London 2014

^^^ it's just the same handful of losers that constantly whine about their conspiracy theories of scripts, off label, managed care, buy out, ect. The other 99% are thrilled we are going .
I'm pissed about the problems caused by the hillbillies and their off label, high dosing, ways, and I'm thrilled to be going to London!

yea things are so bad here at RB that we are taking our field force to London to celebrate our failures - we are lucky to be here and most of us do Count our blessings. Thanks!
Sadly, this is the level of mentality those of us, who really love our work, have to put up with. It seems that the decline in any sort of decency and the ever plummeting morale has culminated in name calling and generalizations about people who have more class, than most of these idiots who insult them.

You would be lucky to even know a hillbilly, asshole, but they wouldn't have you. They are far too decent and kind of people to tolerate your nasty stupidity. Ever open hearted and lacking in your kind of hostility, people of the hills know how to avoid the likes of you.

No wonder a lot of the best people have left, look what we have to put up with.
Sadly, this is the level of mentality those of us, who really love our work, have to put up with. It seems that the decline in any sort of decency and the ever plummeting morale has culminated in name calling and generalizations about people who have more class, than most of these idiots who insult them.

You would be lucky to even know a hillbilly, asshole, but they wouldn't have you. They are far too decent and kind of people to tolerate your nasty stupidity. Ever open hearted and lacking in your kind of hostility, people of the hills know how to avoid the likes of you.

No wonder a lot of the best people have left, look what we have to put up with.

Pot, let me introduce you to kettle.
The remarks were dead on accurate and absolutely why decent people leave here in by the truck load. You hypocrite, are one in the same, bubbling over and over, so go look in the mirror and introduce your pot self to your kettle self.
There will be no acquistion announcement in London if that is what you are hinting at. I was speaking with some Corporate Finance people and they do believe something will be announced by end of year. Several mid size pharma companies interesed in expanding their Pain portfolio and see a fit for Suboxone. Who knows but stay tuned.

Either you dont' work for RB or if you do, you have shit for brains. Really? You think its smart to come on here and start blabbing gossip about something you heard from someone in C. Finance, that might happen at the end of the year. Shit, bet you were the class mouth piece for gossip in high school. STFUP idiot!!1