I do find it funny, how after leaving Bostwick, I marched in and took 6 accounts and the rep had no clue. That's exactly why I left, because I cared about my existing accounts and wanted them to be happy. Guess it shows its not the the company but the person who can make or break a company. I still don't think the rep has a clue after being gone for 5 months, went to another state, and took 5 accounts and that rep had no clue. Plus did cold call and picked up new accounts Bostwick's reps could have closed. Why did I waste a yr with this company. Since I left reps call me and they are spending there days looking for new opportunity, sad because some have been with the company for a long time and are getting passed over due to Bostwicks bad reputation and worse now Marty took over, due to his departures from so many labs who got rid of him. I'm thank ful I did not waste one more day with the company, now working for a billion dollar company BD, Becton, such a breath of fresh air to have a company car excellent benefits and fantastic market share and backing by top management not the homeless management Bostwick pics up off new York streets. Only two good manager at bostwick, Chris and manager out of New York. Rest are worthless. I pray for all of you because I know you are going thru the motions. God Bless . I had one company I interviewed with who disliked Dr. Bostwick, stated he was cheap. Bostwick pay base 50 to 60. This company 90-95 base. People get a clue I could place 5 reps who are the best with my current company, and none are urology, because urology doesn't know how to sell. Wish you the best I sleep so well at night and don't worry about bad service products or poor management. When someone starts with Bostwick they should show the film Dumb and Dumber. Metalmark is done with Bostwick heard from inside source at metalmark.