Massive Ethicon layoffs on Monday

Typical JNJ. One day you feel like this place is the greatest, the next they are blowing people out. Sorry for the folks who lost jobs. This place is a sham, and its all about the name JNJ and stock price.

I am pretty sure everyone got the same email that said conduct business as usual but be on the lookout for a meeting request through outlook. Why would they even put that in there?? If they were to send out Outlook request Friday or through the weekend, we would then be able to see who is in each group on the request. Usually, these request are by division or region. If this was the case again, why wouldn't we have gotten the request over the weekend and know when this call is coming and who it is with?
It is VERY unusal. Managers however were not on the email so of course they know what is going on. Can someone please say what they know!!???

I am pretty sure everyone got the same email that said conduct business as usual but be on the lookout for a meeting request through outlook. Why would they even put that in there?? If they were to send out Outlook request Friday or through the weekend, we would then be able to see who is in each group on the request. Usually, these request are by division or region. If this was the case again, why wouldn't we have gotten the request over the weekend and know when this call is coming and who it is with?
It is VERY unusal. Managers however were not on the email so of course they know what is going on. Can someone please say what they know!!???

This is what pisses me off. You know that the managers are aware of who is out and they know what is going on. They may not have known for too long but I bet they found out recently and could have done the right thing and talked to the reps.

does anyone remember that feedback we did on our counterparts a few weeks ago? We have never done that before and there was a deadline within a week to have it complete. The following week was manager meetings in Jersey. Coincidence...I think not. My guess is that they used this feedback to determine where a full line could take the role as a stand alone rep. This is purely speculation at this point but I have worked here a for a long time and I have never been asked for feedback within three days.

Well, I can tell you that, not every rep was asked to provide feedback on their colleagues! None of the HSR's or CSR's that I've reached out to had to do it. I'm on the West Coast.