Life in Warsaw



If Warsaw is such a f*cking great place then why the f*ck didn't your kids move back there so that your grandkids could have the benefit of living there? Seems that your kids will be guilty of child abuse if they raise their kids anywhere else.

If Warsaw is such a f*cking great place then why the f*ck didn't your kids move back there so that your grandkids could have the benefit of living there? Seems that your kids will be guilty of child abuse if they raise their kids anywhere else.

I should have known better than to try to have an intelligent exchange on CafePharma. Heaven help the folks who really value the advice some of you share.

If you really want a reply, no major financial firms have trading centers in small town USA nor are there major pharma firms there!

If Warsaw is such a f*cking great place then why the f*ck didn't your kids move back there so that your grandkids could have the benefit of living there? Seems that your kids will be guilty of child abuse if they raise their kids anywhere else.

Obviously they aren't a real class act like you!

CafePharma assholes strike again. Probably just finished his first bottle.

Obviously, whether life in northern Indiana is good or bad is a matter of opinion. I am curious what detractors of Indiana are referring to that is so superior elsewhere. This thread has references to how little there is to do in Indiana and how much other places have to offer. Like? The common answers are things like restaurants or culture. Like most of this boards readers are standing pondering works of art at the Guggenheim. What you DON"T have in northern Indiana are sitting in lines of traffic, long commutes, smog, impossible parking, kids getting 'beat down' on school buses, fear of being out after dark in city, to mention a few of the ameneties of big city life. How about the beach? Not too many swimming in the oceans off L.A., S.F, Boston, NYC, Chicago, or Philly. The local lake life in Indiana is awesome. And no critters in the water. No matter what the superior Indiana bashers think of themselves or Indiana, remember, there are plenty of people there that are smarter, better looking, better educated, that make a hell of a lot more money than you. I say, give northern Indiana a try. You can always move back home to the superior crowd if you don't like it.

Stop with the rationalization. Face it. Life in N. Indiana sucks and the podunks that stay are not smart enough to get the hell out. Most kids graduating from the high school in Warsaw aspire to working in the ortho company's manufacturing floors and living in a double wide. More dope and pregant teens in Warsaw than in most metro areas.

Amen! You are right, I have lived in many parts of the country, both big and small cities. Each is good in its unique way, that doesn't make another place worse....just different.

All those who bash Indiana, great!....stay away. It will be less crowded and congested without you.

I was raised in the Fort Wayne area, and went on to work at Zimmer and DePuy for many years while living in Warsaw. If what is important in life for you is front row NBA / NFL seats and dining out at a different restaurant every night, Warsaw or even Fort Wayne is not for you. I have lived in Atlanta, Santa Barbara, LA, and now Tampa. All wonderful places to live.

Fort Wayne was also a wonderful place to live for me, although the sports were of a different caliber, the dining more limited, and beaches were not to be found. However, the commute from the western suburbs wasn't bad. 45 minutes for me in good weather which is about what I have here or when I commuted in California. Cost of living is low, and if you choose your area well the schools are excellent. Even the local colleges are good, offering MBA and other "recreational" learning. Decent dining, although more limited than some areas of the country. Social scene is what you make of it. I and my family had no problems finding a good circle of friends whereever we land. Fort Wayne airport was very good with United and Delta connecting into town via Chicago and other major hubs. I found that I could build points fast by preferring one of these carriers for business travel.

Warsaw is a small town where you can be a big fish in a small pond if you desire. Surrounding lakes offer wonderful waterfront living at a cost not found in larger cities. Fishing and water skiing are popular on the lakes. Recreational snow skiing is an hour and a half north in Michigan and was surprizingly affordable for family plans. My kids blossomed on those little hills, gaining self-confidence and getting exercise during those winter months. The short drive to Zimmer, DePuy, Biomet, or Medtronic is also nice for those who are used to spending hours behind the wheel every day. Yes, the community does have it's characters (but inbreeding??) as did Mayberry and Andy Griffith, but I've found those types everywhere that I have lived. Restaurants are limited, but there are a few good ones including the country clubs. I lived there for many years, I traveled a lot for business, building up huge points with all the major airlines and hotels. Sometimes we would just hit Chicago for a weekend with all those hotel rewards and get our taste of big city living & dining & culture.

