Major Re-Structuring

You lost me with "redistribution of wealth"; to much like socialism. There is no effective way to pay more than what the market will bear for any job or to enforce an artificial wage. With this train of thought, it will not be long before a an uneducated, untrained worker decides your wealth needs to be redistributed.

"Re-distribution" is done by FAIR taxes and GOOD social programs that are a must for any civilized society. Warren Buffett says it, Bill Gates says it and even late genious Jobs said it, these are the good guys amongst generally nasty 1% that think no one is entitled to any type of good life but them. Bankers and hedge funds managers showed you in 2008 and are at it again for Obama betrayed his promise to rain them in by introducing proper laws. If this goes on, not one but millions of untrained and trained and educated workers will decide to take things into their hands and do the re-distribution. Wall st. blockade is the first step already in progress. "Pay now or pay later" you'll do it either way. The pay now is easier and right thing to do.

You work for Novartis as I did for 12 years up until notification on Dec 8, 2010. Wake the hell up! Pull your heads out of your asses! They pull their "displacement" at the time of your holidays so they can mess with your head, family, and finances, moreso then while you have been employed by them.

For those complaining? Join me. 130 applications/resumes sent-16 interviews-all paying (starting) at 50% of what I was making. Offered to take 4 positions-companies stated I made too much and they would not want to hire because I would leave the minute a better paying position became available. If you are over 45, made over 90k, you are screwed in this employment market!

Start looking now if you are employed by Novartis. It is better to look for a job when you have a job. If you wait for your "notification" and severence, you will be joining another 6,000 newly "displaced" reps from other companies and will be soon living on any investments or 401k monies left after the reaming. I pray for all of you that you come out with jobs-those that brown nose and kiss-up will keep their jobs. Those that worked hard with national awards, over 45, high salaries, and over 10 years of service will get the golden BOOT.

Best of luck during the up-coming days. Target lists will get screwed up, bonuses paid incorrectly, and when notification comes to you, you won't get Pres Club award or stock options because you were not "actively" employed. Yes, thats what the outcome was.

Naturally, I took the severence. Now, Novartis is hiring for 4 positions in my city and I am not allowed to apply or obtain a position because I signed a severance document. If I had not taken the severance, I would be bankrupt, my oldest would lose tuition to college and have to quit, my wife would not have had insurance to pay for her mastectomy from breast ca and I would lose my home and everything. Novartis is only compasionate to the dollars, not the patients and definately not the loyal employees.

Preaching to the masses my friend

October 28 will be the announcement. Details will follow soon there after.

Good luck to all (good luck = if you want to leave NPC I hope you get laid off with a nice severance and, if you want to stay, good luck = I hope you keep your job).

Oct 28th is the date of the town hall meeting. They have never made announcments of such importance in a setting like this and I don't think things will change. They may talk about changes in the future but if they make "the announcement" at this town hall all hell will break loose.

Oct 28th is the date of the town hall meeting. They have never made announcments of such importance in a setting like this and I don't think things will change. They may talk about changes in the future but if they make "the announcement" at this town hall all hell will break loose.

Look at your email about town hall meeting. Optional for field associates if you schedule permits.
Why would they announce layoffs Nov 1 or Nov 2 when they can just do it exactly like last year in Dec. Seemed to work fine before. If they are going to do it they will do it the same way.

Look at your email about town hall meeting. Optional for field associates if you schedule permits.
Why would they announce layoffs Nov 1 or Nov 2 when they can just do it exactly like last year in Dec. Seemed to work fine before. If they are going to do it they will do it the same way.

The email talks about reviewing strategy and plans for the future. Joe Jim' already said there will be layoffs.

Oct 28th is the date of the town hall meeting. They have never made announcments of such importance in a setting like this and I don't think things will change. They may talk about changes in the future but if they make "the announcement" at this town hall all hell will break loose.

This is similar to last year, October 2010, there was a memo sent for a town hall meeting in kansas city. all the big shots were there, duane larkin, etc., etc. During that meeting many reps asked questions regarding layoffs. of course the big wigs denied knowing anything and downplayed the whole situation as everyone in that room feared for their job. then, in november, the memo's began to appear, you know the same "buzzwords" they always use - rightsized, realignments; then "voila", jimenez denied explicitly in the press regarding layoffs. well guess what? end of November - psyche field force slashed! Then a few days later - 1400 gen meds reps slashed. This is dejavu all over again!

This is similar to last year, October 2010, there was a memo sent for a town hall meeting in kansas city. all the big shots were there, duane larkin, etc., etc. During that meeting many reps asked questions regarding layoffs. of course the big wigs denied knowing anything and downplayed the whole situation as everyone in that room feared for their job. then, in november, the memo's began to appear, you know the same "buzzwords" they always use - rightsized, realignments; then "voila", jimenez denied explicitly in the press regarding layoffs. well guess what? end of November - psyche field force slashed! Then a few days later - 1400 gen meds reps slashed. This is dejavu all over again!

Hopefully Karma will come down and get Larkin, Seigmeier and everybody else that denied knowing anything this time.