Mass Exodus Reorg

There will be a restructuring. There will not be layoffs. An increase in Specialty will occur, with a corresponding decrease in PCP. Since Fezo data is great, expansion will probably occur in late 2022, that will be SD's decision.

I can’t believe he’s still there. He’s an awful manager and has run off many good people.

My region fell into his bucket for a short time luckily got moved out that guy has some real mental issues/demons I remember at a meeting him showing pics of his wife and daughter in skimpy clothing to the room we were all like WTF how Astellas keeps people like him really blows my mind makes me wonder what the heck I am still doing here

My region fell into his bucket for a short time luckily got moved out that guy has some real mental issues/demons I remember at a meeting him showing pics of his wife and daughter in skimpy clothing to the room we were all like WTF how Astellas keeps people like him really blows my mind makes me wonder what the heck I am still doing here

You had your chance. I guess Urovant turned you down too?

There will be a restructuring. There will not be layoffs. An increase in Specialty will occur, with a corresponding decrease in PCP. Since Fezo data is great, expansion will probably occur in late 2022, that will be SD's decision.

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? there will not be layoffs- that's laughable. There are WAY TOO many sales associates in PCP and Specialty across the country. With Myrb losing patent soon and hot flash still a long walk away. FEZO will not be enough to support all these people. Pipeline is weak and there is not much down the road. We are like living 'pay check to pay check' with the pipeline here. They are down financially due to covid and have a hiring freeze. There will be a reorg that will lead to layoffs and massive ones. Brace yourselves

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? there will not be layoffs- that's laughable. There are WAY TOO many sales associates in PCP and Specialty across the country. With Myrb losing patent soon and hot flash still a long walk away. FEZO will not be enough to support all these people. Pipeline is weak and there is not much down the road. We are like living 'pay check to pay check' with the pipeline here. They are down financially due to covid and have a hiring freeze. There will be a reorg that will lead to layoffs and massive ones. Brace yourselves

Agreed, that's why I'm calling on more Obgyns than Uros now. I've become the acknowledged Gyn expert in Area.

No big news, rightsizing by attrition as is our historical way. Yeah, eventually we will have much bigger territories when they officially merge territories, no big deal, we will just cover with virtual while staying at home. Our jobs are safe. Relax.

No big news, rightsizing by attrition as is our historical way. Yeah, eventually we will have much bigger territories when they officially merge territories, no big deal, we will just cover with virtual while staying at home. Our jobs are safe. Relax.

I'd say it really depends on your area and what division. Some teams are definitely bloated and don't need that many reps. But safe not sure about that.

This leadership team is different from the last patent cliff.

I don't think this is like when for years being told there is no magic number for when Vesi came off then boom they are like 300 is the magic number and layoffs minimal but still lost good people on the hospital side.

Long term makes sense to keep people on for Fezo but the company can always do more with less (reps) especially PCP.