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MC is a joke of a Director


How did MC get a job as a Director, he is such a terrible Leader and has no idea what he is doing!!! Oh yea, he got the job because he is an ass kisser and a "Yes" man. He is such a terrible Leader and will only tell you what he thinks you want to hear.

Eisai is definelty one of the worst companies and All of their " so called Leaders" are ALL such a Diaster. Where did all the good DM's go, none left at Eisai only the worst!!


How did MC get a job as a Director, he is such a terrible Leader and has no idea what he is doing!!! Oh yea, he got the job because he is an ass kisser and a "Yes" man. He is such a terrible Leader and will only tell you what he thinks you want to hear.

Eisai is definelty one of the worst companies and All of their " so called Leaders" are ALL such a Diaster. Where did all the good DM's go, none left at Eisai only the worst!!

MC is genuinely a nice guy, but he is a terrible leader. He played the political game perfectly and landed in the RD job. He is not confrontational, nor will he ever be seen as anything but a yes man. This is as far as it goes for him though, because he does not have the back stabbing, ego maniacal qualities now seen with senior management. OB and that tool, LC, have a perfect lap dog in him. I know you read CP Mark, so don't take this as an insult, but it is what it is.

Nice Guy, do not think so!!!!

Do Not fall for his false acts of being genuine and caring. He acts like he really cares but he only really cares about himself. I hope some day he gets what he truly deserves and will be out of a job. He has no talent, but I guess that he why he fits perecetly at Eisai~!!
MC- the truth is the truth.... face it

Nice Guy, do not think so!!!!

Do Not fall for his false acts of being genuine and caring. He acts like he really cares but he only really cares about himself. I hope some day he gets what he truly deserves and will be out of a job. He has no talent, but I guess that he why he fits perecetly at Eisai~!!
MC- the truth is the truth.... face it

You are bitter!

Not bitter at all- just honest.

Many of these people truly do NOT CARE about anybody but themselves and MC is just another Actor at Eisai pretendig that he cares. He lacks talent and leadership. I am only stating the truth, sorry

Not bitter at all- just honest.

Many of these people truly do NOT CARE about anybody but themselves and MC is just another Actor at Eisai pretendig that he cares. He lacks talent and leadership. I am only stating the truth, sorry

I am one of the displaced reps, so I really don't have much skin in the game. I do know by being in the business almost 20 years, that he really is not that bad compared to some of the tools that I have worked under. Yes he lacks some of the charisma, but he is not a back stabbing fucktard like some of his peers. IMHO

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