Management on Steglatro

Both sales forces selling Steglatro is pure genius. The other SGLT2s are having meetings about this. They are worried sick. They are having conference call after conference call. Web after web ex There is tremendous concern about the possibilities with Steglatro. Steglatro is best in class.

Both sales forces selling Steglatro is pure genius. The other SGLT2s are having meetings about this. They are worried sick. They are having conference call after conference call. Web after web ex There is tremendous concern about the possibilities with Steglatro. Steglatro is best in class.

No we’re not. 0 scripts. If any dr wrote Steglatro, they would be shamed.

stegasaurus is exactly that... an extinct dinosaur....It is dead.
I am not even going to leave my house anymore. Just collect my paycheck while I look for another job.
Got to get ahead of the mass layoff that is coming when Management finally stops drinking their own coolaid.

What do you mean management koolaid. Management is very pleased with Steglatro. With both reps selling Steglatro, the sky is the limit. This is a great drug which is doing extremely well

Agree the drug is doing fantastic But consider why? We have a great marketing team and a great leader. The strategic moves of cutting the salesforce are paying big dividends. And remember now that 2 salesforces are selling Steglatro and all the relationships and docs confidence in their sales reps has taken hold, Steglatro sales will even soar higher.

Agree the drug is doing fantastic But consider why? We have a great marketing team and a great leader. The strategic moves of cutting the salesforce are paying big dividends. And remember now that 2 salesforces are selling Steglatro and all the relationships and docs confidence in their sales reps has taken hold, Steglatro sales will even soar higher.

Where do we find idiots like you?

It is amazing how scared the BI and AZ salesforces are now that Steglatro is doing so well. The entire marketing department knew exactly how to promote this blockbuster. What a drug.

i am very worried. We have done NO sales with this drug since launch. It is only a matter of time before they Re optimize the field force again. I am already looking.
Why are you worried. The strategy of selling Steglatro in the third position after metformin and Januvia is working. Plus we are now going to capitalize on all the relationships that have been built since the reorg. Wonderful business decision to sever all the relationships that had been built before launch of Steglatro. Now we can capitalize on all the new relationships. Plus everyone is now selling Steglatro. Only people worried is the competition. Gator as one pollster said will start chomping the market share from the competition.

Why are you worried. The strategy of selling Steglatro in the third position after metformin and Januvia is working. Plus we are now going to capitalize on all the relationships that have been built since the reorg. Wonderful business decision to sever all the relationships that had been built before launch of Steglatro. Now we can capitalize on all the new relationships. Plus everyone is now selling Steglatro. Only people worried is the competition. Gator as one pollster said will start chomping the market share from the competition.
Gator is chomping showing tremendous gains for Steglatro with each passing week. Remember this drug has tremendous efficacy and is truly a sales person ‘s type of drug. We are performing very well

I'm not so sure I believe this.
Are you blowing the numbers away? Steglatro is best in class You just have to know how to sell this class and specifically Steglatro. You are probably using the same tactics you used when you were first in class with Januvia. You need an entire different approach Sell the sizzle with Steglatro. We are already at a 12 share in nRxs. Get with the program. Challenge yourself. Do not use your old tactics like Do you need any Januvia samples doc. Will not work when you are are 4th to market. Call a friend who is doing well with Steglatro.Ask your manager to let you ride with that successful rep. Think outside the box. Good luck

Are you blowing the numbers away? Steglatro is best in class You just have to know how to sell this class and specifically Steglatro. You are probably using the same tactics you used when you were first in class with Januvia. You need an entire different approach Sell the sizzle with Steglatro. We are already at a 12 share in nRxs. Get with the program. Challenge yourself. Do not use your old tactics like Do you need any Januvia samples doc. Will not work when you are are 4th to market. Call a friend who is doing well with Steglatro.Ask your manager to let you ride with that successful rep. Think outside the box. Good luck
Makes a lot of sense

Are you blowing the numbers away? Steglatro is best in class You just have to know how to sell this class and specifically Steglatro. You are probably using the same tactics you used when you were first in class with Januvia. You need an entire different approach Sell the sizzle with Steglatro. We are already at a 12 share in nRxs. Get with the program. Challenge yourself. Do not use your old tactics like Do you need any Januvia samples doc. Will not work when you are are 4th to market. Call a friend who is doing well with Steglatro.Ask your manager to let you ride with that successful rep. Think outside the box. Good luck
Thanks for the advice You are doing so well with Steglatro. My latest numbers look good. Checked Gator What

We are no where close to a 12 Share. No customers want to use it. Every rep I know is only getting 1 Rx a week. Sales are the only thing that matter and we don’t have any. Layoff has to be coming within a year.