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List all the things you need to do before December 20th

1) You will be given the option to purchase your company vehicle if you get cut. So, if you think you might want to buy your vehicle then take it to the auto shop and get everything fixed, replaced or tuned up (tires, belts, fluids, etc).

2) Secondly, take care of any healthcare related needs now - if possible, get any procedures done before Dec. 20th.

3) Update your resume and cover letter - create two or three versions for the different types of jobs you'll be applying for.

4) Start networking TODAY! - don't wait until after you get cut, test the waters NOW and see what is out there.

5) Lastly, STOP WORKING. Don't lift a finger for Pfizer until you find out your fate. Pfizer has no right to ask you to keep pretending like it's business as usual - use these next two weeks to DO WHAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU - NOT WHAT'S RIGHT FOR PFIZER.

do as many lunches as possible. Buy extra water, soda, etc and stockpile it at home. I would try and order extra food and take it home for dinner, thus delaying how soon you have to buy your own food. Same thing applies to office supplies. If you have a travel territory spend the night out often and enjoy your last days of Pfizer employment.

1) You will be given the option to purchase your company vehicle if you get cut. So, if you think you might want to buy your vehicle then take it to the auto shop and get everything fixed, replaced or tuned up (tires, belts, fluids, etc).

2) Secondly, take care of any healthcare related needs now - if possible, get any procedures done before Dec. 20th.

3) Update your resume and cover letter - create two or three versions for the different types of jobs you'll be applying for.

4) Start networking TODAY! - don't wait until after you get cut, test the waters NOW and see what is out there.

5) Lastly, STOP WORKING. Don't lift a finger for Pfizer until you find out your fate. Pfizer has no right to ask you to keep pretending like it's business as usual - use these next two weeks to DO WHAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU - NOT WHAT'S RIGHT FOR PFIZER.

I was a 2009 lay-off "victim". Every thing listed here is very sage and wise. I bought the company car because it was 30 percent less then bluebook. I recently sold it for my purchase price, so for 3 years I theoretically had my car for free. Let's hope the same courtesy is extended to you folks.

Whether you bite the bullet now or a year from now (as time progresses your future will only get more dismal); try to network and find other employment. Packages historically get worse, not better.

Please please realize that the money gleaned in this career is dust in the wind for the majority of you. IT'S A FACT. Reset your mind to accept a far lesser pay. The job you pass up at 35-40 grand because of your pride may not come along so readily.

Jobs now want you to work like you are earning 120 grand a year but pay 35-50 grand (and the 50 grand is available only if you are really really fortunate).

I'm not trying to be ugly but just giving you all a reality check.

save, save, save...

Print off Preformace Reviews, Territory Sales Numbers anything that proves you were a successful sales representative. You will loose access to Report Browser shortly after termination.

Print off Preformace Reviews, Territory Sales Numbers anything that proves you were a successful sales representative. You will loose access to Report Browser shortly after termination.

Start ordering magazine subscriptions and 1-800 Flowers for your BDay now...before they close up the card !!!!!!!!!!!!
Also..perhaps a few "strategic" customer meetings to be pre-paid before New Years Eve ????

do as many lunches as possible. Buy extra water, soda, etc and stockpile it at home. I would try and order extra food and take it home for dinner, thus delaying how soon you have to buy your own food. Same thing applies to office supplies. If you have a travel territory spend the night out often and enjoy your last days of Pfizer employment.

I do this already

Pfizer encrypts their blackberries, so you need to email your pics to a personal email account (you cannot download to a computer), get all your contacts off manually (my verizon store couldn't transfer them to my new phone because of the encryption), etc. Do it now cuz it takes a while. If you get severed, wipe the blackberry.

Get on Medreps and start interviewing NOW!! I saw the writing on the wall and got out a few months ago - pay raise with an awesome pharma company. There are good jobs out there. Network with the reps you know from other companies, ask your favorite drs to give your resume to any manager who comes through the door (with their recommendation), and go to your big manager-friendly office buildings, with your resume, ready to give it and a short message to any manager who crosses your path. Spending your time and energy this way will get you a lot further than trying to defraud Pfizer out of a few meals. And, I'm not saying this because I'm any fan of Pfizer - I think it's a complete POS company, esp. after Ian took over. I think most of the management is a bunch of ass-kissing, sh** slinging losers. But, they'll be looking for expense fraud and if you give them a for-cause reason to terminate you, you won't get your severance. Take sick days if you need time to accomplish any of this.

Don't go to PDI or Publicis looking to get on their contract. After the 2009 layoff, Pfizer stipulated that Publicis wasn't allowed to hire anyone who had worked for Pfizer in the past year.

I agree with fixing your car up if you want to buy it (new tires, etc), cash out the ACE points in gift cards, print out pay stubs, report cards, 401K, FSA, and refill all of your RX's now. Pfizer's medical benefits are awesome and the more you can store up, the better off you'll be. And, change all of your account email addresses for 401K, etc to personal email address.

And P.S. if you're selling the Pristiq, Toviaz, PVC bag, watch out. Unless your counterpart is a complete disaster (bad numbers and ratings, DBM doesn't like and lives out of territory), you're going to be the one to go.

