Manager access not allowed

Not really. Managers do and have been canned. Look at the west DCO who lost his job several weeks ago. There are other managers out west who have lost jobs over the past few years. There is one that might lose his job right now if he doesnt get his sht together and quite treating us like children. You know who you are. He never shuts his pie-hole on field visits either, and the doctors hate him when they see us coming with him

You must be talking about Tom Lyon. He is a prolific self-serving jerk without many allies. He will get back what he gives. Good ole karma is coming for him.

Just found out on tuesday that one of my main clincs is now closed to managers. They are getting ready to close it to reps as well because they are so fed up with the crap. Guess who caused this one? You got it-a Merck manager working with my counterpart 2 weeks ago.

The comment was that they see this manager every month and dont care for the unpleasant friction that there is when manager is with rep talking to nurses, docs, and other staff. They also cant stand the managers tactics of stupid lines of questioning.

Another Merck manager screwing up the works.

Will we ever learn?

Does anyone even care anymore?

Just found out on tuesday that one of my main clincs is now closed to managers. They are getting ready to close it to reps as well because they are so fed up with the crap. Guess who caused this one? You got it-a Merck manager working with my counterpart 2 weeks ago.

The comment was that they see this manager every month and dont care for the unpleasant friction that there is when manager is with rep talking to nurses, docs, and other staff. They also cant stand the managers tactics of stupid lines of questioning.

Another Merck manager screwing up the works.

Will we ever learn?

Does anyone even care anymore?

Trust me. After awhile the fat nurses would miss the food and call the reps, claiming special invitation only, to come and schedule lunches. I agree managers can be a problem. But those folks also should know they are not that high and mighty. Want free food? Deal with it. It's time for us sales reps to stop this attitude from some less educated office staff.

Trust me. After awhile the fat nurses would miss the food and call the reps, claiming special invitation only, to come and schedule lunches. I agree managers can be a problem. But those folks also should know they are not that high and mighty. Want free food? Deal with it. It's time for us sales reps to stop this attitude from some less educated office staff.

That's right! The RFM must be executed and the lunch metric met so the meal comptency can be checked off. Wait. What if all offices stop schelduling lunches and your catering job goes away?

That's right! The RFM must be executed and the lunch metric met so the meal comptency can be checked off. Wait. What if all offices stop schelduling lunches and your catering job goes away?

Since many offices now mention "free lunch" as a perk to their new hires, it is unlikely they will ban us forever. The doc may say so. The staff, esp. the fat ones, will talk him/her into allowing it again. Then we all have to play the game about, "you can't talk too aggressively about your drugs during lunch" crap. When staff complained to me how a drug was so pushy during lunch, my thought is, "Do you think we are in charity business to feed your fat asses for nothing? We are feeding you so we can talk to the physicians!"

My manager always like to work with me on a Wednesday when most offices are closed all day or at noon. That's fine. It is also the best day to see a busy doc by appointment at 8 am and he does not want any manager. My darn manager is pissed that he has to wait for me to finish this call, wasting his valuable time. I can't tell this asshole I am supposed to run my own business and this is the best time to call on a guy who can give us tons of business. Little dimwit is not happy.

Use your "change agent" to vent issues. Get a campaign going with others in the district who feel the same way. Then nail him on it during the year end feedback sessions. If enough people get ugly enough about it, the DCO will have to take notice. And, I think the whole change agent thing is a total joke. Use it to your advantage. In the culture of political correctness(did you hear longstreets message today?)you can get the guy in a lot of trouble, or at the very least cause him a lot of sleepless nights. Dont let him make your life that miserable-retaliate as best you can before the ship sinks. Do not get bullied.

Use your "change agent" to vent issues. Get a campaign going with others in the district who feel the same way. Then nail him on it during the year end feedback sessions. If enough people get ugly enough about it, the DCO will have to take notice. And, I think the whole change agent thing is a total joke. Use it to your advantage. In the culture of political correctness(did you hear longstreets message today?)you can get the guy in a lot of trouble, or at the very least cause him a lot of sleepless nights. Dont let him make your life that miserable-retaliate as best you can before the ship sinks. Do not get bullied.

It did not work a few years ago. The director flown in to hear what we had to say. The manager was the last one to meet with the director. Now that manager is in the upper management. In the interim he got even and most that complained are gone.

My guy brags and tells me how well the MDs know him.
We show up at the clinic-people walked right by without ever noticing him. Whats with these CTL's? They think they know it all. I know people know our jobs are a joke, but does anybody know what a joke the manager job has gotten to be in the past 5 years?

My docs have NO clue who my manager is besides a manager. If he makes me interfere with their routine too much they can show it then he gives me a bad review. Keep the managers out unless their asked for!

