List of funny things about this company

22. They time stamp when you look at your IMS data. Seriously? WTF. Are they not aware there is pretty much wireless internet access um, EVERYWHERE? I guess if I am waiting in a doctors office I should just read People magazine instead of getting work done. Oh wait, I need to get all of my work done during my personal time. That's in the company handbook.

It's stupid stuff like that, that cause people to try and get other jobs.
Also, I can tell you that for me it's the lack of work life balance. It's the baby sitting and no time off that gets me. There is so much better out there and if Strativa wants to keep employees in this industry, then they better sharpen their pencil a little.

23. They give us stock bottles of Oravig and then pretty much tell us where we have to leave them. God forbid we use our brains. Then, of course, there is a list that is published of who went outside of the "guidelines" they gave us. Wouldn't it be easier for home office to just mail them to the doctors they want? Oh wait, then they would have to have the doctor to agree to accept the samples which most of them don't even want. We have to figure out ways to trick the high-deciles into taking them.

24. The company decided to shift focus once again (shocker) and many reps who were golden last quarter now find themselves at the bottom, and many who got their ass reamed on a daily basis because they "weren't producing" in Q1 now find themselves at the top. Why even try anymore? There is no consistency in targets so how in the hell can you accuratley judge my impact? It's pure luck where you show up on rankings here.

Once again my high decile doctors tell me they are not seeing thrush, and yes I have checked with the nurses to see if ALL their thrush comes from call ins....IT DOESNT!! Great targets yet again.

wow.... your complaining and whining sounds just like an...... wait for it..... AN INFANT! Leave then. I have worked at some places that were worse... some a little better. remember.... THEY CALL IT WORK FOR A REASON..... make as much money as you can when your here then move on..... no one is getting a gold watch from strativa 30 years from now

Hey Ph....wait for it.....try not to be as obvious about your posts. And here is a funny thing.....wait for it.... I'm one of the employees you chose to keep. I'll milk strativa until I find a real job and......wait for it....double dip til you idiots fire me. BTW how did YOUR recent interviews go?

Hey Ph....wait for it.....try not to be as obvious about your posts. And here is a funny thing.....wait for it.... I'm one of the employees you chose to keep. I'll milk strativa until I find a real job and......wait for it....double dip til you idiots fire me. BTW how did YOUR recent interviews go?

Hey TC,

How'd your ES numbers look? Not too good huh?!?! Maybe that's why you got canned. Might have been different had you actually worked instead of golfed and let friends sign your computer. Don't be so bitter towards PH. He'll be the best manager you'll ever have.

BTW, how's it feel that your wife is the bread winner bitch!

That brings up a good opinion question.........

Who is worse the butt kisser(AD) or the person that makes decisions based on who kisses their butt(RP) IDK, but can't wait to get thoughts.