London 2014

Easier to think that posts are from ex employees I guess? Still here and raking hard to get out. Won't change the facts whether I work here or not! THR is obviously trollingCP because full threads are down?? Hmmmm?
Really gross that you think that makes it ok? Two wrongs don't make a right jackass! And RB's tactics can and have hurt patients struggling to regain their lives back from addiction. So, who cares that other companies may do the same things... The fact that you even posted that makes it obvious that many RB people really are warped!! And for the record I have worked in pharma:)
Really gross that you think that makes it ok? Two wrongs don't make a right jackass! And RB's tactics can and have hurt patients struggling to regain their lives back from addiction. So, who cares that other companies may do the same things... The fact that you even posted that makes it obvious that many RB people really are warped!! And for the record I have worked in pharma:)

And a shame you landed here. But there is reason for celebration if you are leaving.
I am thankful that I "landed" here. While here I know the right things are being done for the patients in my area as best I can manage...can't say the same for most other areas. You are obviously one of the bad ones!
Really gross that you think that makes it ok? Two wrongs don't make a right jackass! And RB's tactics can and have hurt patients struggling to regain their lives back from addiction. So, who cares that other companies may do the same things... The fact that you even posted that makes it obvious that many RB people really are warped!! And for the record I have worked in pharma:)

I never said it is ok jack ass. I said it happens everywhere. Adults that know the consequences of their actions. Nosey nancys always live in glass houses. You think I give a shit if someone here sleeps around. I would never but I mind my business. you hold these people way to high. Yes it happens everywhere church included nun nosey Nancy. I would love to know how a company, nay another person is responsible for relapse, as a person of recovery I can say accountability is very high in the steps. Warped ..... maybe you're more warped than you know. I know reality and a perfect world, company person etc is not possible.. Grow up, open your eyes and take some responsibility. If you worked in pharma then you know that training and trips are filled with hookups, binging and purging along with some soccer mom or dad dressing and acting 100% different than normal not to count the people who stab all others in the back. Do your job and stop worrying about other people.
In every other pharma company the infidelity is much more subtle. The fact that at RB it is so blatant, not hidden at all, makes it way worse. I don't think we need to be exposed to it and I could only be called mosey if I was looking for the gossip! It is thrown in our faces.
As for your "nun" reference, that just goes to show that that you fit in with the RB culture.
I am thankful that I "landed" here. While here I know the right things are being done for the patients in my area as best I can manage...can't say the same for most other areas. You are obviously one of the bad ones!

We have another savior ! Please don't leave, what will the patients do without you saving them all ?
Just another miserable person, unable to deal with their issues like an adult, hiding like a coward behind the internet. Another bully. Unable to deal with people directly, so they come on here and implicate this person and that religion, occupation, person or say its someone who isn't here to defend themselves. What shit. Take your miserable self and contact whomever it is you hate so much and let them have it, like an adult, directly. Quit dragging everyone else in to your miserable lives.
The truth hurts people! Miserable people are not posting here for the most part. It is people who know how crooked and shady the company is. They people who post the truth are either gone or tryi their best to get out. Just be honest for once!!!