Major Re-Structuring

U R right when you look at it from your Americansky non-cultural, non-history, non-anything close to the real world, Europe point of view. When you really look at it, your so called American dream was in fact a nightmare both for you and the almost the rest of us. Now that we have united Europe, we in fact don't need you at all. All you are doing fucking it up for us. Novartis is cutting its operation to the bones in USA and eventually will be out competely by selling their line to one of your half-assed companies like Merck. How will you like them apples?

Hey Basel, do us all a favor and stay in EU with your eurocentric attitude and opinions. Nobody in the US will miss you.

But let me keep my company car, keep paying me every month and of course the health insurance...after that, no one will miss you Basel...

OK! U may be the lucky one of the few we'll keep for now. The rest will be history, left to their own devices with no selling skills or any other biz skils for we did not teach you anything else but pushing our pills by lying, cheating, offlabel promoting, bribing, delivering pizzas and other catering and so on. Everything but teaching you real biz skills you would need once we re-structure you out.
Maybe there is hope for you if the US good-4-nothing-but-sending-jobs-to-china business can use you as cheap labor for factories they would be otherwise sending to China, India and other such dredful places. Certainly they would not send them to Swissland where we still have well paid workforce that are our people with life style you'll never see in USA due to the collapse of your manufecturing.
If you are smart get out to Wall St. and join the Block the Wall st. movement which was endorsed even by your prez Obama few minutes ago, who sees it as a jusified movement that can lead to some real action against your crooked bankers and other types who caused the collapse of 2008 and are back with same crooked schemes making billions on your backs.
So do something to change the system which is unsustainable and only favors the 1% of your population who control well over 50% of the total wealth of USA. I don't care who you are amongst the 99% but you could not possibly agree with such abnormality in economy and social structure of your still to be great country. All you need to take charge of your lives and fuck that 1% for they have been fucking you for ever.
Prediction: The Wall st movement will become BIG and will trigger positive change in USA and around the world, wherever it is needed and it is needed EVERYWHERE.

The organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protest finally released their list of 13 demands, about two weeks into the protest. Better never than late.

First among them is a demand for a law that raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour. Leading with such a foolish idea makes it pretty hard to read the other 12 without thinking it is the first draft of a David Letterman Top Ten List compiled by someone who learned math in a government school.

Paying somebody $20 is easy, but it takes more than a law for someone’s work to be worth more than $20. They have to possess employable skills that are in demand, exhibit a positive attitude, be accountable, and work well with others – and then actually do something that is worth at least $21 to someone else. Coming in two weeks late with a badly composed single page list is not the kind of performance that is worth $20/hour to anybody - I can see why they think a law is necessary.

But they are wrong; minimum wage laws are unnecessary. Median income in the private sector is just under $50,000 per year, or $25 per hour, which is roughly three times the minimum wage mandated by Congress.

What law makes a company pay an employee $25? Better yet, what law forced that employee to become worth more than $25? It is the Law of Supply and Demand; and it is apparently 3 times better, as laws go, than the one Congress passed to set a wage floor. It is useful to remind ourselves why more than half of the people working in this country are already paid $5 more per hour than what these Wall Street occupiers consider “justice”. The answer, of course, is that their work adds more than $25 to the value of the company which employs them.

The story is the same for the $12 wage and the $12 million salary. Brett Favre used to be worth millions, and now he isn’t; Aaron Rodgers wasn’t worth millions watching Brett play; now he is worth every penny of the millions he makes playing, but in a few years he won’t be worth millions again. It’s what you do that pays, not what you know.

There is no government legislation that forces companies to pay more than the minimum wage, just as there is no law that forces companies to provide benefits, or schedule 40 hour weeks, or name holidays, or grant paid vacations. And yet most firms do. Why? Because the law of supply and demand tells them to; and they must obey the laws of economics or perish. Unlike the perverted corporatism practiced in New York and Washington D.C., the free market has no mechanism to bail out fools, frauds, and failures.

In reality, there is no law that forces companies to actually pay that minimum wage either; most just eliminate the job that is only worth below-minimum. Setting the minimum wage to $20 would eliminate all the jobs worth $19.99 and under. This will add many tens of millions of Americans to the ranks of the unemployed and push us over 50% unemployment.

