Is there such a thing? Do most corporate people live in surrounding areas? How about Ft. Wayne airport...what should I expect for travel in and out?
Why are you asking? Moving there?
Don't do it. Not even living in Ft. Wayne or South Bend. Both of those places are just overgrown truck stops. Only way to work in Warsaw is to commute from Chicago.
It is terrible. Inbreeding is rampant. Ft. Wayne has terrible gang problems. If you are used to good restaurants, culture, entertainment, pro sports..........basically living well.........northern Indiana is not where you want to be. Seriously, do you want to live where everyone you see in public works in the ortho industry?
My friend Warsaw is in the middle of no where USA. It is 50 miles from any source of civilization and 150 years in the past. If you are white you might, and I stress, might fit in if you are ultra conservative and believe that the Holocaust never happened. I worked at Zimmer for 5 yrs a commuted down to Warsaw from South Bend every day. The drive is mind numbing, and its the same for FT. Wayne which is larger than South Bend but very little to do and nowhere to go. In South Bend you are 90 minutes from Chicago, for what that is worth.
If you plan on living in Warsaw you children will go to a school system ranked near the bottom of the state in their test scores. The locals will scare the living hell out of you with their pick up trucks and the constant rebel yell in your ears. This is the pinnacle of blue collar living and the land of the double wide trailer. My administrative assistants were high school level quality so you will be on your own when pulling together a project of any sophistication. Be advised most of your fellow managers went to the local community colleges or Jr. colleges but their shining stars of stars went to Ball State ( more than likely at the annex in Gas City ). So depending on your background you will either be an intellectual giant that will quickly become annoyed or you will fit right in. If you fit right in you may want to slit your throat because that says a lot of negative things about your abilities.
Wow - you are an absolute moron. I suspect that would be your summation of any place that's not San Fran or New York? I've lived on both coasts as well as Indiana and spend a lot of time in Warsaw. Your stereotypes are off base. True, the pace of life is much slower than many other orthopaedic cities, but the schools are great (academics, sports, other), people are very friendly (just as in most anywhere in the Midwest), and more people outside of the manufacturing floors have advanced degrees than not -- and the majority are in fact transplants from other parts of the country and world. If your description were true then all of Warsaw would have self-destructed by now and not remained the industry Mecca that it is. I do, in fact, find it to be amazing that none of the companies in Warsaw (Zimmer, Biomet, DePuy, and all of the other feeder/OEM companies that support or ankle-bite their businesses) ever decided to uproot to either Chicago or Indy to make it easier to recruit people; but the fact remains that Warsaw has produced the greatest innovations in joint reconstruction over the years. Cost of living is phenominal, particularly if you're coming from the East or West Coasts. Warsaw's not not my cup of tea, but your comments are way off base and unfair to anyone considering a real opportunity with any of the organizations in town.
Seems like you got all the negative responses above. I lived in Warsaw for many years and found it very comfortable. No there aren't a lot of night clubs, and the local theater has only three or four screens. However, you can afford a home on the lakefront, amatuer sports is big for all ages, and people are friendly middle-americans. There is a mix of race and ethnicity, although not like NY or LA. Where ever my family lived, we found that life centered around the friends and neighbors andthe effort we put into our social life.
Summer offers boating, water skiiing, sailing, and the beaches in Warsaw. My family of five really enjoyed driving into Michigan to ski at the mom & pop ski areas during the winter. Some earlier disparaged the local junior colleges & Ball State (best known as Letterman's coolleg), but I found much more of an educated staff base. Indiana University, Purdue, and Michigan State were probably more mumerous than others.
Fort Wayne is a much bigger city. Living on the west side is convenient commuting to Warsaw. 45 minutes to Warsaw compares equals my city traffic commute here. Some great golf course communites there on the west side (check out Sycamore Hills). Can't address the gang question, but there has always been an inner city there, far from suburbia. Lot of community activies and the schools were far better than we found in California or Atlanta. Drug problems in the schools are everywhere we have lived, including here in Florida now. Give these communities a try, you won't disappointed.
In both cities the cost of living is great compared to the coasts. Even country club memberships seemed cheap compared to elswhere. Good luck~!