Lilly Sticks It To Retirees On Insurance Premiums

Who the hell are you? I'd love to meet you and kick the living shit out of you, you insensitive bastard! Is that your answer for everything? It's always MY fault for where I am? No outside influences were at play? What are you some throwback to EST training? Are you the Bert Convey character from Semi Tough? Everyone is an asshole and it's entirely their fault that insurance premiums are going up while the fat cats up top line their pockets? Are you serious? Get real. I hope you get bitten in the ass by reality someday when you get older....if you should make it that far before someone caps your ass!

Oh, I like the way you handle yourself, such a manly man. First you determine someone mindset ("insensitive bastard", in this case), then your reaction is just as stupid ("kick the living shit out of you").
Yep, you will go far in the corporate world. Might even be able to hold a job for a year or two someplace. Maybe at Big Bob's Auto Wrecking, or Hank's Well Drilling Service..
The previous poster was not an "insensitive bastard", but was merely pointing out the facts that the original whiner was taking no responsibility for where they ended up. So why not try to get over you biceps and steriod-induced rages and your embarrassment of such little, tiny, odd-shaped balls, and settle down to be able to read a post with understanding and insight and not end up raising your blood pressure even more.

Listen jerkoff. I won't argue that I was well paid at WeLieLillys. I did save for my retirement. I had nothing to do with the debacle of 2008! I also have no power over controlling what Lilly does in changing my health benefits after I retire. I think you're missing the point. Most retirees, especially ones that retired before the economic shit storm, did well. But they are all caught in the same trap. Reduced benefits and increased premiums. But upper mgmt. isn't tuned in to this situation. They have parachutes and much coin in the bank. My retirement stipend is fixed but my premiums keep going up. Since when does a CEO deserve to make 100x my salary? Do you really think they do that much work for the company? You're either a very young, naive asshole who has a bitter outlook on life or your an HR plant just putting stuff on this post to cause people to feel like it's their fault the company is failing. Whichever it is, I DO hope life bites you right on the ass. Then I want to hear you justify you situation. have a nice day asshole!

So who is to stay our CEO shouldn't earn 200 or 300X your salary? You? Haaaaaaaaaaa.
And of course the execs have a ton of money and perks and retirement bennies; they are Executives, and I will be a lot more difficult to replace than YOU are! You will just have to take my work for it because you will never believe it on your own ego-centric brain power.

There is no longer going to be a pension, as lilly will get rid of you before you qualify...
Here is the number one question being asked today ...Ok what should I do after last weeks conference call? Look at what the offer is... DR is being extremely generous and who in the world gets this wonderful opportunity, This is not even up for debate, you have been targeted and if you don't leave you will will be outa here by March end. Why were you targeted?? Because you make way toooooo much Denero and you don't speaka da language, and you are an old fart, so get use to it, don't say poor me. This was a 5 year plan to reduce the enormous dollars we have paid many of the most successful managers, reps and directors and currently you. You are asking why me, because you were the very best Lilly had/has, and you make a shit load of mola$$, you are over 50 and you don't have a diverse bone in yo bod. Also for Lilly to drop this very expensive talent pool over the past 4 to 5 years, it means one thing..Merger time... With Obama care taking existence it only means bad profits in the future for pharma companies, And companies cannot afford any more products not making it to market. If you think you can hang in there because of connections or you are the darling rep.... It isn't going to happen there is one more phase to go and only two to 5 percent will hang, or stay on and those are the tokens that shouldn't a been on the old farts list in the first place only to make it look super duper, (you know the rest). This is why you need to look for a new career, and get out of pharma. Hope this helps and just know that for every sales rep or manager on the sales side it you can get rid of 4 to 6 individuals in manufacturing or in other parts of the company. This is a targeted sales rep and manager get outa Lillys "Leave" program and Lilly could not be kinder, it is time for you to say Adios to this great company and don't look back. Hope I helped you with this important decision. if you don't take the offer you are outa here anyway. See you in Starbucks but this time it will be on your dime.

Indiana is filled with rednecks that would just love to be in your cash strapped position. And by the way, I am in HR. Obviously you've never had a real job or you'd know just how blessed your been. John may not deserve $20 million a year, but there many people out there that don't believe you deserved that big Lilly paycheck and annual bonus. They would also ask, what have you done to deserve a bigger paycheck than they get. Jealousy always precedes the whining.
Here is the scoop..
the number one question being asked...Ok what should I do after yesterdays conference call? Look at what the offer is... DR is being extremely generous and who in the world gets this wonderful opportunity, This is not even up for debate, you have been targeted and if you don't leave you will will be outa here by March end. Why were you targeted?? Because you make way toooooo much Denero and you don't speaka da language, and you are an old fart, so get use to it, don't say poor me. This was a 5 year plan to reduce the enormous dollars we have paid many of the most successful managers, reps and directors and currently you. You are asking why me, because you were the very best Lilly had/has, and you make a shit load of mola$$, you are over 50 and you don't have a diverse bone in yo bod. Also for Lilly to drop this very expensive talent pool over the past 4 to 5 years, it means one thing..Merger time... With Obama care taking existence it only means bad profits in the future for pharma companies, And companies cannot afford any more products not making it to market. If you think you can hang in there because of connections or you are the darling rep.... It isn't going to happen there is one more phase to go and only two to 5 percent will hang, or stay on and those are the tokens that shouldn't a been on the old farts list in the first place only to make it look super duper, (you know the rest). This is why you need to look for a new career, and get out of pharma. Hope this helps and just know that for every sales rep or manager on the sales side it you can get rid of 4 to 6 individuals in manufacturing or in other parts of the company. This is a targeted sales rep and manager get outa Lillys "Leave" program and Lilly could not be kinder, it is time for you to say Adios to this great company and don't look back. Hope I helped you with this important decision. if you don't take the offer you are outa here anyway. See you in Starbucks but this time it will be on your dime.

When I first hired on at Lilly's bacl in the late 60's all I ever heard from Lilly management was you'll have free Lily products for life, Free healthcare for life and retirees always talked about the HCL to their retirement pay when coming back in for a free lunch they were always happy as a lark. I retired in 98 and things started out well eought but soon started changing. What Lilly needed then was an union and some of this crap would not be going on now