I don’t think the occupiers understood how this economics stuff works, but as luck would have it they don’t have to, since they included a separate demand that everyone who doesn’t work receive a living wage. “Eaters”, Henry Kissinger called them; who knew it would become a professional vocation one day.

Another occupation demand is a free college education for everyone. I’m all for that, but not for the reasons you might think. A no-cost education is only possible if there is no cost to it – no salaries, wages, pensions, maintenance, heat, light, books, etc. I think it is a terrific idea for University faculty and staff all across the nation to put their money where their mouth is and work for free in unheated classrooms to show their solidarity with the unionist occupation movement and stick it to us greedy, heartless, libertarian capitalists once and for all. Fists up, anyone?

The rest of the demand list is pretty lame and predictable economic suicide – cut off all the energy that is charging the iPhones, Droids, Bluetooth headsets, pads, and notebooks they use to spread the word about the occupation. And re-elect President Obama – appropriate, since their goal is to collapse the economic system.

But this one is bold: wipe out all debt all over the world. Private, public, corporate, sovereign – just forgive it all. Write off the tens of trillions owed to bond-holders and bank stockholders and start over; one giant global financial mulligan. I don’t suppose it has occurred to them that the entire U.S. Social Security system and every other pension plan in the country would be immediately wiped out and nobody would ever loan a penny to anyone ever again. Dark Ages, Part Dieux, and not one of those fools could shoot his dinner once Taco Bell goes dark.

Maybe if the occupiers had another two weeks to think about it, they would demand we annul all the marriages in the world, too – as long as we are tossing aside solemn commitments. Just throw the whole world’s car keys into one giant swingers’ bowl to give everybody a fair chance at landing Miss Venezuela or George Clooney, as you prefer.

Why not – this is all about fairness and privilege, right? It is certainly not fair that the privileged 1% are so unnecessarily beautiful while us 99%ers have to struggle just to be presentable. That is the whole point of this occupation thing – forcing the privileged few to give it up. I bet most of those guys, and a bunch of the girls, would take Eva Mendes over Trump’s money if you gave them the choice of which unjust deprivation they would cure first.

Don’t get me wrong; the protestors have every right to protest, and watching them comforts me that we are still a free country, Hank Jr. notwithstanding. What they don’t have a right to do is occupy; private property is private and public property belongs every bit as much to those Wall Street brokers as it does the dude in the dreads calling them names.

The occupiers should watch and learn from the Tea Party: get your permit, hold your rally, pick up your trash, and go back to work. Ask Nancy Pelosi if that was effective. And not to rub it in, but it is a safe bet that the Tea Party will send more of its own to Congress in 2012 again than will the Occupation Movement. Gingrich has a better shot of getting candidate pledges for his Contract Addendum with America than do the occupiers with their 13 points of light.

The good news, if you are an occupier, is that you got our attention and made your point; the bad news is that you got our attention and you have no point. You demand that we surrender our liberty to a mob that couldn’t even get your list of demands typed up on time. Sorry, I’m taking “or else”.

Want to do something useful to stand up to the Wall Street banksters? Why don’t you take a break from your occupation to read Ron Paul’s book “End The Fed” and then get back to us. Some of us have been rousing the rabble long before you occupiers were even born. Maybe we can do something useful together.

NOVARTIS SUCKS! If I ran the FDA, I would ban Novartis from selling ANYTHING in the US based on the unethical ways they do business.
Top to Bottom, Novartis is a sewer - TOXIC!

The organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protest finally released their list of 13 demands, about two weeks into the protest. Better never than late.

First among them is a demand for a law that raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour. Leading with such a foolish idea makes it pretty hard to read the other 12 without thinking it is the first draft of a David Letterman Top Ten List compiled by someone who learned math in a government school.

Paying somebody $20 is easy, but it takes more than a law for someone’s work to be worth more than $20. They have to possess employable skills that are in demand, exhibit a positive attitude, be accountable, and work well with others – and then actually do something that is worth at least $21 to someone else. Coming in two weeks late with a badly composed single page list is not the kind of performance that is worth $20/hour to anybody - I can see why they think a law is necessary.

But they are wrong; minimum wage laws are unnecessary. Median income in the private sector is just under $50,000 per year, or $25 per hour, which is roughly three times the minimum wage mandated by Congress.

