Mass exodus part 2

Ok so people leave again I say instead of bitching and complaining look at it as an opportunity. If you don't apply then don't complain about lack of opportunities growth etc. my question remains if it's so bad why are you still there???? Oh, I see they pay you so as long as you want to keep receiving that cheque shut up do your job to the best of your ability and if you're still not happy please do everyone a favor and go make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out.

Look in the mirror there's the biggest problem and it's the only one that you have control over. Top reps managers multiple pres club winners are in demand as my first boss once told me if you're being recruited you're doing something right it's when you stop being recruited you should worry!

Tomorrow's another day do the best you can.

Ok so people leave again I say instead of bitching and complaining look at it as an opportunity. If you don't apply then don't complain about lack of opportunities growth etc. my question remains if it's so bad why are you still there???? Oh, I see they pay you so as long as you want to keep receiving that cheque shut up do your job to the best of your ability and if you're still not happy please do everyone a favor and go make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out.

Look in the mirror there's the biggest problem and it's the only one that you have control over. Top reps managers multiple pres club winners are in demand as my first boss once told me if you're being recruited you're doing something right it's when you stop being recruited you should worry!

Tomorrow's another day do the best you can.

so explain why you are so happy here then? we would all like to hear the details,
the worst leadership ever

Ok so people leave again I say instead of bitching and complaining look at it as an opportunity. If you don't apply then don't complain about lack of opportunities growth etc. my question remains if it's so bad why are you still there???? Oh, I see they pay you so as long as you want to keep receiving that cheque shut up do your job to the best of your ability and if you're still not happy please do everyone a favor and go make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out.

Look in the mirror there's the biggest problem and it's the only one that you have control over. Top reps managers multiple pres club winners are in demand as my first boss once told me if you're being recruited you're doing something right it's when you stop being recruited you should worry!

Tomorrow's another day do the best you can.

Oh get off your soapbox and give us all a break. Save the melodramatic speech. Don't think for one second that people are not looking for other jobs. Your comment "if you don't like it here, then leave", is worth nothing. We all have families to support moron. When most of us find another job, we will leave. Is that clear enough for you or has the Kool Aid seeped into your brain?

.Never said I was happy, satisfied or smoking funny stuff. Simply i don't expect anything from my leaders because they aren't leaders or have been sniffing something. As for families to support the moron that I am agrees we all need to provide. The point is don't expect leadership to show us where the forest is because all they see is trees. I know I'm one lost contract away from being useless to them. Am I looking? Everyone is always looking today with all the M&A's going on. It's clear what management is doing except for that Questcor thing they want to do which boggles any mind. It's all a money grab pump up the stock, make sure your friends are well taken care of and then FOff and leave everyone holding the bag. Unless they take that too!!! In the day within 1 week could have found a new job today's market is tougher and tougher hence my take don't give them ammunition to get rid of you faster than you would like that's all.

Agreed watch how he turns green and looks sick when he talks about the imaging nuclear dvision which is currently bringing home the cash to support everything else struggling. As for questcor the people that did due diligence should all be fired. Either they're geniuses and us the idiots or the other way around i'll stick to tne other way around thank you very much!!!!

"Mass exodus" - What a troublemaker and liar. There are probably no more than 5 or 6 vacancies across the country right now. What's that? 2% ? I wouldn't exactly call that a mass exodus. And 1 DM gone out of 35 ? Kind of pushing the exaggeration envelope a little aren't you?
There is always turnover on every sales teams and it us usually 8 to 10%. That is considered normal and not a mass exodus. So stop trying to stir up shit and worry people with something you know absolutely nothing about.[/QUOTE

Then explain why 3 dm's just left. From NY, Mid West and New Orleans?
Sounds like an exodus to me!!!

Who left in the Midwest?