MBA Sales Reps


Most MBA reps I've run into got the MBA on company dime (good for them) from some Univ. of 'blank' at "my home town" or online deal...nice that they got MBA from wherever 'U' but to still stick around in this gig after 6 months of graduation is kinda of lame.

It is an absolute privilege to get a free degree. Worth 100K or more. If any company foots the bill its actually double value and usually comes with that built in ticket to stay on board. Paying your own is a financial set back of at least 15 years. Bet many here wish they had waited before shelling out that cost themselves.

MBA only good if you are going into management for a corporate giant (in 90 percent of cases)...and why would you want to do that?

Best MBA is probably going to be in Operations. You will always have a job, and you will not have to deal with cocky people, like most doctors or C level types.

And Yes, I have my MBA...and it is not from a joke online school like Phoenix.

Me too- so suck it non MBAers. Quit complaining and enjoy your Merck hell hole you hold onto with a death grip.

You need to get your MBA to take up the time you have wasted on this page.

Why does Merck put a high value on MBA sales people? Is there a sales MBA or is it the ability to better use the FDR that comes from getting an MBA? Sure it's a tough program sometimes but what is the value in sales? Does crunching numbers make you better in sales? Aren't number crunchers like accountants who like making spreadsheets rather than sales. Got me and the rest of us who wonder if this degree is worth the time to do.

Why does Merck put a high value on MBA sales people? Is there a sales MBA or is it the ability to better use the FDR that comes from getting an MBA? Sure it's a tough program sometimes but what is the value in sales? Does crunching numbers make you better in sales? Aren't number crunchers like accountants who like making spreadsheets rather than sales. Got me and the rest of us who wonder if this degree is worth the time to do.

MBA is ok to show desire to strengthen resume by going above and beyond. Typical MBA will probaly aspire to climb corporate ranks. The best MBAs have operational experience as well as sales experience. There are only 5% or less of these folks in the entire working universe and they are the most sough after. Bottom line, they don't just "think like a sales rep."

Going back to school means you continue to better yourself. It is a good thing with or without Merck.

You are not going to learn much, except how to network with a bunch of brown nosed fools. I hate the terms "brown nose" or "butt kisser"...but I can't think of any other way to put it.

I got my Masters at 24, and thought about the MBA, but I just didn't there was much more to it, except if I wanted into operations or finance...and both of those seem boring.

Most MBA s I know said that it was a joke for the most part, like most graduate programs.

No one needs a MBA to be a pharmaceutical representative.

Genius. The simplicity of the statement is genius.

When you think about it, no one needs any education to be a pharmaceutical representative. t is all handed to you, mind control core messaging and your list to call on. And we thought we had great careers at one point.

No one needs a MBA to be a pharmaceutical representative.

Just because we have it (MBA) you don't have to relate to the average reality star under achiever. Respect hard work you mother fuckers!

Oh sorry, that is why you are a pharm rep. because your an underachieving idiot who got lucky?

You know I'm fucking right fuck face!

Good luck with your stupid under grad degree when you get laid off. Is this Nicole Lorenzi?

Sounds like something she would say as the ultimate under achiever/ thief/ expense report thief...etc.... Under my management.

Sound off from Utah old management. yeah I said that.

Genius. The simplicity of the statement is genius.

When you think about it, no one needs any education to be a pharmaceutical representative. t is all handed to you, mind control core messaging and your list to call on. And we thought we had great careers at one point.

I saw an ad for a pharma rep today. One option was HS grad and 8 years of any sales experience! much for the MBA and your 100K tuition bill.

You are a minion. Happy and not in debt and have an MBA in this day in age ESP paid for by mother Merck. Quit being an unfrateful/ underachiever/ hater. Merck paid for mine you du,b ass. And they did not allow/ elect you. So quot being a hater.

Your kids will have a univ of Arkansas degree working for 7/11. Congrats MBA hater! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

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