Looks like we will be selling Zyclara

They numbnuts.....if you start selling Zyclara with science,the doctors will be telling you to get out and don't let the door hit you on the way and don't come back .All your job is to get the overpriced 'Aldara me to Lite' (Zyclara)on the managed care plans and leave samples and kiss the doctors asses if they are dumb enough to write Zyclara over the drug they should be writing, imiquimod 5%.

Good luck selling Zyclara as it will be short lived! When PEP comes out Zyclara, solaraze, 5-FU, Carac, aldara and even cryo will never be used in derm again.

I am glad you believe that PEP will become the only AK treatment. I am also glad that you work for Leo, you both deserve each other. Bwaha, ha, ha, ha...

I am glad you believe that PEP will become the only AK treatment. I am also glad that you work for Leo, you both deserve each other. Bwaha, ha, ha, ha...

Truth hurts jackass, and cash is KING. Keep in mind, scripts generate no cash for any doctor and in this fucked up economy doctors need all the revenue they can get to pay their staff and for their educational loans. We will help them generate CA$H. Have fun flippin' burgers 2weeks-ON-2weeks-0FF-2weeks-0N

Truth hurts jackass, and cash is KING. Keep in mind, scripts generate no cash for any doctor and in this fucked up economy doctors need all the revenue they can get to pay their staff and for their educational loans. We will help them generate CA$H. Have fun flippin' burgers 2weeks-ON-2weeks-0FF-2weeks-0N

Good luck Leo flunky!

Have fun selling zyclara! I assume you won the auction, right? That's all your dumbass reps have been saying for two months, so it must be true. Goes to show how much reps in the field know - nothing. Hahaha

Medicis - 1, Galderma - 0. So much for all the smack the reps, DSM's and Galderma threw out there about getting Zyclara over the past couple of months! Shows that you should not count your chickens before they're hatched. Serves you all right in that you took great pleasure in seeing the Graceway reps suffer with their pending sale and potential job loss(es). Maybe now you will be thinking about your own futures without Zyclara, and unlike you, I wish you luck, as you may now need it. From what I hear....Galderma is not doing so well.

Nice Try,

We are doing just fine and we made a good decision to walk away from what my docs tell me. Crappy product and Medicis paid way too much for a product that is going to generic and will never pay back. Irritating and way too expensive in a generic market, not a problem from my stand point. Our VP put out the proper way to look at this whole situation. I was worried we would have to sell it based on what my docs told me the past weeks.

Nice Try,

We are doing just fine and we made a good decision to walk away from what my docs tell me. Crappy product and Medicis paid way too much for a product that is going to generic and will never pay back. Irritating and way too expensive in a generic market, not a problem from my stand point. Our VP put out the proper way to look at this whole situation. I was worried we would have to sell it based on what my docs told me the past weeks.

Sore looser. Oh, I forgot to say; "Fuck you!"

Nice Try,

We are doing just fine and we made a good decision to walk away from what my docs tell me. Crappy product and Medicis paid way too much for a product that is going to generic and will never pay back. Irritating and way too expensive in a generic market, not a problem from my stand point. Our VP put out the proper way to look at this whole situation. I was worried we would have to sell it based on what my docs told me the past weeks.

Hey smarty the pipeline is what they purchased fool. Zyclara was a small piece. By the way we are in trouble.