Maziar Mike Doustdar is completely incompetent!

I can’t comment on Dousdstars competence - but his fascination with constantly posting absolute garbage about “how great am I” on LinkedIn is beyond pathetic. Clearly a very small man with a small man’s attitude if you asked me… EVP’s should be above that shit if they have any semblance of maturity.

MAZD is a psychopath. That is well understood. The talk from his own team today (and this has spread to HQ!) is about his lunatic performance with an Affiliate yesterday. His days are numbered…

Could you imagine if Doustdar was working for a proper CEO like Dave Ricks, or Albert Bourla or Paul Hudson? He would be kicked out the door within a month. Why do we have to put up with such an incompetent “leader” with everyone talking about how bad he is?

Often wondered how this guy survived when he could deliver no growth at all for years and years in Emerging markets (when every other company was growing 20%+ in EM’s)
Good old Novo Nordisk - looking after the incompetent people who can “spin” the best story and this guy is the king of spin. But surely his days are numbers. IO badly needs a refresh!

This one is actually very true. I worked in HQ in Denmark some years ago and the guy is so insecure and so weak that he is completely paranoid and vindictive. This is well known in HQ. It all about telling Mike he is this king or some sort of a god - otherwise you are out!!! And the self promotion is truly something to observe! It’s all about serving Mike’s ego. How sad!

This guy is just one part of the most incompetent and useless leadership team in Novo Nordisk history. Our previous leaders must be disgusted.
After the announcements on Friday, LFJ should hang his head in shame.
The number one requirement of a competent Executive team is to be able to forecast the business. These guys are beyond incompetent.
But LFJ with leave Mike and Doug on-role which clearly means that he is the problem…

This guy is just one part of the most incompetent and useless leadership team in Novo Nordisk history. Our previous leaders must be disgusted.
After the announcements on Friday, LFJ should hang his head in shame.
The number one requirement of a competent Executive team is to be able to forecast the business. These guys are beyond incompetent.
But LFJ with leave Mike and Doug on-role which clearly means that he is the problem…
Mike Duster & Doug Dumpster are core members of the LFJ dream team, you should all be proud of them.

It has been surprising to me for many years how someone so inept could survive for so long and make it to an EVP position in NN. Says a lot about how “real talent” is assessed in the Company versus political, ass lickers like Doustdar!