Eisai is and has always been about politics. Performance is completely irrelevant to the reward system, and the "in crowd" can avoid accountability. They bring in "outsiders" from time to time to deal with the risky projects and to teach the insiders stuff they don't know but also to assure that anything that goes wrong can be pinned on the outsiders while the credit can go to the "in" folk- then the outsiders can be sent away. The more things change the more they stay the same. Decisions come out of the blue without rime or reason of how they were made. No one trusts any one because people will rat on each other. Does this sound like your department?

Ummm this sounds like every dept. at this company.

Wow. I am amazed by your ignorance of the pharmaceutical industry. Seriously, you don't understand how new drugs are created and why it takes 10 years? I expect that Eisai does employ some intelligent people, and I hope that you are an anomoly.

BTW, it takes 10 years, on average, for most companies. The only way that gets shortened is if the drug is for a rare disease or if there are very few available therapies (and only for deadly illnesses). Even moving at lightning speed, it will take no less than 7 years.

I assume that you don't believe in clinical trials? You think the pharma industry should turn into snake oil sales?

I am amazed that you are one of the many, many idiots who blindly support management and whatever they tell you to believe. Eisai knew 10 years ago about the LOE for Aricept and they just pissed away the time. Maybe a new drug wasn't in line to make the LOE date. But for F's sake they could have done a better job at buying a new drug or company (not MGI), or in-licensing something, or a line extension, or a generic. Instead, we are post LOE with nothing. You obviously work in R&D. Thanks for nothing.

I am amazed that you are one of the many, many idiots who blindly support management and whatever they tell you to believe. Eisai knew 10 years ago about the LOE for Aricept and they just pissed away the time. Maybe a new drug wasn't in line to make the LOE date. But for F's sake they could have done a better job at buying a new drug or company (not MGI), or in-licensing something, or a line extension, or a generic. Instead, we are post LOE with nothing. You obviously work in R&D. Thanks for nothing.

I am not from MGI, but it seems like their products are still doing 500 Million in sales with some patent life. That is why I think in a few years Eisai will be only oncology focused, and let PC fall by the wayside. Sad, But I think true.

I am not from MGI, but it seems like their products are still doing 500 Million in sales with some patent life. That is why I think in a few years Eisai will be only oncology focused, and let PC fall by the wayside. Sad, But I think true.

Not much patent life left on Aloxi and Dacogen, at least not enough if you think that not much coming out of pipeline in that time frame, IMHO

Not much patent life left on Aloxi and Dacogen, at least not enough if you think that not much coming out of pipeline in that time frame, IMHO

Four years of 500 million in sales is a lifetime....Unless upper level management dosen't screw it up and not get another product in the bag. Oh wait, we know that scenario... You are right, there isn't enough time!

Four years of 500 million in sales is a lifetime....Unless upper level management dosen't screw it up and not get another product in the bag. Oh wait, we know that scenario... You are right, there isn't enough time!

It's three years at most because all they do the fourth yr is wind down the operations and milk the brand by cutting back on reps and expenses. But I agree in this unstable market three years is a long horizon.

Eisai is and has always been about politics. Performance is completely irrelevant to the reward system, and the "in crowd" can avoid accountability. They bring in "outsiders" from time to time to deal with the risky projects and to teach the insiders stuff they don't know but also to assure that anything that goes wrong can be pinned on the outsiders while the credit can go to the "in" folk- then the outsiders can be sent away. The more things change the more they stay the same. Decisions come out of the blue without rime or reason of how they were made. No one trusts any one because people will rat on each other. Does this sound like your department?

So, what does anybody have to do to get in with the 'in' folks in this company? - Please respond to this question from a global perspective, not just commercial or R&D

So, what does anybody have to do to get in with the 'in' folks in this company? - Please respond to this question from a global perspective, not just commercial or R&D

They are aloof and keep to themselves because they are in survival mode. Don't think they are interested in new members to join the clique because at times like these it's hard to figure out who can be trusted. Also are you high enough on the org chart to even have access to them? If you have to ask, probably not.

Four years of 500 million in sales is a lifetime.

Kids, you forgot something: Aloxi is licensed in product, in addition, the $500 million is not net sales. The most important, Eisai has paid $3.9B, BBBBBB for Aloxi and Dacogen. Whatever Aloxi makes has to pay royalty first, then, payback investment, etc.

Eisai is and has always been about politics. Performance is completely irrelevant to the reward system, and the "in crowd" can avoid accountability. They bring in "outsiders" from time to time to deal with the risky projects and to teach the insiders stuff they don't know but also to assure that anything that goes wrong can be pinned on the outsiders while the credit can go to the "in" folk- then the outsiders can be sent away. The more things change the more they stay the same. Decisions come out of the blue without rime or reason of how they were made. No one trusts any one because people will rat on each other. Does this sound like your department?

True and this sounds like every dept. at EI.

Kids, you forgot something: Aloxi is licensed in product, in addition, the $500 million is not net sales. The most important, Eisai has paid $3.9B, BBBBBB for Aloxi and Dacogen. Whatever Aloxi makes has to pay royalty first, then, payback investment, etc.

Thanks, I forgot about royalties, was just thinking in term of time to loss of patent which is not that far away.