March 15 Work Stoppage

Prepare for all day refresher disease state courses, multiple teleconferences, new training rollout, and logging time for everything we do. We will be working much more over next few weeks vs field time. This will not be a sit at home and do nothing get paid scenario. Get ready!

Prepare for all day refresher disease state courses, multiple teleconferences, new training rollout, and logging time for everything we do. We will be working much more over next few weeks vs field time. This will not be a sit at home and do nothing get paid scenario. Get ready!
Listen jerk, I’ll take that over getting infected and spreading it to my family and community. How about you applaud the decision to allow us to work from home. This is costing AZ money and boo hoo you may need to account for your time.

Are you hiring? GSK is telling us to “use our own judgement” if we want to make calls on customers. Our senior leadership are spineless assholes. Anyone that thinks who worked and who stayed at home won’t be factored into evaluations is batshit crazy.

Great time to see which companies value employees from who don’t. I respect you AZ. My oncology company is “business as usual” completely oblivious to risking e players, risking patients, bothering offices flooded with concerned sick patients and ruining long term access relationships because of it,

Listen jerk, I’ll take that over getting infected and spreading it to my family and community. How about you applaud the decision to allow us to work from home. This is costing AZ money and boo hoo you may need to account for your time.
I sure hope you aren't a sales representative. Your opening line "Listen, jerk..." sure needs a lot of work. You can make a point without calling names. You really need to work on your delivery while we are out if the field if you are a rep. Heaven forbid you are a manager, but that wouldn't surprise me.

Can we please quit griping and for once be thankful to work for a company that has put employees (our families), patients and customers ahead of our own business? Unlike other jobs, we are being compensated to stay out of offices and not conduct our normal business AND be compensated. None of us have to worry about paycheck reduction and not being able to pay bills, mortgage, etc. Please turn your negativity to A mindset of gratitude. Nothing is perfect.....this is unchartered territory for our nation, our company, our families, etc. For those who believed CV was a hoax, hopefully you are paying attention and do your part following procedures in place to protect yourself and your families. Best wishes for everyone to stay well.

Can we please quit griping and for once be thankful to work for a company that has put employees (our families), patients and customers ahead of our own business? Unlike other jobs, we are being compensated to stay out of offices and not conduct our normal business AND be compensated. None of us have to worry about paycheck reduction and not being able to pay bills, mortgage, etc. Please turn your negativity to A mindset of gratitude. Nothing is perfect.....this is unchartered territory for our nation, our company, our families, etc. For those who believed CV was a hoax, hopefully you are paying attention and do your part following procedures in place to protect yourself and your families. Best wishes for everyone to stay well.

GSK rep here telling you that I agree. Your company is doing the right thing. GSK needs to learn something from you guys.

Can we please quit griping and for once be thankful to work for a company that has put employees (our families), patients and customers ahead of our own business? Unlike other jobs, we are being compensated to stay out of offices and not conduct our normal business AND be compensated. None of us have to worry about paycheck reduction and not being able to pay bills, mortgage, etc. Please turn your negativity to A mindset of gratitude. Nothing is perfect.....this is unchartered territory for our nation, our company, our families, etc. For those who believed CV was a hoax, hopefully you are paying attention and do your part following procedures in place to protect yourself and your families. Best wishes for everyone to stay well.

Amen. I see so many people losing jobs across the economy right mow my heartaches and it sickens me to see.

I'm grateful to at least have a paycheck coming in right now. Let's hope this doesnt last too long for everyone's sake.

Checked in with one of my offices yesterday and they said their AZ rep had a big catered lunch delivered for the entire office, all they had to do is talk with them over the phone for a bit during lunch. Is this what you all are doing? Seems a little shady. Btw, I am not selling a competitive product, just curious if you guys are a bit more relaxed with the compliance stuff.

Checked in with one of my offices yesterday and they said their AZ rep had a big catered lunch delivered for the entire office, all they had to do is talk with them over the phone for a bit during lunch. Is this what you all are doing? Seems a little shady. Btw, I am not selling a competitive product, just curious if you guys are a bit more relaxed with the compliance stuff.
go fuck yourself

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