
Let me guess - your numbers are down, so of course 'the numbers aren't correct' ...has nothing to do with you being a lazy suck ass. They cook the numbers and just make wholesale national forecast adjustments b/c they 'don't want to admit the numbers are incorrect' ...sure. You're an idot.

Well DA, actually my numbers are great but, wrong. My entire territory, Herceptin, Rituxan, Avastin and, Skin are all up considerable and we all agree the numbers are wrong.

Well DA, actually my numbers are great but, wrong. My entire territory, Herceptin, Rituxan, Avastin and, Skin are all up considerable and we all agree the numbers are wrong.

Mmmm, ok. Now the entire BioOnc portfolio has wrong data. Have you told your manager and the home office that your numbers are up, but wrong? You should do that. Geesh, the issues you have to deal with. Enjoy the bonus laundering.

OK, it was my first NSM which wasn't bad but, my RSD loves himself more than anyone I have ever met. It was kind of funny to hear him talk like he was in the field yesterday but, I know he hasn't sold anything in over 10 years because he kept telling us how long he had been at Genentech and a manager. Also, he wanted people to tell him how great he is, wow. Does he do this at all meetings? It's sort of sad that this company is all he has and, no life outside of it.

OK, it was my first NSM which wasn't bad but, my RSD loves himself more than anyone I have ever met. It was kind of funny to hear him talk like he was in the field yesterday but, I know he hasn't sold anything in over 10 years because he kept telling us how long he had been at Genentech and a manager. Also, he wanted people to tell him how great he is, wow. Does he do this at all meetings? It's sort of sad that this company is all he has and, no life outside of it.

OK, it was my first NSM which wasn't bad but, my RSD loves himself more than anyone I have ever met. It was kind of funny to hear him talk like he was in the field yesterday but, I know he hasn't sold anything in over 10 years because he kept telling us how long he had been at Genentech and a manager. Also, he wanted people to tell him how great he is, wow. Does he do this at all meetings? It's sort of sad that this company is all he has and, no life outside of it.

Get used to it. This company is filled with narcissistic, egomaniac personnel in the highest order. I'm sure lots of people talk behind his back, like yourself.

Has JJ lost is mind? What are we doing. Do they not realize we are losing lung business? Why waste my time in SFO role playing? "Remember to close like other companies", so we want to be like other companies?

We are going to make customers mad with this stuff. I hope people do not use this in the field. Our customers will think we are just like all the other pharma companies, pushy car salesmen.

Am I crazy or are we going into beginner sales training mode with everyone. We are so interested in processes that we don't sale anymore.
Oh you haven't seen nothing yet. Wait till they roll out Challenger sales model. Its gonna blow you away. Your gonna feel like a used car salesman. Gonna be great!

What are we doing? Sales training for beginners? Teach us the data, not how to sale. Does anyone have a spine, enough to push back on this waste of time? We are now primary care sales people. This place is just like BMS, while they tell you it's not.

What are we doing? Sales training for beginners? Teach us the data, not how to sale. Does anyone have a spine, enough to push back on this waste of time? We are now primary care sales people. This place is just like BMS, while they tell you it's not.

It's happening in all franchises - every franchise with a competing product is being dumbed down to primary care level training.

I just did my review with my manager, late I know. Why don't we force rank managers like they do CS's? Wouldn't that be the fair thing to do? OR, are they too good for that. It's funny how they are always at 100% somehow.

I just did my review with my manager, late I know. Why don't we force rank managers like they do CS's? Wouldn't that be the fair thing to do? OR, are they too good for that. It's funny how they are always at 100% somehow.
Guess your review didn't go so well. You need to "develop" more and improve on your core competencies.