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Lilly Has Death Wish


Can Lilly do any more things that are wrong ? They are depressing the remaining people. They have jobs not careers and for sometime no future. Move on for your sanity and securit! Wait we can always count on the "Brand Teams " LMAO

RT sold the company soul in a deal with the devil during the Clinton years. We are now paying the check.

Wanna hear something funny? I was at Lilly during RT's rule and I had to pretend to respect this mafioso-wannabe and his lying cohorts for several years!

Former U.S. AID director Randall Tobias, who resigned yesterday upon admitting that he frequented a Washington escort service, oversaw a controversial policy advocated by the religious right that required any US-based group receiving anti-AIDS funds to take an anti-prostitution “loyalty oath.”

Aid groups bitterly opposed the policy, charging that it “was so broad — and applied even to their private funds — that it would obstruct their outreach to sex workers who are at high risk of transmitting the AIDS virus.” But President Bush wouldn’t budge. He signed a 2003 National Security Presidential Directive saying prostitution “and related activities” were “inherently harmful and dehumanizing.”

Several groups and countries had their funding cut due to the policy. Brazil lost $40 million for “one of its most successful anti-AIDS strategies, persuading sex workers to use condoms or other measures to stop spreading the disease.”

During an “Ask the White House” online chat in 2004, Tobias defended the policy, saying the U.S. was “partnering with communities” to begin “fighting sex trafficking and prostitution, while still serving victims of these activities.” Tobias added that he was overseeing several “highly successful” relationship programs “aimed at men and boys to help them develop healthy relationships with women.”

A truly inspired idea, having someone who pays for “gals come over to the condo to give me a massage” run programs on developing “healthy relationships with women.”

RT led the demise of Lilly, but like many noble institutions it has hung around on life support (e.g., Sears), so someone else will be blamed. Don't get me wrong ST and JL have lots of ownership. Among agencies, Fipnet = failure inside pharmaceutical numbskulls expected tomorrow, so get your pound of flesh now while you can. INM is a colossal failure. CROs can't be trusted. Mgmt consultants are eating us alive. Outsourcing leads to very bad quality and high costs, if you consider direct and indirect. RT led the profit is all that matters bandwagon.