Listen jerk, he was clearly lied to with promises of "oh we are Lilly we will take care of you" the same way I was promised life long job security, the same way the Lilly Clinic patients were promised life long medical care.
If this corporation is a person, as the Supreme Court maintains, it's a liar.
Pure and simple. Say what you will, you, and the company, are liars.
Lilly will take care of you? Did you get that in writing? Of course not, because it was some hack HR rep that told you that. Lilly never committed to taking care of you. This isn't Never, Never Land. If you believed Lilly was going to take care of you, then I have some prime swamp land I'd like to sell you cheap. Are you really that gullible? I suppose you worked 60 hour weeks for 20 years because you knew Lilly would take care of you. Well, at least that HR tactic worked on you. They certainly got their money's worth from you. Don't worry about your insurance, I'm sure Lilly will take care of you. I know they will because HR told me so.