Massive Layoffs This Week


WARNING. Somaxon will announce layoffs this week amounting to roughly 100 reps from territories that are not expected to perform well going forward. Not only will there be no rollover but most of us will be gone...gone....gone. You can doubt me but this is the ugly truth, direct from the emergency board meeting Thursday night. My regional let me know here out West to help me and because he feels so guilty. All this money saved will go to DTC funding. For the 34 of us left, welcome to the death spiral. Run as though your livelihood depended on it since it does. This shitty experience of the last year is only getting worse. Match the worst management team imaginable with an overpriced mediocre product in this environment and how can anyone be surprised. I promise this is true. Get a head start on your colleagues for your next job or be screwed once again. You heard it here first. Fuck Somaxon by letting all your docs know about liquid Doxepin or easily opening the 10mg capsule and taking about half per night, and the bullshit manipulation of the 50mg data to imply high blood levels from 10mg. Go out with a bang, encourage all Silenor to be converted to generic doxepin and fuck them as they have fucked us. Sorry for the 34 that will be left. Cling to the illusion at your own peril. Best of luck to you 34 for your last few months of employment. And btw, OTC of any tricyclic will never happen since OD of OTC sleep meds is the most common suicide attempt in the country. LOL.

Unfortunately, this poster is right. Pascoe will throw everyone and anyone under the bus to save his ass. Sad part is he will die a slow miserable death also and many innocents will be hurt in the process. Too bad he wasn't a Marine...Semper Fi...everyone comes out alive or "I'll take a bullet".

What a bunch of pussies on this site. Over 200 views and just 2 post. Go ahead and let your feeling be known, this ship has not only hit the iceburg but we have zero life boats.

Is there any possibility that this call could be news other than layoffs? Perhaps a buy out? New drug? Co-promote?
I am not really thinking so, either, but just thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone has heard anything else.
Trying to remain positive. Not working well, though.

Is there any possibility that this call could be news other than layoffs? Perhaps a buy out? New drug? Co-promote?
I am not really thinking so, either, but just thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone has heard anything else.
Trying to remain positive. Not working well, though.

You never know about these things. My guess is they going to deep cuts
which they can report to Wall Street on Thursday. Wall St loves when
companies cut back. I think they will cut half the sales force?

I do think they willl do a massive layoff, but wondering why we are all going to be on the call at the same time tomorrow? How / When will we know who is kept? Having to wait that late in the day is brutal.

Hey, Papa get off this website (you know who you are...A$$hole poster on Somaxon's Yahoo Finance site and a real loser). The reason managers are warning reps is that they care. The managers would have to be included in the down-sizing plans (obviously you have never worked in a business yourself). Looks like a pretty bloody trading day coming up.


Oct-3 2011 Public announcement made by Somaxon

"Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOMX), a specialty pharmaceutical company, today
announced that it will exercise its option to rollover a significant number of the Publicis
Touchpoint Solutions, Inc. sales force. Somaxon expects to assume full responsibility for the
employees no later than January 1, 2012."

Oct-21 Double up contest winners through July will receive no bonus and Somaxon will not honor the contest previously announced by management.

Oct-26 Sample shipments for the 4th quarter will be halted to save money

Oct-28 Bonus payouts are reduced by 55% without notice.

Nov-2 Most reps let go with no warning or severance.

In less then 30 days Somaxon said they would hire most of us, then they decided to take our bonus, then they take away most of our second bonus, then they fire us.

I was hoping to be fired right before thanksgiving to really make it hurt. Thank you Somaxon for being so good to us.

Oh and let's not forget that JR the VP of Sales bolted and shortly thereafter LB our Head of Training took off as well. We have also had both RA and DC, Publicis Region Managers roll out to other positions away from this Somaxon contract. And lastly Speaker programs have all been canceled moving forward after this week.

So folks it's very obvious that this ship is taking on major water, so get your life preservers ready and jump for whatever next opportunity comes your way cause you are basically getting pushed off this thing sooner or later anyway. Overall this has been extremely disappointing and misleading experience for all of us on this contract!!