Mass exodus part 2

Expect massive turnover from the high performers. You can't treat people this poorly and retain talent. poor leadership will continue to cost this company $$$

I agree. I am in good shape on RXs but watching my peers who I have worked with for years and have proven themselves as valuable reps year after year get screwed pisses me off. I don't want to work for MNK anymore. Not for these leaders. Huge wake up call yesterday for those of us not in danger of getting pipped for NOW. I was casually looking for new employment. Now it's switched to an aggressive job hunt.

If you look at the people who were PIPed yesterday and add up all the $ they have put in the bank for MNK, it would be millions. This is how they say thanks?

They screwed up. Not me.

Approximately a third of the remaining Mallinckrodt reps have either been put on a PIP or taken severance. The official number will be known after 5 pm today after all acknowledgements have been turned in. God bless all of you affected and all that have to live through the fallout. May we all eventually find solace elsewhere.