Good tidings we bringAll right, zip it. Zip it! Zi-i-ip. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, ex-zip-it A. Look! I'm "Zippy" Longstocking! When a problem comes along, you must zip it! Zip it good! (speaks faux Japanese)... Subtitle: "Zip it". Would you like to have a suckle of my "zipple"? Sh! Knock-knock.
Who's there? Sh! Let me tell you a little story about a man named Sh! Sh! even before you start. That was a pre-emptive "sh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "sh!" with your name on it!
Ha Ha you make me laugh Zip it
Vacation for mgrs. Ego fortification for the higher ups. Basically it's a big circle jerk, spin the bullshit party to discuss how to screw us peons in the butt without KY.purpose?
Who needs KY when we have KK?Vacation for mgrs. Ego fortification for the higher ups. Basically it's a big circle jerk, spin the bullshit party to discuss how to screw us peons in the butt without KY.
Why were they doing calibration in beginning of December?
My DM stated there will be no layoffs in '16, in fact, we will be aggressively recruiting new reps. She didn't mention any 'blockbusters, but who knows?Getting ready to thin the herd.
My DM stated there will be no layoffs in '16, in fact, we will be aggressively recruiting new reps. She didn't mention any 'blockbusters, but who knows?
My DM stated there will be no layoffs in '16, in fact, we will be aggressively recruiting new reps. She didn't mention any 'blockbusters, but who knows?
Getting ready to thin the herd.
Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.Dear Jim McLynch,
Wow you really amaze me! You exceed expectations! A douche bag of your magnitude could cleanse a whale's vagina. You actually troll Cafepharma and when you see something you don’t like you have it removed. Truth hurts you sad sack (speaking of sacks; You got something on your chin…, no, the third one down - I see you were so impressed with your first chin that you added two more). Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger. You are the kind of person who, when someone first meets you, they don't like you. But when they get to know you better, they hate you. That statement you made about what the best qualifications of an ideal representative made me think I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that. Listen, are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?
Bravo! Support your comments 110%!!Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.
The only thing you support is mediocre leadership. Which in this case, mediocre is a compliment and a stretch. Nothing to be proud of.Bravo! Support your comments 110%!!
WTH?!?“Beauty" and sexuality are both commonly misunderstood as some transcendent inevitable fact; falsely interlocking the two makes it seem doubly true that a woman must be "beautiful" to be sexual. That of course is not true at all. The definitions of both "beautiful" and "sexual" constantly change to serve the social order, and the connection between the two is a recent invention.