Life in Warsaw

You're kidding right? A yaht on lake Winona. That's pretty funny. You can stand on the stern, or bow, or starboard side.......whatever those things are called and view the light as it shimmers off one of the many Winnebagos that line the shores of that mud puddle.

To all of you self righteous detractors or Indiana: there are plenty of people here that are smarter, better educated, better looking, with hot daughters, hotter wives without mustaches and hairy, fat bellies, that make a hell of a lot more money than you smug, coast dwellers. Sitting in traffic, waiting to inch through toll booths, going through drivethroughs for a Dunkin Donuts coffee is so exciting. Scratch tickets, Bonanza bus to Atlantic City, jellyfish at the Jersey Shore: oh boy. What exit do live at? Did I see you at the diner the other night? Sorry your kid got beat up in school today. Maybe if he joined a gang he wouldn't get his ass kicked. Do you like the produce better at Shaw's or ShopRite?

Get over yourselves. You're overworked, unhappy, outta shape, in debt up to your eyeballs, with a sh*tty boss and a job you hate. You spend more than you make. The Winter sucks, taxes are high and getter higher. Your car got stolen last month and your house has been broken into twice. Your kids are insecure and hate you. Your wife's having an affair with Guido at the deli. But take comfort: you don't live in Northern Indiana!

To all of you self righteous detractors or Indiana: there are plenty of people here that are smarter, better educated, better looking, with hot daughters, hotter wives without mustaches and hairy, fat bellies, that make a hell of a lot more money than you smug, coast dwellers. Sitting in traffic, waiting to inch through toll booths, going through drivethroughs for a Dunkin Donuts coffee is so exciting. Scratch tickets, Bonanza bus to Atlantic City, jellyfish at the Jersey Shore: oh boy. What exit do live at? Did I see you at the diner the other night? Sorry your kid got beat up in school today. Maybe if he joined a gang he wouldn't get his ass kicked. Do you like the produce better at Shaw's or ShopRite?

Get over yourselves. You're overworked, unhappy, outta shape, in debt up to your eyeballs, with a sh*tty boss and a job you hate. You spend more than you make. The Winter sucks, taxes are high and getter higher. Your car got stolen last month and your house has been broken into twice. Your kids are insecure and hate you. Your wife's having an affair with Guido at the deli. But take comfort: you don't live in Northern Indiana!

I would put up with all of that to not live in N. Indiana. BTW, all of the arguements against N. Indiana on this board a pretty much based in fact. Your rant is, well, B.S. and just shows how unhappy you really are. Country boy.

I traveled to Warsaw a couple of times for site visits when I worked in the device industry. Yeah, it was a po-dunk town with nothing to do, and I wouldn't want to live there if single. However, for a middle aged married person, seems like it would be ok. Decent cost of living to earnings ratio back when I bothered to check. I haven't been there for over 10 years so not sure how it may have changed.

I traveled to Warsaw a couple of times for site visits when I worked in the device industry. Yeah, it was a po-dunk town with nothing to do, and I wouldn't want to live there if single. However, for a middle aged married person, seems like it would be ok. Decent cost of living to earnings ratio back when I bothered to check. I haven't been there for over 10 years so not sure how it may have changed.

Hahahahahahahahahaha....change, in Warsaw.....hahahahahahahaha! Nothing changes in Warsaw!! Brothers and sisters are still sleeping together and raising some crazy babies!!

Hahahahahahahahahaha....change, in Warsaw.....hahahahahahahaha! Nothing changes in Warsaw!! Brothers and sisters are still sleeping together and raising some crazy babies!!

Never lived in Warsaw, only visited a couple of times, but I gotta go with the Indiana boys on this one. I live in a southern metro area with > 1M people, but if I had to choose between Warsaw or some urban coastal shit hole infested with ethnic gangs, jersey shore guidos, unwashed hippies, toll booths, crowded subways, insane taxes, hyper-inflated real estate, plastic gold-digging whores, etc. then I'm moving to Warsaw. I lived on the west coast for a few years, and that was a few too many for me, unless you're talking about some rural inland location in the Pacific north-west. On the east coast, my idea of a good place to live would be in the Carolinas, New Hampshire, or Maine.

