Everbody is guessing that there are going to be mass layoffs but in reality nobody, especially at the DM level has been informed of layoffs. When upper management is this quiet one can suspect that a bomb will drop soon enough. Happy Holidays!

they need to relaunh Sprix. It is a good pain reliever but the marketing is awful. The medication costs so much that it will never be a hundred million dollar product. The co-payment card is too complicated and we lost the $25s. I myself would not pay fifty dollars for this medication. one of my doctors told me that even with the card he was facing an almost $200 Sprix bill. He passed and has never written again

they need to relaunh Sprix. It is a good pain reliever but the marketing is awful. The medication costs so much that it will never be a hundred million dollar product. The co-payment card is too complicated and we lost the $25s. I myself would not pay fifty dollars for this medication. one of my doctors told me that even with the card he was facing an almost $200 Sprix bill. He passed and has never written again

Good pain reliever? It's crap! The only thing that Sprix could replace is the Tabasco that you put on your eggs- no wait it's too expensive to even replace that!!

they need to relaunh Sprix. It is a good pain reliever but the marketing is awful. The medication costs so much that it will never be a hundred million dollar product. The co-payment card is too complicated and we lost the $25s. I myself would not pay fifty dollars for this medication. one of my doctors told me that even with the card he was facing an almost $200 Sprix bill. He passed and has never written again

Who is going to re-launch this? eh? mj? sj? This company won't even pay for paper or a decent lunch, do you think they will pay for talented marketing and sales leadership? What idiot runs the contracts for these things? The fat guy with a beard in Austin who said he would be personally responsible for these contracts. Haven't even heard from him in months. The whole bunch of them still don't get it. Relaunch?That's funny!!

they need to relaunh Sprix. It is a good pain reliever but the marketing is awful. The medication costs so much that it will never be a hundred million dollar product. The co-payment card is too complicated and we lost the $25s. I myself would not pay fifty dollars for this medication. one of my doctors told me that even with the card he was facing an almost $200 Sprix bill. He passed and has never written again

Not in my area ---
Box, $165 cash. But only $33/vial -$20 off with the copay card is only $13/vial. Most boxes of 5 have a MC price between $25 and $50. But still need better MC because we compete with generic Toradol and generic opioids.

Not in my area ---
Box, $165 cash. But only $33/vial -$20 off with the copay card is only $13/vial. Most boxes of 5 have a MC price between $25 and $50. But still need better MC because we compete with generic Toradol and generic opioids.

I call BS on this! Our 'CRACKED" management team jacked the awp to$165 cost to the pharmacy! Better MC -we have NO MC coverage! There is no competition with generic opoids or Torodol -we are not competitive with anything! Sprix is a DOG

Not in my area ---
Box, $165 cash. But only $33/vial -$20 off with the copay card is only $13/vial. Most boxes of 5 have a MC price between $25 and $50. But still need better MC because we compete with generic Toradol and generic opioids.

BS. Is that what your crooked DM and RSD told you to say? Can't "sample" now so lie about the price? Or are you so ignorant that you think AWP is a retail price? You tellme where that $165 pharmacy is and I'll send my patients there.

BS. Is that what your crooked DM and RSD told you to say? Can't "sample" now so lie about the price? Or are you so ignorant that you think AWP is a retail price? You tellme where that $165 pharmacy is and I'll send my patients there.

I know for a fact. And, please do send them. Guess I am just lucky