For your information, you need to speak to the higher ups at Lincare. The Lincare sales reps are being told to get with the Brovana/Perforamist reps. The higher-ups are telling the Lincare reps that the Dey reps are lazy, and that is why the Lincare reps aren't being called back. If you guys were open and honest with the Lincare sales reps, they would understand. Playing games does no one any favors.
The Lincare reps claim we are lazy. I spoke to one of three lincare reps that cover my docs. At one point she mentioned the other reps out of her office and said you know you have spoken to them. I said no and she said, "well, they said they left you messages." BULL****. We get bitched out from MS on conference call that we are not calling them back. They are lying to there managers if they are claiming they are trying to get in touch with us. Lazy my a**!!!!!!!!