I was a 2009 lay-off "victim". Every thing listed here is very sage and wise. I bought the company car because it was 30 percent less then bluebook. I recently sold it for my purchase price, so for 3 years I theoretically had my car for free. Let's hope the same courtesy is extended to you folks.

Whether you bite the bullet now or a year from now (as time progresses your future will only get more dismal); try to network and find other employment. Packages historically get worse, not better.

Please please realize that the money gleaned in this career is dust in the wind for the majority of you. IT'S A FACT. Reset your mind to accept a far lesser pay. The job you pass up at 35-40 grand because of your pride may not come along so readily.

Jobs now want you to work like you are earning 120 grand a year but pay 35-50 grand (and the 50 grand is available only if you are really really fortunate).

I'm not trying to be ugly but just giving you all a reality check.

save, save, save...

Great advise!!

1) You will be given the option to purchase your company vehicle if you get cut. So, if you think you might want to buy your vehicle then take it to the auto shop and get everything fixed, replaced or tuned up (tires, belts, fluids, etc).

2) Secondly, take care of any healthcare related needs now - if possible, get any procedures done before Dec. 20th.

3) Update your resume and cover letter - create two or three versions for the different types of jobs you'll be applying for.

4) Start networking TODAY! - don't wait until after you get cut, test the waters NOW and see what is out there.

5) Lastly, STOP WORKING. Don't lift a finger for Pfizer until you find out your fate. Pfizer has no right to ask you to keep pretending like it's business as usual - use these next two weeks to DO WHAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU - NOT WHAT'S RIGHT FOR PFIZER.

Also spot on. problem is that networking ony works if you have been doing it with key people all along. If you do this now and never reached out - you get no where.

Pfizer encrypts their blackberries, so you need to email your pics to a personal email account (you cannot download to a computer), get all your contacts off manually (my verizon store couldn't transfer them to my new phone because of the encryption), etc. Do it now cuz it takes a while. If you get severed, wipe the blackberry.

Get on Medreps and start interviewing NOW!! I saw the writing on the wall and got out a few months ago - pay raise with an awesome pharma company. There are good jobs out there. Network with the reps you know from other companies, ask your favorite drs to give your resume to any manager who comes through the door (with their recommendation), and go to your big manager-friendly office buildings, with your resume, ready to give it and a short message to any manager who crosses your path. Spending your time and energy this way will get you a lot further than trying to defraud Pfizer out of a few meals. And, I'm not saying this because I'm any fan of Pfizer - I think it's a complete POS company, esp. after Ian took over. I think most of the management is a bunch of ass-kissing, sh** slinging losers. But, they'll be looking for expense fraud and if you give them a for-cause reason to terminate you, you won't get your severance. Take sick days if you need time to accomplish any of this.

Don't go to PDI or Publicis looking to get on their contract. After the 2009 layoff, Pfizer stipulated that Publicis wasn't allowed to hire anyone who had worked for Pfizer in the past year.

I agree with fixing your car up if you want to buy it (new tires, etc), cash out the ACE points in gift cards, print out pay stubs, report cards, 401K, FSA, and refill all of your RX's now. Pfizer's medical benefits are awesome and the more you can store up, the better off you'll be. And, change all of your account email addresses for 401K, etc to personal email address.

And P.S. if you're selling the Pristiq, Toviaz, PVC bag, watch out. Unless your counterpart is a complete disaster (bad numbers and ratings, DBM doesn't like and lives out of territory), you're going to be the one to go.

- First advice, don't listen to this person's advice. You can download your pics on blackberry to your personal computer. You just have to google the blackberry software and install on your Personal PC. Its easy.
- It would be illegal for a company to stipulate to another company hiring restrictions, without the written consent from the employee. I've known several layoffed Pfizer reps. get on with Publicis and PDI.
- If it sounds like nonsense, it is nonsense and don't listen to it.

Don't have to hurry to take care of all your medical needs - you do get paid (at active employee) medical for the length of your severance, and another 18 months after that at full (unsubsidized) rates - which are astronomical compared to active rates but at least you can have something if you have prior conditions while you look around for cheaper health insurance.

Don't need to cash out ACE - you will receive a debit card for the full amount a few months from your notification date.

Do look for life insurance if you need it - you will only receive 1x annual salary if that with the new plan, for the length of your severance. No disability insurance, or anything beyond medical/dental offered.

Do copy all reports, etc. to a flash drive - but again, you have a little time after notification, not everything is shut down right away. You will have a computer, a car, etc. for a few more weeks after Dec 20 if you are let go. Your printer and blackberry remain your property (not worth collecting).

If you are allowed to look for another job within Pfizer, and it is not local, moving will be at your own expense.

Do hold back some of your severance check in reserve for additional taxes - the severance may throw you into a higher bracket, AMT, etc. and of course, tax rates may change some in 2013 when you will get your check.

Pay off bills when possible to lower financial stress level, try not to lose too much sleep - it won't change the outcome. If you are retained, think hard about how many times you care to live through this. It gets harder each time.

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