Managers, managers managers

I think it was meant to be directed toward us DMs who sadly put up with this dump due to job market and the shell game they play with our bonuses. I thought Droopie was going to change things but she got passed up on the promotion. I think she's in charge of e-time, sending out wellness tips and making sure there the candy bowls are filled in the corp office. Even my RM could do that. I think.

I think it was meant to be directed toward us DMs who sadly put up with this dump due to job market and the shell game they play with our bonuses. I thought Droopie was going to change things but she got passed up on the promotion. I think she's in charge of e-time, sending out wellness tips and making sure there the candy bowls are filled in the corp office. Even my RM could do that. I think.

But, remember from a previous RM post, the "cancers" have already left the company, none of whom were top performers, so those of us left must be happy and successful.

Aww mean managers. How old are you? 2? News flash-you chose sales as a career. Our bonus plan and reviews are based on hitting numbers. Maybe Build A Bear is hiring.

Choosing sales as a career does not mean being degraded and having to work for losers like this person. Sales can be a great career for a company that doesn't suck at growing and changing (like RC does). Real sales professionals strive for goals that are realistic, and based on their specific regions. Real sales people are motivated by REAL pay. RC doesn't care about allocating appropriate goals for each region. It's too much work. Just slap the same quota on everyone. Ever notice what idiots are "top performers", who have the worst social skills you'll ever see in your life? Ever notice how much they yearn for that sales award, as if it means something?
This is either one of the DB managers left who has been all-too-easily brainwashed by WK. (Can you imagine being so weak and pathetic to be influenced by him)? Or- the brainwashing has run downhill to this small and mindless DM who thinks they are a "top performer".
What a bad as* you are for growing your kibble territory!! Hooray!! How sweet is your victory dance every quarter when you earn that low-grade commission? What a success story!

Take it from someone who has moved on to a REAL sales job. This post is an example of RC's most common type of employee, and says everything you'll need to know about what wannabe losers that work here.

Choosing sales as a career does not mean being degraded and having to work for losers like this person. Sales can be a great career for a company that doesn't suck at growing and changing (like RC does). Real sales professionals strive for goals that are realistic, and based on their specific regions. Real sales people are motivated by REAL pay. RC doesn't care about allocating appropriate goals for each region. It's too much work. Just slap the same quota on everyone. Ever notice what idiots are "top performers", who have the worst social skills you'll ever see in your life? Ever notice how much they yearn for that sales award, as if it means something?
This is either one of the DB managers left who has been all-too-easily brainwashed by WK. (Can you imagine being so weak and pathetic to be influenced by him)? Or- the brainwashing has run downhill to this small and mindless DM who thinks they are a "top performer".
What a bad as* you are for growing your kibble territory!! Hooray!! How sweet is your victory dance every quarter when you earn that low-grade commission? What a success story!

Take it from someone who has moved on to a REAL sales job. This post is an example of RC's most common type of employee, and says everything you'll need to know about what wannabe losers that work here.

Very true. This post was written by someone with more intelligence than the existing managers.

Funny you bring up existing managers. I have read all this stuff for months now and have reply. My former manager was let go after almost 15yrs with the company. Our team is still in shock as most of us came to work for the company because of him. In fact most of us agree he was the best manager we ever had in our careers. While we are now forced to go on without any direction I have to say I am not proud of the company I work for. Through the grapevine many on our team have heard that he was not offered any severance after almost 15yrs. Who ever made that decision should be ashamed of themselves. According to another colleague the company gave someone 2 months severance who didn't even last a week. Thankfully I my former manager is working again which is great news to all of us. If the rumors are true about his firing then he is in a much better place.

I understand a severance package after being layed off but after a firing?... Grow up and take a least a miniscule iota of self respect and ownership for your own fate. Dude was fired - he doesn't deserve anything except a wave and a shutting door.

