Management shuffle

Francoise de Craecker was here one minute and then vanished the next. Completely devoid of any financial skills to run a business. Story of silly woman wearing blue for years in line with brand colours. Think she can wear green now.

Just a matter of time until DB & CES are replaced. Well DB anyway. CES can't be fired due to affirmative action, she sucks and is a perfect example of Peter Principle. Their sales compensation model and forecasting have been embarrassing.

you have no idea how trued your 2nd sentence was. flemming is about to bring over all his cronies that have followed him from company to company. First batter up. Perry sternberg. This guy is a complete tool and liar. not to be trusted. next they will bring over kathy kobe. the worse micro manager you have ever seen. Brutal nasty biotch. Perry's hatchet man that fires all the existing people and replaces with her own. next will be their HR cronie belinda who reports back to them any complaints and covers their assesss.

Good luck. perry will be there soon, he just left B&L after the buy out.

yo this person nailed it. flemming brought this guy over. he got rid of people to put his people in. now this other thread said this other person kathy is coming. doesn't sound like a good thing.

I was an old Novartis Ophthalmics soldier, and remember when that boob Flemming came over and was going to "improve" Novartis Ophthalmics....sales went in the tank within months, and he was fired within a year, not before having Perry Sternberg, who was an unknown district manager over at Novartis promoted to Senior VP of Sales at Ophthalmics. Ask about some of the convicted felons Perry tried getting hired.

Sad how things never change....and this was 10 years ago, in 2004!

I can't believe I'm actually hoping for a buyout...anyone else? I need to be forced out; I know I'll never leave on my own. Sounds like our leadership team is preparing us for that

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Colleagues think Flemming will be the saviour. He will wipe us out. Thank god somebody eliminated Dirk Moritz - he was unbearable and a complete incompetent asshole with apollo mission syndrome. Knew fuck all about strategy. Was med info person previously. Brought in wankers to lead his subfunctions. Thankfully Pedro and Faupel got fired too. Now the place is a better place to work but the damage is done
you have no idea how trued your 2nd sentence was. flemming is about to bring over all his cronies that have followed him from company to company. First batter up. Perry sternberg. This guy is a complete tool and liar. not to be trusted. next they will bring over kathy kobe. the worse micro manager you have ever seen. Brutal nasty biotch. Perry's hatchet man that fires all the existing people and replaces with her own. next will be their HR cronie belinda who reports back to them any complaints and covers their assesss.

Good luck. perry will be there soon, he just left B&L after the buy out.

Wow. Can you believe this prediction? Creepy. They do the same thing over and over. Get ready for 2015!

Whats funny is Kathy wants people to "trust her way" Ha, what an ignoramus. With a history like hers who would ever trust anything that comes out of her mouth? Same goes for mush-mouth Perry.