I realize that it is a sport to knock living in Indiana, but it is not really the edge of civilization!

Is it perfect, NO....but where is. Here is another Readers Digest version:

"Its a small town, high salaries, low unemployment, good healthcare, many churches, great schools, affordable housing, low taxes, no traffic, lots of recreational opportunities and a Midwestern work ethic you probably know nothing of....."

I'll stay here, you stay there.....we will be just fine without you!

Is it perfect, NO....but where is. Here is another Readers Digest version:

"Its a small town, high salaries, low unemployment, good healthcare, many churches, great schools, affordable housing, low taxes, no traffic, lots of recreational opportunities and a Midwestern work ethic you probably know nothing of....."

I'll stay here, you stay there.....we will be just fine without you!

Slow down tiger, you are way over selling it now. High salaries at Zimmer? That's a huge joke! Good healthcare? Sure, as long as you pay for it out of your own pocket, Zimmer has done nothing but cut benefits for the past five years. Many churches? Hurray, more bible hugging simpletons running around always enrich a community!! I will have to trust you when you say "we will be just fine without you," evidence to the contrary suggests otherwise!

Is it perfect, NO....but where is. Here is another Readers Digest version:

"Its a small town, high salaries, low unemployment, good healthcare, many churches, great schools, affordable housing, low taxes, no traffic, lots of recreational opportunities and a Midwestern work ethic you probably know nothing of....."

I'll stay here, you stay there.....we will be just fine without you!

Give me a break. I lived there for a short time. It's boring. Many churches? So what. High salaries? Not really. It's all relative. When the majority of the folks' consider it a success when they move from a single to a double wide trailor, it ain't hard to be a big fish in a small bowl. No traffic? BFD. Most of the kids there are considered a success if they graduate high school, don't get busted for drugs, only have 4 kids by the time they are 19 and can live in a house without wheels.

Geeeez! Must have touched a nerve. Could the last couple of posters be former Zimmer employees who couldn't cut it?

Smart, super talented people are leaving ZMH in huge numbers these days, that's a fact. Yes, Warsaw is a dump but, the bigger problem is that the ZMH senior management team doesn't understand orthopaedics, simple. Check the record if you don't believe me, anyone with any kind of background in ortho is abandoning this company as fast as humanly possible.....

That has been the history of Zimmer for the last 20+ years. Can anyone count the number of Presidents/CEO's, VP's, Group Prod Managers, Prod Managers, Engineers, etc. that have come and gone over the years? Pretty telling!

Agree. Warsaw is not necessarily the's the company and it's culture, or lack of a culture. We all spend most of our waking hours on the job, if that sucks - then everything else sucks!

PEOPLE!. There is more than just Zimmer employing people in Warsaw. The employers aren't the problem. Its the armpit of a town and area in which they are located. These companies can't recruit and retain quality talent because nobody wants to live out their years in a shit hole like Northern Indiana. Yes, these employers all have their issues. What company doesn't. Face it, non-inbred, cultured, smart, driven, non corn raising-pick up truck driving-double wide trailor living-wife beater t-shirt wearing-John Deere hat wearing-Boones Farm drinking people don't think its the place for them.

Just speaking for me, and according to the prior comments, I must be the only person in N. Indiana who: 1) is not in-bred, 2) has culture, 3) is kinda smart, 4) has ambition, 5) has never planted corn, but I do eat it, 6) does not have or drive a pick-up, 7) lives in a stick built house that has NO wheels, 8) has a trailer, but it is for my boat, 9) hasn't beat my wife lately, 10) don't have a John Deere hat - but I do own one of their lawn tractors, 11) really don't care for Boones Farm wine - I prefer a nice California Cab. However I do admit that I have a few T Shirts that I wear on the weekends when I am on my yacht, cruising on the lake.

And....... what wonderful, perfect, part of the country do you live in? Can't you accept the fact that everyone has likes and dislikes that may not be the same as yours...Get over it!