I will let you hear from another vioce of experience. I was with Zimeer for 15 years before moving on to J&J and Medtronic.

Yes some of the lakes nearby can accomodate what we call a yaught here in Calfornia. Not Winona Lake, but there some impressive boats on Lake Tippecanoe a few miles north.

Zimmer has seen considerable turn-over over the last 20 years. However, some of that was related to Bristol Myers giving execs only a few years to grow numbers to meet Bristol's crazy mandated earnings levels.

I have no knowledge of current management. Zimmer had good and bad in the past, and that does cause turnoever. However, many simple go to DePuy, Biomet, or Medtronic Spine also in Warsaw.

Warsaw isn't Mayberry, but it is a pleasant place to live. People can make their own fun and entertainment. We entertained a lot with all types of parties. Fort Wayne has excellent theater, concerts, and minor league sports. Warsaw has active sports leagues that anyone can get involved in. My favorite was coaching a ladies softball team! Fun in a small town like Warsaw is participatory, not spectator.

Maybe Warsaw isn't for everyone, but don't disparage those who like it. They aren't all hicks or rubes.

Warsaw is certainly not the hub of activity. That's what vacations are for!

Never slept with my brother, I do not live in a mobile home, I do not grow corn,
There is inbreeding, incest, etc. EVERYWHERE. There are mobile homes EVERYWHERE. And if Indiana farmers did not grow corn, etc. What would you self-righteous coastal-dwellers have to eat?
Get over yourselves. Warsaw may not be the cultural capital of the world. We may not have NBA,NFL,NHL, etc teams in our back yards, but how many idiotic reality tv shows with Guidos and Bettys and idiots who don't know to slow down the first time they file bankruptcy do you see polluting the cable channels from Warsaw, Indiana?

No, Warsaw, is not a perfect place to live for everybody, but there is no ideal place for everybody. If nightlife and constant activity is your thing, don't bother.

Oh and by the way, We drink Budweiser and Boone's farm around a bonfire with good friends that we went to high school with 25 years ago because we WANT to.

Now THAT'S valid. Have you seen the parameters? This is also the publication that said that DePuke, Iowa is a top spot to retire. Great place to raise kids doesnt' translate into great place to live. Everyone says Warsaw is a great place to live. Equivalent to "She has a great personality".

Is Columbia City a new town? Why didn't it even come up any of these battles two years ago? Nothing seemed to change from the company talk back then to now....

It's a diamond in the rough. Short commute, no drug/gang problems like in Ft. Wayne, no inflated home prices like you'd find in Warsaw and Ft. Wayne. Quick 20 minutes to anywhere you'd want to go.

Agreed. It is just that surrounding areas and Warsaw is not for everyone. Lots of good people, but subpar restaurants and shopping. Many wives enjoy dining and shopping. Just be sure your move to Columbia City, or where ever near Warsaw, does not cost you your family.

It is real simple. Do the research on the area and know what you are getting into. If you want fancy gourmet restaurants, opera and five star shopping experiences, why would you move to Warsaw/Columbia City/Fort Wayne? Find a job in Chicago or Boston and be happy there. If you like a more laid-back environment, hunting, fishing, boating, camping, smaller safer schools and a lower cost of living - the Warsaw area is a nice place to live. Sure, you have to eat at Applebees and shop at Kohls. But you know what you are getting.
I grow very weary of people taking jobs in non-metropolitan areas and then spend half their time whining about what a lousy place it is to live. Please, do everyone a favor and move somewhere where you will be happy. I sit next to someone who constantly moans about having to live in "Warsawtucky' and how you can't get good italian food here. Like someone forced them to live here. It is what it is and it isn't going to change because you don't like it.

Agreed. It is just that surrounding areas and Warsaw is not for everyone. Lots of good people, but subpar restaurants and shopping. Many wives enjoy dining and shopping. Just be sure your move to Columbia City, or where ever near Warsaw, does not cost you your family.

Don't the wives have jobs, too?