
100% accurate. Most AZ managers have no leadership qualities. CBDs are worst they've no idea what their role is & they don't care

Our CBD gets wood over SDP's. Every other week we have to re-do ours if numbers aren't great. Never mind the fact that it takes many weeks/months for plans to see fruition. Just shows a very bad leader was put into a position of leadership. They do well at managing up though (networking and ass kissing).

Welcome to AZ! Been that way for years. They have no leadship skills. When in doubt just manage up!!!!!!
Our CBD gets wood over SDP's. Every other week we have to re-do ours if numbers aren't great. Never mind the fact that it takes many weeks/months for plans to see fruition. Just shows a very bad leader was put into a position of leadership. They do well at managing up though (networking and ass kissing).

What’s an SDP?

Seriously? I'm envious if you really don't know. Stands for Situation, Diagnosis, Plan. It has become a way for managers (won't use the term, "leaders") to validate that they actually do something. A few weeks of not great numbers will require you to "update" (IE: redo) your plan even if you just did one. Our CBD requires we do them incessantly.

Poor use of time and skills.

OMG! My manager recently posted that the stupid game of tennis prepares him for life and business challenges. The dude is a macho nightmare and we all laugh behind his back.

Sooooo Microoooo

It is the new era. Nobody is spared the micromanagement. It is called job justification and clearly middle management is concerned about their true worth, which is minimal at most. Upper management needs the details down to the fine print as to why the majority of the reps are not making goal. All part of the ultimate big plan that is underway. Enjoy your August.