haven't worked a full day or even a full week in years. You are the second income earner, have had a few kids, guessing two, and took full advantage and even extended your maternity leave. You always schedule a long lunch when your DSM rides with you to kill time and hopefully get one or two actual sales presentations which is two more than on normal days. Sometimes you claim to be sick on days your DSM is scheduled to work with you making your peers fill in for you. You hate meetings because they take you away from what is really important to you and when you are there you bitch the entire time to anyone who will listen and spend most of your time trying to arrange an earlier departure. Sometimes you even claim to be sick or have a personal emergency to miss the meeting entirely. You would piss yourself if you ever had to get up in front of a room and make a sales presentation which means you never volunteer and always make your peers take the hot seat. How did I do?

Apathy to creep in !!!! Hell, that happened years ago and will be much, much worse in 2012 and beyond. There's not a single person out there that doesn't realize that there is no future here, or in pharma, unless you are a CSO. We have no pipeline and no leadership. And now these morons have what will become a damn role play meeting the first week we get back, BEFORE you know if you even have a job or not! Seriously, have they reached a new level of stupid???

It is really hard to understand such lack of compassion on the part of management, even at AZ. There is no way people will be able to focus on ANYTHING until this is over, then all they will focus on is how to get the hell out. No, this is a bad idea that's reached a new level of stupid even by AZ's standards.

Let me paint a picture for you and you tell me how close I am to being accurate.
You have been living off of AZ for a long time and probably one of the legacy companies prior to the merger. You haven't worked a full day or even a full week in years. You are the second income earner, have had a few kids, guessing two, and took full advantage and even extended your maternity leave. You always schedule a long lunch when your DSM rides with you to kill time and hopefully get one or two actual sales presentations which is two more than on normal days. Sometimes you claim to be sick on days your DSM is scheduled to work with you making your peers fill in for you. You hate meetings because they take you away from what is really important to you and when you are there you bitch the entire time to anyone who will listen and spend most of your time trying to arrange an earlier departure. Sometimes you even claim to be sick or have a personal emergency to miss the meeting entirely. You would piss yourself if you ever had to get up in front of a room and make a sales presentation which means you never volunteer and always make your peers take the hot seat. How did I do?

Dude, that's creepy, scary on target.

Let me paint a picture for you and you tell me how close I am to being accurate.
You have been living off of AZ for a long time and probably one of the legacy companies prior to the merger. You haven't worked a full day or even a full week in years. You are the second income earner, have had a few kids, guessing two, and took full advantage and even extended your maternity leave. You always schedule a long lunch when your DSM rides with you to kill time and hopefully get one or two actual sales presentations which is two more than on normal days. Sometimes you claim to be sick on days your DSM is scheduled to work with you making your peers fill in for you. You hate meetings because they take you away from what is really important to you and when you are there you bitch the entire time to anyone who will listen and spend most of your time trying to arrange an earlier departure. Sometimes you even claim to be sick or have a personal emergency to miss the meeting entirely. You would piss yourself if you ever had to get up in front of a room and make a sales presentation which means you never volunteer and always make your peers take the hot seat. How did I do?
You left out the McMansion in the suburbs, the luxury SUV in the driveway, and the annual vacation extended by taking off the Friday before and Monday after and mostly paid for with the money made from cheating on expenses. Oh, and family meals once or more per week all on the company dime. And these people have the onions to bitch constantly about how badly the company treats THEM.

You left out the McMansion in the suburbs, the luxury SUV in the driveway, and the annual vacation extended by taking off the Friday before and Monday after and mostly paid for with the money made from cheating on expenses. Oh, and family meals once or more per week all on the company dime. And these people have the onions to bitch constantly about how badly the company treats THEM.
Dude, you just described dozens of counterparts I have had over the years not to mention some of my DSMs as well. It seems like the people who complain the most have the least to complain about. The reason I hate meetings is because I know I will have to listen to these a-holes complaining constantly, "the room is too cold, the food is shitty, the rooms have bugs, why do we have to get here so early and leave so late, all we ever do is role play, why don't they at least give us a half day off for fun, can you believe they raised our objective again, the sales data sucks, why do we have to work between Christmas and New Years, wahahawawa

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