And they will be seeing less and less customer interactions. Clinics closing daily to them. Going to be hard for assessment time when the boss cant see anything because everybody cant stand them

This has been a great thread-do you think some managers have seen it? If they have, how much you want to bet that they think we arent talking about them? Its the other managers, not me!

This has been a great thread-do you think some managers have seen it? If they have, how much you want to bet that they think we arent talking about them? Its the other managers, not me!

Paraphrasing a manager...f I am a Merck manager and my director threatens me every day, I would not care what the reps are saying. My wife wants a new 3D TV or no sex. My kids want the latest iPod Touch. I want to drive a nice family car around to show I am successful. It's better to screw the reps and maintain my lifestyle.

Paraphrasing a manager...f I am a Merck manager and my director threatens me every day, I would not care what the reps are saying. My wife wants a new 3D TV or no sex. My kids want the latest iPod Touch. I want to drive a nice family car around to show I am successful. It's better to screw the reps and maintain my lifestyle.

Paraphrasing a universal truth of life...what goes around, comes around. Better not to scew anybody....

Paraphrasing a manager...f I am a Merck manager and my director threatens me every day, I would not care what the reps are saying. My wife wants a new 3D TV or no sex. My kids want the latest iPod Touch. I want to drive a nice family car around to show I am successful. It's better to screw the reps and maintain my lifestyle.

Your manager eeds a new Director, a new wife, new kids, a new life, and new values. You need a new job.

Thats great. I just saw a clinic this morning and found out reps and managers are banned. Asking a few more questions, I learn that it was because of a manager/rep incident recently from merck. Now we get to send back our computers for a sample if we want any business. WTF-merck managers suck ass. Your days are coming, dont worry.

Paraphrasing a manager...f I am a Merck manager and my director threatens me every day, I would not care what the reps are saying. My wife wants a new 3D TV or no sex. My kids want the latest iPod Touch. I want to drive a nice family car around to show I am successful. It's better to screw the reps and maintain my lifestyle.

This is dead on and a pathetic indictment of what most of the CTL's demonstrate everyday. Look how big my house is, look at my new basement, my Counrty Club membership... Many of these CTL's have sold their soul to the Company for material possessions. THAT IS WHY THEY NEVER PUSH BACK TO THE DCO. THEY IMPLEMENT EVERY DUMB F'ING IDEA AND EVERY SPREADSHEET AND EVERY SALES MODEL AND NEW COMPETENCY AND SIP PLAN. They all stand and give the DCO an ovation every time he addresses the group. The first one out of their chair to applaud must win some NMIP points! Hey managers, know this, your day is coming too!

This is dead on and a pathetic indictment of what most of the CTL's demonstrate everyday. Look how big my house is, look at my new basement, my Counrty Club membership... Many of these CTL's have sold their soul to the Company for material possessions. THAT IS WHY THEY NEVER PUSH BACK TO THE DCO. THEY IMPLEMENT EVERY DUMB F'ING IDEA AND EVERY SPREADSHEET AND EVERY SALES MODEL AND NEW COMPETENCY AND SIP PLAN. They all stand and give the DCO an ovation every time he addresses the group. The first one out of their chair to applaud must win some NMIP points! Hey managers, know this, your day is coming too!

Merck has made the job of a rep meaningless and miserable. The managers are also stuck, some in debts, too used to the paycheck and bonus, know they will not make the same amount elsewhere, and understand the only possibly way to secure their own employment is to become ruthless SOBs to carry out executions. They want to keep their lavish homes. They want to pay off the 6th or 7th TV they just bought. They want sex from their wives.

This is dead on and a pathetic indictment of what most of the CTL's demonstrate everyday. Look how big my house is, look at my new basement, my Counrty Club membership... Many of these CTL's have sold their soul to the Company for material possessions. THAT IS WHY THEY NEVER PUSH BACK TO THE DCO. THEY IMPLEMENT EVERY DUMB F'ING IDEA AND EVERY SPREADSHEET AND EVERY SALES MODEL AND NEW COMPETENCY AND SIP PLAN. They all stand and give the DCO an ovation every time he addresses the group. The first one out of their chair to applaud must win some NMIP points! Hey managers, know this, your day is coming too!

My last two managers were afraid of their shadows! They did whatever stuid crap the DCO told them to- It was ridiculous! They would never disagree with him or express their own opinions- Other than to kiss his arse!!!!!

The problem is there are too many managers. A manager should at the very least have 12 territories to cover. A manager should not have to ride with a rep more than once a quarter. Instead, we have managers with only 7 or 8 territories and in turn riding with reps 2 to 3 times a month. This is a waste of time for everyone (rep, manager, office). The money Merck would save by cutting managers back would be huge. This would be way more efficient and you would have less offices closing their doors to pharma. Merck please look at every other industry where supervisors are over double to triple digit employees.