Managed Care KAE's

It should be mandatory everybody in management or other division leaders works as a kae or sme at labcorp so they know how labs work in reality, with the office staff and doctors.. Not being mean but Waving a sheet that says "must or under contract to use labcorp" to an office member or doctor, is unnecessary.. A monkey can do that!

It's funny to see people complaining about the Managed Care KAEs. Without them, you'd have to sell testing and services to accounts instead of waving health plan letters in front of doctors that say, "I know you don't want to use us, but you have to...see the letter". You should call your Managed Care KAE today and thank them that you don't have to sell service and testing....

Is this a joke? If not, you're a really sad excuse for a rep. You were hired to sell testing and services, Superstar. As above poster stated, a monkey can wave a health plan letter - which is exactly why they hired monkeys to do it.

if you saw an actual job post, it would sound more interesting than the actual expectations. they'd tell you how you are responsible for initiating new agreements, renegotiating old ones, selling new tests/technologies, conducting periodic operational update meetings etc. in reality, you do none of the above. there is no autonomy in this position and critical thinking isn't required. if you ever got to point where you were involved in proposal, corporate takes over. doesn't matter, they don't hire the type of people that could fit the job description anyway. they hire order takers that only have to put in 3-4hrs daily on a busy day.

if you saw an actual job post, it would sound more interesting than the actual expectations. they'd tell you how you are responsible for initiating new agreements, renegotiating old ones, selling new tests/technologies, conducting periodic operational update meetings etc. in reality, you do none of the above. there is no autonomy in this position and critical thinking isn't required. if you ever got to point where you were involved in proposal, corporate takes over. doesn't matter, they don't hire the type of people that could fit the job description anyway. they hire order takers that only have to put in 3-4hrs daily on a busy day.

The position requires you to not rock the boat or change anything with current contracts. It's basically a liaison position between the insurance company contact and the reps/accounts. There is no thinking involved, just an order taker/doer type role

They are useless. Not really a "rep" in my opinion. More like some idiot who knows the number to the local insurance plans and can pretend to be part of a sales team. I've gone to the ones in my territory plenty of times and it never made any impact at all. Just a waste of time.

Agreed but their hands are tied to do anything. They kick it up the ladder and nothing is done. It's a waste for anybody to take this position. For labcorp it gives the insurance company a local contact to do grunt work and hear complaints

That's the west exactly. Anyone who knew anything about California managed care and had contacts in the industry got the heck out after TB and MM showed up. MM & TB replaced those people with their failure beasties from sales. Not only do we not have anyone with real genuine contacts now, we don't have anyone as an influencer with real industry knowledge when it comes to managed care either. You would think TB and MM could at least negotiate a managed care contract. But they can't even do that. They have to contract that job out to KV the previous VP of Sales who was terminated for compliance issues. He is known for low ball unprofitable contracts going all the way back to his time at Quest, and continued that low ball contracting at Westcliff. These two deserve what they get, they both don't give a crap about clients, patients, or employees. They'll say anything anyone wants to hear. As long as they look good, they get a bonus, and they get promoted. The best thing California can hope for is their success so they can move on!

It's funny to see people complaining about the Managed Care KAEs. Without them, you'd have to sell testing and services to accounts instead of waving health plan letters in front of doctors that say, "I know you don't want to use us, but you have to...see the letter". You should call your Managed Care KAE today and thank them that you don't have to sell service and testing....

Are you serious? You can't be serious.

What are you talking about? Labcorp does not contract out to KV to negotiate contracts! He contracts himself out to a couple of IPA's who pay him to negotiate contracts for them. LC has no control over that at all. It's amazing to me how many people post things on here that are simply not true. Just do your own job and worry about yourself and stop slandering your fellow employees on here. If you are miserable here then quit. You know where the door is.

What are you talking about? Labcorp does not contract out to KV to negotiate contracts! He contracts himself out to a couple of IPA's who pay him to negotiate contracts for them. LC has no control over that at all. It's amazing to me how many people post things on here that are simply not true. Just do your own job and worry about yourself and stop slandering your fellow employees on here. If you are miserable here then quit. You know where the door is.

I don't think anyone here said they were miserable. I happen to really like what I do. I just have no idea what the role of an MKAE is, and obviously there are many others who also don't understand the position. Since you didn't contribute anything to the actual topic, I'm assuming you also don't get it. If you don't like what you read, you also know where the 'door' is, out of this thread.