You lost me with "redistribution of wealth"; to much like socialism. There is no effective way to pay more than what the market will bear for any job or to enforce an artificial wage. With this train of thought, it will not be long before a an uneducated, untrained worker decides your wealth needs to be redistributed.
"Re-distribution" is done by FAIR taxes and GOOD social programs that are a must for any civilized society. Warren Buffett says it, Bill Gates says it and even late genious Jobs said it, these are the good guys amongst generally nasty 1% that think no one is entitled to any type of good life but them. Bankers and hedge funds managers showed you in 2008 and are at it again for Obama betrayed his promise to rain them in by introducing proper laws. If this goes on, not one but millions of untrained and trained and educated workers will decide to take things into their hands and do the re-distribution. Wall st. blockade is the first step already in progress. "Pay now or pay later" you'll do it either way. The pay now is easier and right thing to do.