What law makes a company pay an employee $25? Better yet, what law forced that employee to become worth more than $25? It is the Law of Supply and Demand; and it is apparently 3 times better, as laws go, than the one Congress passed to set a wage floor. It is useful to remind ourselves why more than half of the people working in this country are already paid $5 more per hour than what these Wall Street occupiers consider “justice”. The answer, of course, is that their work adds more than $25 to the value of the company which employs them.

The story is the same for the $12 wage and the $12 million salary. Brett Favre used to be worth millions, and now he isn’t; Aaron Rodgers wasn’t worth millions watching Brett play; now he is worth every penny of the millions he makes playing, but in a few years he won’t be worth millions again. It’s what you do that pays, not what you know.

There is no government legislation that forces companies to pay more than the minimum wage, just as there is no law that forces companies to provide benefits, or schedule 40 hour weeks, or name holidays, or grant paid vacations. And yet most firms do. Why? Because the law of supply and demand tells them to; and they must obey the laws of economics or perish. Unlike the perverted corporatism practiced in New York and Washington D.C., the free market has no mechanism to bail out fools, frauds, and failures.

In reality, there is no law that forces companies to actually pay that minimum wage either; most just eliminate the job that is only worth below-minimum. Setting the minimum wage to $20 would eliminate all the jobs worth $19.99 and under. This will add many tens of millions of Americans to the ranks of the unemployed and push us over 50% unemployment.

I don’t think the occupiers understood how this economics stuff works, but as luck would have it they don’t have to, since they included a separate demand that everyone who doesn’t work receive a living wage. “Eaters”, Henry Kissinger called them; who knew it would become a professional vocation one day.

Another occupation demand is a free college education for everyone. I’m all for that, but not for the reasons you might think. A no-cost education is only possible if there is no cost to it – no salaries, wages, pensions, maintenance, heat, light, books, etc. I think it is a terrific idea for University faculty and staff all across the nation to put their money where their mouth is and work for free in unheated classrooms to show their solidarity with the unionist occupation movement and stick it to us greedy, heartless, libertarian capitalists once and for all. Fists up, anyone?

The rest of the demand list is pretty lame and predictable economic suicide – cut off all the energy that is charging the iPhones, Droids, Bluetooth headsets, pads, and notebooks they use to spread the word about the occupation. And re-elect President Obama – appropriate, since their goal is to collapse the economic system.

But this one is bold: wipe out all debt all over the world. Private, public, corporate, sovereign – just forgive it all. Write off the tens of trillions owed to bond-holders and bank stockholders and start over; one giant global financial mulligan. I don’t suppose it has occurred to them that the entire U.S. Social Security system and every other pension plan in the country would be immediately wiped out and nobody would ever loan a penny to anyone ever again. Dark Ages, Part Dieux, and not one of those fools could shoot his dinner once Taco Bell goes dark.

Maybe if the occupiers had another two weeks to think about it, they would demand we annul all the marriages in the world, too – as long as we are tossing aside solemn commitments. Just throw the whole world’s car keys into one giant swingers’ bowl to give everybody a fair chance at landing Miss Venezuela or George Clooney, as you prefer.

Why not – this is all about fairness and privilege, right? It is certainly not fair that the privileged 1% are so unnecessarily beautiful while us 99%ers have to struggle just to be presentable. That is the whole point of this occupation thing – forcing the privileged few to give it up. I bet most of those guys, and a bunch of the girls, would take Eva Mendes over Trump’s money if you gave them the choice of which unjust deprivation they would cure first.

Don’t get me wrong; the protestors have every right to protest, and watching them comforts me that we are still a free country, Hank Jr. notwithstanding. What they don’t have a right to do is occupy; private property is private and public property belongs every bit as much to those Wall Street brokers as it does the dude in the dreads calling them names.

The occupiers should watch and learn from the Tea Party: get your permit, hold your rally, pick up your trash, and go back to work. Ask Nancy Pelosi if that was effective. And not to rub it in, but it is a safe bet that the Tea Party will send more of its own to Congress in 2012 again than will the Occupation Movement. Gingrich has a better shot of getting candidate pledges for his Contract Addendum with America than do the occupiers with their 13 points of light.

