HA! Makes sense that you are still at takeda and no one else would hire you. Too blind to see the changes MC has made, too incompetent to know how the company works and who does what. I hope they keep you and you don’t get any severance.

You didn't answer his/her points. A lot of hot air. Typical corporate asskiss, AHole. You are only one of 3-4 people who would feel this way. Myopic moron. Attacking makes you look like the idiot. Prove your point.

Only if you hit goal! Less than 10% hit goal with Xiidra so don’t be fooled by the “retention bonus”. Also, I’m not sticking around until Christmas to see it! Perry did the 1.5x multiplier last year and very few made $ on it! Shire/Takeda is still setting goals so don’t expect to blow them out. I’m not fooled by this “carrot”!

Expect reps who don't hit bonus to be weeded out. That means fired for lack of performance. They will lessen the load of a lay off.
If you did not receive a positive annual review for 2018 BEWARE, the process may have already started for you.

So glad I left. My manager was pushover, my RD a bully. No managed care. Now I'm in the running for p club. The grass is greener. I'm just here to see all the brown noses KISS SOME MC ASS. Losers!

Don't be sorry for OBU! We are EXCITED about joining Novartis and selling Xiidra plus their future pipeline. This is the best move that could have occurred! Can't wait to get our first big bonus check from Novartis!!
They are NOT GOING TO KEEP US. They are not promoting pazeo and Durezol goes generic... 3 reps is too much to sell what they will have after that

They are NOT GOING TO KEEP US. They are not promoting pazeo and Durezol goes generic... 3 reps is too much to sell what they will have after that
You or anyone else in the salesforce do not know wth they are going to do. If you are unsure or fear for your future then start looking. If you are excited and hopeful then stay. They are the two options and luckily you get to decide for yourself. Id rather stick it out and see what happened rather than leaving and regretting it.

I’m sticking around in hopes of true leadership! KK was horrible. I had high hopes for JS and MC but they proved very untrustworthy, aloof, and full of empty promises! I hope JS and MC are left off the Novartis train!

Read all of the press releases They are keeping is for a bit for sure its future products and pipeline. All you idiots have to do is do a google search.

Novartis has a great pipeline-but a pipeline isn’t a hear and now. Think about it-Novartis can’t wait to make Xiidra a blockbuster drug. Do you think keeping overhead and positions that are non revenue generating will make xiidra a blockbuster? Hell no. It’s called managed care. It’s called knowing how to market a portfolio of products.
I think several reps will be kept, especially because Novartis wants to have a heavy presence in optometry practices.
No one knows what the plan is. But to think everyone is safe and is a Novartis employee n

They are NOT GOING TO KEEP US. They are not promoting pazeo and Durezol goes generic... 3 reps is too much to sell what they will have after that
Stop with the negativity! In an ever-expanding universe, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next?, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next? Well Novartis has targeted the EYE as a strategic growth division!

Stop with the negativity! In an ever-expanding universe, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next?, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next? Well Novartis has targeted the EYE as a strategic growth division!

Someone made a comment once that Shire OBU is the most active group on cafepharma. This is one nasty group of garbage, those few who post and attach people in this site. Yes, I know, I’m the garbage I’m a loser I can’t get a job... come at me.

Stop with the negativity! In an ever-expanding universe, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next?, we need to always find the courage to ask, ‘what’s next? Well Novartis has targeted the EYE as a strategic growth division!
They have for years ! They make money from Lucentis mostly

Someone made a comment once that Shire OBU is the most active group on cafepharma. This is one nasty group of garbage, those few who post and attach people in this site. Yes, I know, I’m the garbage I’m a loser I can’t get a job... come at me.
I am not sure it is not just a few that commented on what a crap the Ophthalmology unit at Shire was / is

I’m sticking around in hopes of true leadership! KK was horrible. I had high hopes for JS and MC but they proved very untrustworthy, aloof, and full of empty promises! I hope JS and MC are left off the Novartis train!
They are competent business wise and way better than Simms and the mess he has at Novartis...from an HR lens though, I’d rather deal with incompetence than the Snis creepy uncomfortable awkward weirdness anyday

Common sense says Novartis won’t keep 400 of us. I’m looking and we all should! I have a few months so I won’t jump “backward” but definitely ready and willing to jump.