Top Paying Companies\1.
Average total pay: $318,323
For: Senior Account Executive*
Best companies rank: 52 goes to extremes to reward the top performers who have helped drive its growth. No wonder this online software provider tops this year's list of best payers.
The sales force gets hefty bonuses. The biggest earners get to enjoy goodies like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -- a $5,000 shopping spree offered during last year's sales incentive trip to Hawaii. Since Tiffany doesn't have a store in Kauai, hired local carpenters to recreate one, shipped in $1 million in merchandise from surrounding islands, and hired a violin player, chef, and even Miss Hawaii to add ambience.
#6. Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company
Average total pay: $166,354
For: Sr Oncology Sales Specialist*
Best companies rank: 56
Employees at this Cambridge, Mass., biopharma company have a serious mission: producing therapies to tackle cancer. But they still know how to have fun, holding regular WHIP ("Why the Hell aren't we In a Pub?) events, which last year ranged from taking the whole company to the Red Sox home opener to holding a Cinco de Mayo party where the CEO discussed the company's achievements.
A wholly owned subsidiary of Japan-based Takeda Oncology Company, Millennium rewards top performing employees with phantom and restricted stock through a long-term incentive plan.
Other perks include a tuition benefit up to $10,000 a year; pet insurance subsidies; an on-site camp for employees' kids; food deliveries from a local farm; and an unlimited sick-pay policy that says, "If you are sick, stay home until you feel better." Everyone gets three weeks' vacation -- plus a week off between Christmas and New Year's.
Average total pay: $318,323
For: Senior Account Executive*
Best companies rank: 52 goes to extremes to reward the top performers who have helped drive its growth. No wonder this online software provider tops this year's list of best payers.
The sales force gets hefty bonuses. The biggest earners get to enjoy goodies like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" -- a $5,000 shopping spree offered during last year's sales incentive trip to Hawaii. Since Tiffany doesn't have a store in Kauai, hired local carpenters to recreate one, shipped in $1 million in merchandise from surrounding islands, and hired a violin player, chef, and even Miss Hawaii to add ambience.
#6. Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company
Average total pay: $166,354
For: Sr Oncology Sales Specialist*
Best companies rank: 56
Employees at this Cambridge, Mass., biopharma company have a serious mission: producing therapies to tackle cancer. But they still know how to have fun, holding regular WHIP ("Why the Hell aren't we In a Pub?) events, which last year ranged from taking the whole company to the Red Sox home opener to holding a Cinco de Mayo party where the CEO discussed the company's achievements.
A wholly owned subsidiary of Japan-based Takeda Oncology Company, Millennium rewards top performing employees with phantom and restricted stock through a long-term incentive plan.
Other perks include a tuition benefit up to $10,000 a year; pet insurance subsidies; an on-site camp for employees' kids; food deliveries from a local farm; and an unlimited sick-pay policy that says, "If you are sick, stay home until you feel better." Everyone gets three weeks' vacation -- plus a week off between Christmas and New Year's.