The good news, if you are an occupier, is that you got our attention and made your point; the bad news is that you got our attention and you have no point. You demand that we surrender our liberty to a mob that couldn’t even get your list of demands typed up on time. Sorry, I’m taking “or else”.

Want to do something useful to stand up to the Wall Street banksters? Why don’t you take a break from your occupation to read Ron Paul’s book “End The Fed” and then get back to us. Some of us have been rousing the rabble long before you occupiers were even born. Maybe we can do something useful together.


Only on Cafe Pharma can there be a post that makes sense and raises good points and some idiot comes back with a response like this.

Where does it make sense? It is against everything that any decent person is for. It is against that 99% of people in this country that are trying to set things streight once and for all. Yes I agree there are many amongst the 99% who can not think in terms of decent people to be for justice and decent life for all, but think along the lines of that criminal 1% scum for they think that is the way it was and has to be for ever and they also think they too will make it to that 1% someday. Wrong on both acccounts. Things do not have to be the way they used to be for longest time for they were wrong in the first place and you will never make to that 1% of human waste that is exploiting all and taking advantage of the wrong rules we have. The only way you may get there is if you win a lottery that grows to hundreds of millions and that is next to impossible. You'd be sooner hit by freight train on Time square than hit that jackpot. So stop thinking in terms of that 1% scum for you ain't one of them and join the 99% to help change this intorelable situation that will lead to complete collapse of our society and economy if not stopped. That we have same opportunity in so called free econmy/society is the gratest lie ever told by anyone at any time in human history. It is symply a myth that those belonging to 1% want you to believe and keep your F&^%# mouth shut. I and millions to come will not. Will You?

Where does it make sense? It is against everything that any decent person is for. It is against that 99% of people in this country that are trying to set things streight once and for all. Yes I agree there are many amongst the 99% who can not think in terms of decent people to be for justice and decent life for all, but think along the lines of that criminal 1% scum for they think that is the way it was and has to be for ever and they also think they too will make it to that 1% someday. Wrong on both acccounts. Things do not have to be the way they used to be for longest time for they were wrong in the first place and you will never make to that 1% of human waste that is exploiting all and taking advantage of the wrong rules we have. The only way you may get there is if you win a lottery that grows to hundreds of millions and that is next to impossible. You'd be sooner hit by freight train on Time square than hit that jackpot. So stop thinking in terms of that 1% scum for you ain't one of them and join the 99% to help change this intorelable situation that will lead to complete collapse of our society and economy if not stopped. That we have same opportunity in so called free econmy/society is the gratest lie ever told by anyone at any time in human history. It is symply a myth that those belonging to 1% want you to believe and keep your F&^%# mouth shut. I and millions to come will not. Will You?
Give me a break! How can you categorize someone as scum "symply" because they earn a lot of money? Should they subsidize you because you do not have the talent, vision, guts, knowledge, etc.? By the way I don't either, but I also have not create a business that hired anyone much less an entire company. I'm glad we live in the society and system that we do and I realize that it is in trouble. However, going after those who create jobs is not the answer.

Give me a break! How can you categorize someone as scum "symply" because they earn a lot of money? Should they subsidize you because you do not have the talent, vision, guts, knowledge, etc.? By the way I don't either, but I also have not create a business that hired anyone much less an entire company. I'm glad we live in the society and system that we do and I realize that it is in trouble. However, going after those who create jobs is not the answer.

You r partially right or partially wrong it still comes to same. No one wants to go against those who create jobs etc. etc. What we are saying that the current system of distribution and redistribution of wealth created by ALL is completely unfair to majority. You say that is the free market. No it is not. It is the market and rules put in place by those who are in complete favour for those who are, what do they call them lately(?) "job creators". What a fuck that means? If you "create" jobs you are entitled to so much and also entitled to pay us the ones who actually creat the wealth so little? That is what current tax system does, leaves untold wealth in hands of few "jobcreators" and we who actually do the job get few chicken bones. Thus you have all those multibillinairs who own 50% of all the wealth in America. What we need is a FAIR sharing of wealth, with the "jobcreators" getting a fair share and us the "jobdoers" getting also a fair share.
This is a way trully free market would do where it would show and prove that we who work are as important as those who creat work. What would they do without us? Only with us as society can they implement their ideas, talents, invest etc. No society no creation, and they could go *&*% themselves. Same with us the jobdoers, if it were not for them. So since we are as important as them the sharing must be fair not tilted toward the corporate class as the only side entitled to lion share of wealth of America.In the last 20 years this inequality has become far worse with middle class (workers in factories were part of it) desappearing at an alarming rate. Soon all 99% will be poor. This is why they are on Wall st. and I hope this movement spread all over USA and the rest of the World. The Nobel prize winner Mr. Stiglitz world known economist predicted an uprising in America should this inequality and unjust society continue.
It is a matter of time and some rich but fair people like Bill Gates are calling for change before it is too late. They realized that their privilaged position is not fair and not called for for them to do their biz well. We can do better than this!