Doesn't matter if you sell kibble or diamond hats to the Pope. You have the ability to do what you want in life. You live the consequences every day. I'm not gonna blow sunshine and tell you that my manager is awesome. I will tell you that if she asks me to do something, I nod and smile in agreement. At the end of the day, I take off my RC hat and throw it in wash to get rid of that yes-man stink. What do I care? I get a salary. I get a company car. Sometimes I get bonus. Either way, I find that by not fighting the current, I end up much happier and have more time to do the stuff I love. Honestly, I'd be happy making the same amount sitting in a Nike factory putting shoes together with six year old kids. Doesn't matter one bit. It's just an eight hour day. Get in, get done, get out.

If you believe that you're destined for something more then it's your own fault for not doing it. Blaming your manager for not getting you what you want is the equivalent of feeding and elephant peanuts and expecting gold bricks out the other end - at least it is in my case. I just shovel the poop aside and continue along my way. Why? Because I don't want to work harder. I don't care about becoming an RM. Hell, based on what you all say about your managers, I sure don't want to become one.

Funny you bring up existing managers. I have read all this stuff for months now and have reply. My former manager was let go after almost 15yrs with the company. Our team is still in shock as most of us came to work for the company because of him. In fact most of us agree he was the best manager we ever had in our careers. While we are now forced to go on without any direction I have to say I am not proud of the company I work for. Through the grapevine many on our team have heard that he was not offered any severance after almost 15yrs. Who ever made that decision should be ashamed of themselves. According to another colleague the company gave someone 2 months severance who didn't even last a week. Thankfully I my former manager is working again which is great news to all of us. If the rumors are true about his firing then he is in a much better place.

"Best manager we've ever had in our careers". ?? You either just graduated from college, or your career history is pretty pathetic. We all know your manager, and he's a lying two-faced pile of sewage. There is verifiable evidence that he has two personalities, but you are likely too brainwashed to want to believe that. Be thankful that you are NOT one of the DMs he chose to target for his own neurotic personal reasons.
If it's true that he wasn't provided severance pay, why do you think that is? Do you think it's possible that someone finally looked at the concrete evidence against him, and decided to do something about the corruption and lying he got away with? Yes, think about that for a minute. Is it POSSIBLE that you were....LIED TO by your RM? Gasp!! He could lie easier than anyone I've ever seen, and not only was he good at it, he enjoyed it.
I believe that they should have thrown him a little something to land on his feet, but the way you describe him sounds like you are either: A. Typing AS him, or B. Really easily manipulated. If you love him so much, follow him to his new job and report to him there. Just don't expect a successful career with that loser as your mentor.

No, we weren't fooled. We were ecstatic when you left because you were always negative and never hit your goals. You talk about honesty. If you were honest with yourself you would know you contributed absolutely nothing to our team.

No, we weren't fooled. We were ecstatic when you left because you were always negative and never hit your goals. You talk about honesty. If you were honest with yourself you would know you contributed absolutely nothing to our team.

Who are you talking about? The manager that left?
More need to go.

No, we weren't fooled. We were ecstatic when you left because you were always negative and never hit your goals. You talk about honesty. If you were honest with yourself you would know you contributed absolutely nothing to our team.

I wasn't on your team. Guess again suck-up. It doesn't change what many people witnessed in person. Just because you are delusional and easily brainwashed doesn't mean people weren't treated poorly and your RM wasn't a manipulative scumbag.
Ask the people who left how happy they are now. There are many to choose from!

I wasn't on your team. Guess again suck-up. It doesn't change what many people witnessed in person. Just because you are delusional and easily brainwashed doesn't mean people weren't treated poorly and your RM wasn't a manipulative scumbag.
Ask the people who left how happy they are now. There are many to choose from!

I know many people who left and not a single one has any regrets. The company was once a very good company with management that could be respected. That is no longer the case, unfortunately.

No, we weren't fooled. We were ecstatic when you left because you were always negative and never hit your goals. You talk about honesty. If you were honest with yourself you would know you contributed absolutely nothing to our team.

If I were honest, I'd say that most of the people on my team were frightened little followers who spoke poorly about the company and management the moment they stepped away from everyone else and wiped those fake and submissive smirks off their faces.
I've never done well in those environments, because they lack leadership and creativity. Most people at RC are just scared, and will sell out for a low-ball price (the pathetic kibble paycheck and mediocre company car).