lynelle bring me lunch

pouring over data? are you kidding she gets everyone to do her job. she is a last minute person and expects everyone to drop what they are doing to take care of her. everything is a fire drill with lynelle. She wouldn't know how to analyze data if her job depended on it. working with her is not fun although it must be better than working for her. her poor assistant must put up with all the nonsense not to mention getting her lunch everyday. She apparently used to have her assistant run personal errands for her. HR knew about it but didn't seem to want to deal with it. If HR is reading this you should talk to people around her and heat the horrific stories

Oh poor lynelle. just thinking of having to work with her gives me a headache. constant drama and last minute planning. then she tells you how busy she is. i'm long done with that b=drama queen

I saw we send her to a time management program.

This TOTALLY explains her hiring decisions in 2015 - she hired a couple littler clones of herself!

the question on Lynelle is why wont HR take action. There have been a number of complaints and no one acts. Watch how she treats her admin. The poor woman gets craped on all the time. Lynelle uses her to run personal errands. We know HR monitors this page do something

the question on Lynelle is why wont HR take action. There have been a number of complaints and no one acts. Watch how she treats her admin. The poor woman gets craped on all the time. Lynelle uses her to run personal errands. We know HR monitors this page do something
You're naive! HR taking action?! HR job is to serve the requirements of company leaders and not to be fair. She is one of Murdo's favorites with Ben H. as well. This was the golden Abilify team.

She is a pro at kissing up to senior management. No substance but she can create lots of noise. one can only homeafter maternity leave she stays out for an extended period of time to give us all a break. oh wait, she will give birth on MOnday and return the office Wednesday. we need her too much

agreed. Please stay home after you have Murdos kids. They need you more then us. Seeing that fake smile on talk points is getting old. That silly yet stupid laugh would make a preacher swear and your all in phrase is A joke.

Obviously the skills that have you in your current position are not the skills that are evaluated within the bio behaviors. Oh wait, Connect and Consummate is one. My mistake.

Not cause of talent. Anyone can sleep their way to the top. CEO needs brains, business savy and a great team. She's got nothing. Take away her after hours work on Leadership and she'd still be in marketing bringing lunch to the others.

Certainly not from any talent she has standing up. Brains doesn't equal ability to lead. She is the poster child for that. Obviously she has risen within this company based on social skills and budding up to Murdo. Without him, she would still be in marketing getting people drinks on break.

You know the saying, "you can dress a hog up, put lipstick on it and it's still a freaking pig".

Get over it.

Certainly not from any talent she has standing up. Brains doesn't equal ability to lead. She is the poster child for that. Obviously she has risen within this company based on social skills and budding up to Murdo. Without him, she would still be in marketing getting people drinks on break.

You know the saying, "you can dress a hog up, put lipstick on it and it's still a freaking pig".

Get over it.

Look at Dolan and Corny, it's how you play the game, and apparently she plays it pretty well. Whereas, you are a rep - nuff said.

lynelle is a butt kisser and is really good about creating busy work. Neither Theresa nor Murdoch can judge talent. Both of them are great butt kissers too. If our CEO stops short we will need to pull him out