You work for Novartis as I did for 12 years up until notification on Dec 8, 2010. Wake the hell up! Pull your heads out of your asses! They pull their "displacement" at the time of your holidays so they can mess with your head, family, and finances, moreso then while you have been employed by them.

For those complaining? Join me. 130 applications/resumes sent-16 interviews-all paying (starting) at 50% of what I was making. Offered to take 4 positions-companies stated I made too much and they would not want to hire because I would leave the minute a better paying position became available. If you are over 45, made over 90k, you are screwed in this employment market!

Start looking now if you are employed by Novartis. It is better to look for a job when you have a job. If you wait for your "notification" and severence, you will be joining another 6,000 newly "displaced" reps from other companies and will be soon living on any investments or 401k monies left after the reaming. I pray for all of you that you come out with jobs-those that brown nose and kiss-up will keep their jobs. Those that worked hard with national awards, over 45, high salaries, and over 10 years of service will get the golden BOOT.

Best of luck during the up-coming days. Target lists will get screwed up, bonuses paid incorrectly, and when notification comes to you, you won't get Pres Club award or stock options because you were not "actively" employed. Yes, thats what the outcome was.

Naturally, I took the severence. Now, Novartis is hiring for 4 positions in my city and I am not allowed to apply or obtain a position because I signed a severance document. If I had not taken the severance, I would be bankrupt, my oldest would lose tuition to college and have to quit, my wife would not have had insurance to pay for her mastectomy from breast ca and I would lose my home and everything. Novartis is only compasionate to the dollars, not the patients and definately not the loyal employees.

You are 100% correct and not being able to interview for open positions EVER because you signed the document is just wrong especially since the decisions made were made by a consulting company. There were several great people let go. Hope everything works out foe everyone.

You r partially right or partially wrong it still comes to same. No one wants to go against those who create jobs etc. etc. What we are saying that the current system of distribution and redistribution of wealth created by ALL is completely unfair to majority. You say that is the free market. No it is not. It is the market and rules put in place by those who are in complete favour for those who are, what do they call them lately(?) "job creators". What a fuck that means? If you "create" jobs you are entitled to so much and also entitled to pay us the ones who actually creat the wealth so little? That is what current tax system does, leaves untold wealth in hands of few "jobcreators" and we who actually do the job get few chicken bones. Thus you have all those multibillinairs who own 50% of all the wealth in America. What we need is a FAIR sharing of wealth, with the "jobcreators" getting a fair share and us the "jobdoers" getting also a fair share.
This is a way trully free market would do where it would show and prove that we who work are as important as those who creat work. What would they do without us? Only with us as society can they implement their ideas, talents, invest etc. No society no creation, and they could go *&*% themselves. Same with us the jobdoers, if it were not for them. So since we are as important as them the sharing must be fair not tilted toward the corporate class as the only side entitled to lion share of wealth of America.In the last 20 years this inequality has become far worse with middle class (workers in factories were part of it) desappearing at an alarming rate. Soon all 99% will be poor. This is why they are on Wall st. and I hope this movement spread all over USA and the rest of the World. The Nobel prize winner Mr. Stiglitz world known economist predicted an uprising in America should this inequality and unjust society continue.
It is a matter of time and some rich but fair people like Bill Gates are calling for change before it is too late. They realized that their privilaged position is not fair and not called for for them to do their biz well. We can do better than this!

You lost me with "redistribution of wealth"; to much like socialism. There is no effective way to pay more than what the market will bear for any job or to enforce an artificial wage. With this train of thought, it will not be long before a an uneducated, untrained worker decides your wealth needs to be redistributed.